
Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 100

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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 100

"Huh! Brother Goku is such a blessing! "

Han Fei said thoughtfully.

As a man who is also a man, Sun Wukong also understands what he means in seconds.

"Hmm! Yes, Han Fei, your kid is very good at talking. "

Sun Wukong looked at him with great appreciation in his eyes, and also praised him verbally.

It was the turn of the purple woman to be a little unresponsive, and some couldn't understand their situation.

"Sun Gongzi has good fortune? Could it be that Han Feigongzi was saying that it was a blessing for him to have such good wine? "

The purple girl thought to herself. At the same time, I also agree with Han Fei's words, it is really a blessing to have such valuable wine.

"Brother Goku! With all due respect, I would like to ask for advice. "

Han Fei clasped his hands into fists and saluted, an inexplicable light flashing in the depths of his eyes, and at the same time looked at him sincerely.

"Tell me about it" Sun Wukong looked at him with interest, and probably knew what he thought.

When the clever purple woman saw this situation, she thought slightly in her heart, and the corners of her mouth turned up slightly.

"I have to see Brother Goku today. Can't help but remind Han Fei of a mysterious figure who was famous and known to the world not long ago, so I wonder if Wukong can solve the puzzle below? "

"Sure enough, it is worthy of Han Fei, the protagonist." He didn't ask what the relationship with the mysterious man was like the purple woman, but gave me the way to answer, so that he could get more of what he wanted to know.

After all, the purple woman's question can be chosen, but his way of asking depends on how I answer. And as a person who pays attention to the current situation, he has the same sharp eyes as the purple woman. My dress like this is really easy for people who pay attention to think of it. Lose! Sun Wukong thought secretly in his heart.

"Alright! Good eyesight, I'll explain this problem. "

Han Fei's eyes lit up, and he quickly thanked him: "Then thank Brother Wukong." "

"I have a relationship with him, and it's good, I know what he does. But... He is him, I am me, and if you treat me as you treat him, then you can leave. "

Sun Wukong's face was very calm when he said this.

After all, living under the aura of others will be thieves' hearts, and others will treat them with colored eyes, which will not benefit his cultivation and character.

Although it is said that it is all myself, but now it is not the 'self' is not.

"Eh! Brother Wukong is serious, and Han Fei also knows that living under the aura of others will lose himself and have many inconveniences, so it will definitely not be so. "

Han Fei explained sincerely.

Hearing him say this, Sun Wukong sighed in his heart

"Sure enough, this protagonist Han Fei knows how to observe people's hearts, knows what kind of people to get along with, what kind of words to say, what attitude to face, and cultivate."

And the purple woman on the side is inexplicably small. He told himself that he and the mysterious man were brothers, and he told Han Fei Gongzi that he was related. The difference says something.

"Han Fei! Let's get blunt! Come to me. "

Sun Wukong looked at him and smiled.

"Huh! Can't escape Brother Goku. Han Fei came for two reasons, the first was to meet the people who made such fine wine,

The second is to ask Brother Goku if he has such good wine. After all, this kind of good wine is sold in limited quantities every day, which makes Han Fei very hungry. "

Han Fei said very sincerely. It is also Howe does not hide.

He felt that there was nothing wrong with the title of Sun Wukong, and he felt that it was best to speak sincerely to Sun Wukong, don't fight sloppily. This is his intuition.

Apparently, his instincts were right.

"Hmm! Good, sincere attitude to me, sincere tone. I didn't play any tricks, it was very appetizing to me. "

The appreciation in Sun Wukong's eyes was a little more, although he liked to play routines, but he didn't like others to play routines on him.

If I am weaker than you, I will listen attentively to the true meaning of your words.

However, when I am stronger than you, you have to follow my rules.

Han Fei's eyes lit up. Apparently happy, too.

"Huh! So, answer the question you just asked. What I have is good wine, unlimited quantity, let you drink until a hundred years old is not a problem. There are also wines that are several times better than it, and you just performed well. Want to try it? "

"Yes! Brother Goku! Hurry up and take it out and taste. Han Fei's eyes lit up, and he looked at him and hurriedly spoke.

'Goku Drunken Chunsheng' has already fascinated him, and there is a fine wine that hurts several times better than it, this.... Thinking of this, don't mention how excited.

The purple girl also looked at him with some excitement, after all, having such a fine wine is equivalent to having wealth! Not limited yet? How many times better?

The wine is several times better than the original, and the wealth is even more unimaginable. The most important thing is that there is no limit. How scary this is.

Sun Wukong smiled, his finger tapped the void, and a wine jar weighing several pounds appeared on the table, and then a few wine glasses appeared with a tap.

This scene made Han Fei's eyes light up, and he was a little shocked, but he didn't ask much.

The main thing is that his attention is on the wine jar.

Apparently wine is what he pays the most attention to now.

Although the purple woman had seen it once, she was still surprised to see it. Because she didn't know what the situation was. So it's very mysterious and shocking.

Sun Wukong opened the lid of the wine altar, and soon the charming and mellow smell of wine filled the room.

Han Fei tasted greedily with his nose, then quickly walked to the opposite side of Sun Wukong and sat down. His eyes lit up as he looked at the wine altar in his hand.

The purple girl also came over and knelt next to Sun Wukong.

Sun Wukong filled each of them with a glass, and the wine was as clear as if it did not exist, exuding a charming wine aroma. After pouring full, he said:

"Although this wine is delicious, but the degree is too high, don't drink too quickly, drink too much, otherwise with your physical condition, you will definitely get drunk."

Seeing that he finished pouring, Han Fei was impatient, immediately picked up the wine glass and handed it to his mouth, and tasted it in a big gulp: "Good wine!" What a great wine! "

With a mouthful, Han Fei immediately looked happy.

Then a few more sips, and soon the wine in the glass was wiped out by him.

Sun Wukong looked at him speechlessly, obviously his reminder just now did not listen to this guy. At the same time, he silently counted in his heart:

“1! 2’! 3! "


Han Fei fell to the ground unconscious.

This wine is produced by the system and must be a fine product. The degree is almost more than seventy degrees. Delicious, though. But Han Fei couldn't stand it, originally Han Fei was a little drunk. Now it's okay, just lie down.

The purple woman also looked at Han Fei speechlessly. How to send him back is a difficult problem.


Feilu reminds you: three things to read - favorites, recommendations

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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 100

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