
A man who became a noble in the underworld bought the mother and daughter of the Guhe family - Chapter 49

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A man who became a noble in the underworld bought the mother and daughter of the Guhe family

A man who became a noble in the underworld bought the mother and daughter of the Guhe family - Chapter 49

"Oh oh……"

Standing in the gathering place of the maids at Toray Garden,

Hikigaya Komachi stretched out her little hand and yawned, her fair little face full of fatigue, and the two tufts of hair on her head also became listless.

"Komachi, didn't you get enough rest yesterday?"

Yukino Yukinoshita, who was standing nearby waiting for the maid head Debra to assign today's tasks, saw that Hikigaya Komachi looked completely listless, so she helped her to straighten the bow around her waist and smooth out the wrinkles on her maid outfit.

"A little bit... Oh, yesterday my brother happily talked to Komachi for a long time, saying that he had received the initial recognition of Earth Greymon, and then Komachi read a book and it was already very late."

Hikigaya Komachi patted her little face, trying to force herself to be alert, but the sleepiness in her eyes did not dissipate at all.

""It actually got the approval of that giant beast, Brother Hachiman is really amazing." Shirogane Kei, who had just squeezed in from the crowd of maids, whispered in surprise.

She had seen with her brother Shirogane Miyuki the huge beast that looked like a hegemon in ancient times.

It was another powerful demon created by the master.

The ancient and violent aura on its body was so savage that ordinary people would be very timid when they saw it from a distance, let alone approval. It was a completely different type of Devimon from the ones they had seen before.

Although Devimon was sometimes chilling, cruel and evil, the ancient and violent ferocity of Earth Greymon was not inferior to this.

Hikigaya Komachi waved her hand and said in a very sabotaging way:"At most, Earth Greymon did not resist being fed."

She remembered it clearly.

Last night when she excitedly asked if she could ride Terra Greymon, her brother had such an awkward and hesitant expression.

What about only the clan leader can ride it!

What about now it has only been preliminarily approved!!

What about...

Anyway, he made a lot of excuses that seemed reasonable but were actually to cover up his own guilty conscience.

Thinking of this,

Hikigaya Komachi felt even more tired and yawned continuously.

Yukinoshita Yukino asked with concern:"Do you want to take half a day off? I remember that Komachi still has a chance to take a leave this month."

"It's okay, Sister Keiyukino."

Hikigaya Komachi shook her head. She and her brother agreed to set aside the days of leave to go to Yamaha Castle to see if they could find any traces of her father and mother. Unlike others, she and her family encountered the collapse of the two worlds and fell into the underworld when they participated in the campus festival held by her brother's Sobu High School.

Fortunately, she and her brother Hikigaya Hachiman fell together.

As for her parents, there was no trace.

When they were in Yamaha Castle before, they had been hiding from place to place and worried about survival. Naturally, they did not have the ability or energy to find traces of their parents.

According to the head maid sister Debra, they were all printed with the emblem of the Eliorg family on their bodies. At least in the territory of Eliorg, other demons would know that they were from Pus Manor when they sensed the emblem.

They would not worry about being beaten and killed like slaves by unhappy demons in Yamaha Castle.

"Sister Yukino and I will share the work for a while, you can find a place to take a nap."Shirogane Kei said.

Yukinoshita Yukino also nodded.

After living and working in Pus Manor for a period of time, they clearly understood that as long as the daily tasks were completed on time with guaranteed quality, it was allowed to slack off a little. It was full of unexpected human touch.

"Thank you, Sister Kei, Sister Yukino."

Hikigaya Komachi showed a sweet smile and thanked Shirogane Kei and Yukinoshita Yukino.

Then, to the surprise of the three girls, in the past, it was the head maid Debra who assigned tasks for the Toray Garden maids in the morning.

But today, she was not seen.

Even the assignment of tasks was presided over by the Xiluo Garden maids Nagisa Furukawa and Sanae Furukawa, and there were several more experienced maids to assist.

"……A maid?!"

Yukinoshita Yukino noticed that many of the maids around her looked at the two similar-looking mother and daughter in front of them, their eyes were full of heat and jealousy.

