
Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 102

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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 102

"Responsible? What are my responsibilities? This guy is not physically good, what does it matter to me when he is drunk? And it's still a big old man, if you want to say that you are responsible, if it's the purple woman, I can consider it, or ... The purple girl you are also drunk, and... We can do some... Great thing, like that... I'll definitely be in charge. Sun Wukong said and raised his eyebrows, and his eyes looked at the purple woman informally.

"You're not serious." The purple girl immediately had no words for Sun Wukong, and then thought of something and continued: "It's all so late, the next people are resting, Gongzi, if you don't send it, do you want me to come with a weak woman?" "

All right! Hard can't be done, purple woman replaced with soft.

As for why Han Fei didn't let him rest in Zilanxuan for a night, there must be her consideration.

If Han Fei rested in Zilanxuan for a night, then what did his father think of him? Staying in the Wind and Moon Place for a night is something that men understand, even if he doesn't do anything, King Han's guy will believe it? Then look down on Han Fei even more, then, the next plan will be even more difficult.

Let Wei Zhuang send it? Then forget it! With Wei Zhuang's character, she really didn't dare to think about that scene.

And let yourself send? Let yourself a woman send a son back in the evening, what is the matter, but I still have face and reputation.

"Hmm! If you send the purple girl, you really can't say it. Sun Wukong nodded and said a big truth.

"Just so you know." The purple woman smiled slightly, very beautiful.

In the next second, Sun Wukong looked indifferent: "But... So what's the matter with me? "


The purple woman's smile lasted for no more than 2 seconds, and immediately disappeared, looking at Sun Wukong with some anger.

I originally thought that Sun Wukong knew that she was going to send it... Indeed, I couldn't say it, so he came, but I didn't expect to come out like this, it was really unexpected, so that she didn't react and was a little angry.

"Aren't most men usually generous and gentlemen taking on this task, how is this guy..."

The purple girl was a little depressed in her heart, and a little disappointed.

Seeing this, Sun Wukong smiled: "It's not impossible for me to send it, but I can't do anything that is not good, if you kiss it, I will agree to help." "

Sun Wukong looked at the purple girl and showed a smile, and the fox's tail was finally revealed.

Hearing this, how did the purple woman not know yet.

"It turns out that this guy has been waiting here for a long time, that's why it's like this,... You can't treat this guy to those ordinary sons, otherwise... It is always you who suffer,... At present, I can only promise him so. "

Thinking of this, the purple girl's pretty face appeared intoxicating, and she promised Sun Wukong with actions, and then looked at him a little shyly and said:

"Now, you are satisfied!"

"Satisfied? No, I don't think so. Sun Wukong said as if with evocative taste, stretched out his right hand, how to do something,

“!!!" Seeing this, the purple girl, who had been prepared for a long time, was shocked, immediately stepped back some distance, stood up, and said helplessly: "Gongzi, I have already done what you requested, then Han Fei Gongzi will be handed over to you, it's not early, I still have business, so I will leave first." "

After speaking, without waiting for Sun Wukong to agree or not, he quickly left here with his steps and twisted his waist.

That look, as if she ran away from the desert, it seems that she is also afraid that Sun Wukong will continue to be unorthodox, and then be bullied by him.

She was really afraid, because she knew that her strength was useless in the hands of Sun Wukong, so it was better to leave early.

"This chick!" Looking at the fleeing purple girl, Sun Wukong sighed with some disappointment, and then did not care.

"Forget it! Anyway, there will be opportunities in the future, and I don't care about the moment. "

Then, after taking a sip of the wine in the glass, he got up, and also got down to business, since the reward was received, he promised that the things of others should be done, right?

Sun Wukong pulled Han Fei, his mind moved, controlled his body with his mind, a flash, disappeared into the room, appeared in the sky, looked up, found his mansion, ready to break through the air, suddenly thought of something, stopped.

"This scene is somewhat familiar! If you guess correctly, will you meet the ink crow later? There is this scene in the original book. "

Whether it was tonight or not, anyway, Sun Wukong's intuition told him that if he sent Han Fei back, he would definitely not be able to touch Mo Crow. Because Mo Crow doesn't have that strength.

If you walk, you may still meet this kid.

"Speaking of which, Mo Crow is a talent, a big talent, I also value him, since he is here, he must meet him, if it is possible, he must be saved, what a pity to die."

Thinking of this, Sun Wukong took Han Fei in a flash, landed on the street, acted and helped Han Fei, and went to Han Fei's mansion.

If he used his mind to control Han Fei's body floating and flying out of thin air, Mo Crow would definitely not come out stupidly to send him to death when he saw it, so he had to play some routines.

Time passes very mercilessly....

Whether you care or not, it's all flowing, and it's almost 10 o'clock at night, and the streets are quiet, uninhabited, and terribly quiet.

Only the light emanating from the streets and houses illuminates a glimmer of hope in this dark night, adding a touch of security to this quiet night.


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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 102

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