
Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 101

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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 101

Seeing that the situation was quiet, Sun Wukong looked at the purple girl with a smile and said, "Purple girl! Come and taste it, leave this kid alone. "

The purple girl was even more speechless in her heart, Han Fei, as her guest of Zilanxuan, was drunk now, could she not care?

But he didn't say anything, picked up the wine glass elegantly, and took a sip.

Then he unconsciously closed his eyes.

Feel the mellow wine glide over the tip of the tongue, moisturize the throat, slip into the throat, float warmly in the abdomen, slowly swim in the snort, and quietly dive into the blood...

It is a fine wine, a fine wine that will not be forgotten, it is fragrant and sweet, and it makes people have an aftertaste.

After a few seconds, the purple woman opened her eyes, a hint of intoxicating blush appeared on her pretty face, and looked at him and sighed sincerely: "Good wine!" What a great wine. "

"Hey, hey! Purple girl, if you like it, drink more, drink more" Sun Wukong looked at the purple woman with a very meaningful smile, and his tone was very encouraging.

"How? Gongzi very much hopes that I, like Han Fei Gongzi, am drunk to the point of unconsciousness? The purple girl showed a charming smile, and her eyes looked at Sun Wukong very interestingly.

How could she not know the meaning of that smile from him, like she had often seen before, those who wanted to drunk her and her sisters and then do bad things.

"Smart! That's how I hope and am doing this, women are not drunk, how can men have a chance? Purple girl, you are drunk... Good for us. Sun Wukong raised his eyebrows, looked at the purple woman's eyes with a smile, and kept eye contact.

And the words spoken... Very domineering and faceless, but also with sincerity, very direct expression of the thoughts in the heart, extremely powerful!

For such a flirtation, oh no, it should be said to flirt, Sun Wukong is not afraid of the purple girl at all She is disgusted, because... Favorability... What is the value... That's enough.

"Huh! Son! You really dare to say and really dare to think. This kind of words made the purple girl's face blush even more, and she laughed softly, and her smile became even more charming.

How did she not know the meaning of Sun Wukong's words? At the same time, for his practice, no pretentiousness, no concealment, and no concealment, although the starting point is bad, but this way really makes her not annoying.

Compared with those dignitaries and hypocrites she met before, she really didn't hate it, and there were some... Like.

Be sincere, many times, she really likes it, likes to be treated sincerely...

Seeing that the purple girl reacted well, Sun Wukong continued: "Hehe! That's what I thought, so isn't this being done, purple woman! See how sincere I am? Moreover, if you like good wine, drink more and drink more. "

Seeing Sun Wukong like this, the purple girl gave him a beautiful wink, and her tone was a little coquettish: "You... Hit my bad idea less. "

"Eh! Purple Girl! How can this be a bad idea? It's obviously a good idea, let's discuss thoughts and life together, it must be a good thing. Sun Wukong said with a smile on his face.

"..."This time, the purple girl was really speechless, the empty face was defeated, directly gave him a roll of the eyes, and then looked at the fine wine in the wine glass in his hand, and tasted it carefully, paying attention to him.

In this regard, Sun Wukong does not care, it doesn't matter if you ignore me, just play routines, anyway, you don't suffer losses.

Thinking of this, Sun Wukong looked at the purple girl carefully with Xin's eyes, from top to bottom, and from bottom to top, looking back and forth...

"Have you seen enough?" I really couldn't stand Sun Wukong's gaze, and the purple girl's tone was a little annoyed.

Can she not be annoyed, this guy is focused on some parts, and he must not think of anything good.

Seeing this, Sun Wukong still had a smile on his face, and he looked very enjoyed, and his tone was relaxed and natural: "Hehe! Finally can't stand it? I thought that the purple girl could hold on for a long time, that would be better. At such a night, at such a moment, there is fine wine, there are beautiful people, and it is really beautiful and delicious. What a treat. "

"..."The purple girl really has nothing to do with Sun Wukong, she has never seen such a brazen person.

Seeing the helpless appearance of the purple woman, Sun Wukong felt an inexplicable sense of accomplishment.

No matter whether the routine is good or bad, it is a good routine to get the desired result, and using such a routine to make a superb royal sister look like this is really a sense of accomplishment.

Why is she comfortable with others and helpless with you?

It means that she can't control you, women like challenges, like to be conquered, only when she can't control you, will give you the opportunity to conquer.

Since it cannot be conquered, it will be conquered.

If you are easily controlled by her, then what interest do you have in her? No interest equals no curiosity, no curiosity about how to become your dish.

When women are very curious about you, as long as you play the routine well, then the result can achieve what you want!

The routine is popular! This is what Monkey King wants.

"Purple girl, you..."

Seeing that the purple girl did not speak, Sun Wukong wanted to take the initiative, and as soon as he said it, he was interrupted by a voice.

"Good wine!"

Han Fei, who was sleeping drunk on the side, suddenly interrupted him.

Sun Wukong looked at Han Fei with a slightly ugly face.

The purple woman's gaze was also attracted by Han Fei.

Looking closely, Han Fei's kid's mouth was moving lightly, and his throat was also moving, looking at that look, he must be dreaming of drinking wine.

Sure enough, he is a guy who is addicted to alcohol, and at the same time, Sun Wukong's fine wine also makes his body fascinated, and dreams can be reflected on the body.

"Alright! MMP is not like you for your sake. Sun Wukong said with a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

Seeing that Sun Wukong was slightly upset, the corners of the purple woman's mouth turned up slightly, revealing a charming smile, as if she had found something interesting, but... After she looked at Han Fei, she was a little embarrassed, and then thought of something, looked at Sun Wukong and chuckled and said: "Giggle... Son! This Han Fei Gongzi seems to like your fine wine, and even remembers his dreams. "

"Cut! Han Fei, this kid likes him, and it's about me. Sun Wukong's face didn't care.

"It's really none of Gongzi's business, but... He is drunk because he drank your wine, so you have to send him back. The purple girl looked at Sun Wukong and said with a smile, with some joking taste in her eyes.

For the meaning of the purple girl's words, Sun Wukong continued to look indifferent and refused her request: "Want to send him back?" Purple Girl! Don't be funny, if he is a big beauty, I can also consider it, he is a big old man! Don't even think about it. "

"Huh! Listening to Gongzi's meaning, do you not want to be responsible? The purple woman continued to chuckle and quip.


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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 101

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