At present, the Pus Manor has not yet welcomed the real mistress.

The maid living in Xiluo Garden is the highest-ranking woman in the entire Pus Manor.

Naturally, she will attract the desire of countless maids.

The distribution of work tasks was arranged very quickly. Soon it was the turn of the three of them.

"Cleaning the book garden again."

Shirogane Kei, Yukinoshita Yukino, and Hikigaya Komachi looked at each other without any surprise or dissatisfaction.

‘Cleaning the book court is a good and leisurely job.

The tasks related to the main hall courtyard are the most tiring. Because you have to clean every corner in great detail, there can't be any mistakes, but it is also the most popular among the maids. It is where the master lives and where he appears most frequently.

As the saying goes: The one who is close to the water gets the moon first. If you perform well in front of the master, you may be chosen.

Then move out of Dongli Garden and live in Xiluo Garden.

Most of the maids in Pusi Manor have similar ideas.

Often similar tasks will be snatched away by those maids with deep qualifications.

The book court is located in the eastern part of Pusi Manor, not far from Xiluo Garden, Dongli Garden, the main hall courtyard... These places of residence.

It is a two-story courtyard woven by vines and trees in the dense green forest. Standing in it is like being in a jungle with natural scenery.

On the green wood walls, there are naturally grown bookshelves, on which are placed various books collected by the clans over the generations, such as the Abyss Magic, Yin-Yang Taoism, Natural Magic, Arcane Magic, etc. However, there are restrictions on them.

It can prevent theft and ensure that it will not be disturbed by time.

"First check if the restrictions on some of these books are worn out. Komachi, you should sprinkle some food on the places where the elves like to stay."The three girls, Yukinoshita Yukino, started to get busy in the book garden with ease, while Hikigaya Komachi was assigned the easiest job.

The bright light elves here hide during the day and come out at night. They will rest during the day and serve as lighting for the book garden at night.

Because the bright light elves are not creatures of the underworld, they need to be fed every day.

Yukinoshita Yukino carefully checked the wear of the restrictions on the books. If there was serious wear and tear, she would record it and report it to have the worn restrictions repaired to prevent unexpected situations in the future.

And Shirogane was cleaning up the fallen leaves on the ground.

It was already noon.


Shirogane Kei exhaled, and after cleaning up the last of the fallen leaves, he wiped the sweat from his forehead, looked at Hikigaya Komachi who was helping to clean up but whose eyelids were beginning to sag, and said,"Komachi, you should take a break first, and leave the rest to us. What do you want for lunch? I'll leave some for you in the cafeteria, and you can eat it when you wake up.""

"No peppers, no eggplants... the rest are all fine, then Komachi will take a rest."

Originally, Hikigaya Komachi was not so tired, but in the peaceful and refreshing study, the sleepiness kept sweeping over her, making her a little overwhelmed.

Immediately, Hikigaya Komachi casually sat on the large rattan chair woven with vines, curling up her petite body as if she was completely shrunk in it, and it was very easy to ignore her figure if you were not careful.

After cleaning up the last part of the fallen branches.

Yukinoshita Yukino saw that Hikigaya Komachi, who was curled up there, had made a very subtle and cute nasal sound, which made her shake her head. This was not just a lack of rest, but she probably didn't sleep for a few hours yesterday.

"Let's go to the cafeteria"


However, just as Yukinoshita and Shirogane Kei left the book garden, a guest came to the book garden that had been unattended for a long time.


Lin Nuo looked at the little girl who was curled up like a kitten in her seat in the book garden.

Hikigaya Komachi?

Yes, Hikigaya Hachiman's sister!

He didn't ruin the mood by waking her up rudely.

Lin Nuo opened the restrictions on several books, which were all about the rules and details of the ranking game content and various classic duel cases, and then sat on the slightly smaller rattan chair next to it and read them.

Various books in the book garden.

In addition to the accumulation by the successive masters, Debra will also update the corresponding books in real time according to the changes and development of the underworld.

The challenge letters of Sigvira, Sona, and Ravel.

And this first ranking game challenged him and Riser, and the time was determined not long ago.

Just seven days later.

The venue of the ranking game is a different space opened up by Lilith Capital to imitate a battlefield.

At that time, this ranking game with special significance will inevitably attract many pure-blooded demon nobles to watch.

Because of this.

Lin Nuo plans to use these few days to study some ranking games.

Various rules and potential prohibitions of ranking games.

Although Lin Nuo understands the basic rules of ranking games, he has never been interested in ranking games, so most of his understanding is just on paper.

It would be bad if he made a fool of himself in front of everyone.

This kind of last-minute learning is sometimes necessary.

Lin Nuo quietly flipped through the books, and various skills and experiences related to ranking games were also roughly imprinted in his mind.

It made him see different performances of ranking games.

Especially the various skills of using the rules of ranking games, if the two are not much different in strength or dependents, it can indeed play a vital role.

And there are many cases where the king has outstanding command ability and tacit cooperation with his dependents, and the weak has defeated the strong.

Think about it.

If it is really just a game of hard power, ranking games will not become the main theme of the underworld today.

From time to time, there is a breeze.

The young man quietly flipping through the books and the girl curled up like a kitten sleeping soundly.

It is a very beautiful picture.

""Master, the clan leader?!!"

Yukinoshita Yukino and Shirogane Kei came back after lunch.

When they just stepped into the book garden, they saw Lin Nuo sitting on a rattan chair and were startled. Then they looked at Hikigaya Komachi who was sleeping in the rattan chair next to them, and their hearts were in their throats.

The two women became a little overwhelmed, not knowing whether they should go and disturb Hikigaya Komachi to wake her up, or continue to carry out today's task as if nothing had happened.

Yukinoshita Yukino hesitated for a few breaths, knowing that it would be really wrong to stay here, so she gritted her teeth and pulled Shirogane Kei next to her to go to the second floor to clean up the remaining work.

Since the adult has no objection at the moment.

If they disturb or point it out, disturbing the clan leader may cause Hikigaya Komachi and them to be punished.

It is better to pretend that nothing has been seen for the time being.


"Ah...I slept so well.……"

Hikigaya Komachi had completely made up for her sleep. She stretched her body, which was a little uncomfortable because of her sleeping posture, and yawned comfortably.

However, when the sun was setting and the sky was dim,

"Komachi actually slept for so long?!"Hikigaya Komachi asked apologetically:"Sister Kei, Sister Yukino, why didn't you wake Komachi up."

Shirogane Kei and Yukinoshita Yukino looked at each other with complicated expressions.

Shirogane Kei smiled bitterly and said:"We wanted to wake you up, but we didn't dare to act because the master of the clan has been reading a book next to you."

Suddenly, Hikigaya Komachi was stunned.

"When Komachi was slacking off and sleeping, the master was always there?!"

"At least when Kei and I came back from dinner, we saw the master sitting on the rattan chair next to you reading a book, and he only left just now." Yukinoshita Yukino explained


Suddenly, Hikigaya Komachi was completely panicked,"Will Komachi be punished for slacking off and sleeping for the whole afternoon? Will my brother be expelled from the manor and sent back to the slave house again?" She finished her words with anxious tears and self-blame.

She and her brother finally found a safe place to stay in this purgatory-like underworld.

What if she loses it all because of her laziness.

Then, then Komachi...

Thinking of this.

Hikigaya Komachi's eyes turned red and tears slid down her cheeks like pearls. Her expression became extremely self-blaming, as if she had seen that because of her, she and her brother had returned to the slave house left with a deep shadow.

Yukinoshita Yukino hurried over to comfort her,"Haven't we all completed our work tasks very well, and the master didn't say anything, right?"

"It's okay, Komachi.……"


Shirogane Kei also echoed and comforted her.

Even so,

Hikigaya Komachi was still worried and blamed herself.

A man who became a noble in the underworld bought the mother and daughter of the Guhe family

A man who became a noble in the underworld bought the mother and daughter of the Guhe family - Chapter 49

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