
Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 104

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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 104

Sun Wukong smiled and looked at Mo Crow, kindly reminding:

"Naw! Ink Raven! Don't think about finding a way to escape, in front of me, if I don't agree, you can't leave if you want, in order to understand my words, and at the same time let you know how to talk to me next, so, I decided to let you see, you are ready, I am going to make a move. "

Listening to him say this, Mo Crow's face was solemn, and he was fully prepared, and his spirit was highly concentrated.

Sun Wukong nodded secretly, this attitude is very correct, for the enemy, there can be no slightest sloppiness, all-out response is the right thing to do, this Mo Crow is doing well.

"Get ready. Here it comes! "

As soon as the words fell, Sun Wukong's figure disappeared directly, and then appeared in front of Mo Crow in an instant, punched him in the abdomen, and used ingenuity.

“!!" Mo Crow saw that Sun Wukong's figure disappeared, shocked, did not slow down, appeared directly in front of him, the brain reacted, just thought of preparing to open a distance, but the body's reaction could not keep up, and then, felt the other party bombard his abdomen with a punch,

Suddenly. The strength of the whole body disappeared, his face was painful, and he knelt down weakly with his hands covering his abdomen.

"This..." Mo Crow's face was extremely painful, and he raised his head, with horror and shock in his eyes, looking at the Monkey King in front of him.

He was shocked by Sun Wukong's strength and speed, and even his body didn't have time to react, how fast do you say? It's beyond his realization.

All right! If Sun Wukong told him that this was only a minute of speed, I don't know what he thought? Will it be hit?

Sun Wukong squatted down, patted Mo Crow's shoulder with his right hand, and said in a very casual tone: "Na! Now you know, right? If I want to destroy you, it's really simple, it's so simple that you don't want it, I don't have to shoot myself, you can be seconds with mental power, and simply one look can make you seconds, so now we can have a good chat. "

"Pavilion... No, my lord, please say. "

Although Mo Crow's face was painful, his tone had stabilized, and his attitude and respect were also in place, obviously cultivated and very aware of current affairs.

"Whether you understand it or not, I'll tell you the truth! I came to you and don't care if you came to kill Han Fei or something, that is your task and the root of survival, I don't say much, but since I am here now, then, you can't kill today, I came like this, all because of the individual, whether you believe it or not, I look at you with personal insight and understanding, is the kind of person who does things cleanly and efficiently, you are a very perfect good subordinate, I am very optimistic about you. Sun Wukong directly said what was in his heart.

"My lord! What do you mean? "

Mo Crow understood the meaning of Sun Wukong's words, so he asked rhetorically.

"Huh! I haven't stopped thinking about it yet, it's all because I'm personally optimistic about your ability and person. Sun Wukong understood the meaning of Mo Crow's rhetorical question and explained with a smile

"That's a great thing." Mo Crow sighed.

"Huh! To be honest, like you do this fruit you are not fast enough, not strong enough, there will be a time to hang up sooner or later, are you mentally prepared? Sun Wukong looked at Mo Crow and said a very realistic problem.

"Adults don't know something, I have long been mentally prepared since I was trained into this line, everything is just to survive." Mo Crow sighed self-deprecatingly.

"yes! It's all about living, it's really realistic enough, the consciousness is good, so, how about we make a deal? "

Sun Wukong somewhat understood, and was optimistic about Mo Crow's experience and himself, so he decided to give him a chance, can he grasp it... It's up to him to choose.

In fact, Sun Wukong can completely force Mo Crow to do something, in order to survive, Mo Crow will definitely accept it.

But this is not his style, and it is also the person he is optimistic about, which is why it is like a friend.

"Please, my lord!" Mo Crow's face improved a lot, and his expression became serious.

"It's very simple, I know that you still have a white phoenix like a brother, I give you a chance to live, these are two gravity devices, there are instructions in them,

If you are determined to become stronger, then you can try my method of exercising the physical body, with your potential, when the physical body reaches a certain level, the amount and quality of internal force will change, and the body's reaction ability will be faster and stronger, and the speed I just made is the speed of my own physical body, and the decision is in your hands. Sun Wukong took out a capsule in his hand and looked at Mo Crow and smiled.

When he was an otaku, he had read a lot of immortal cultivation novels, and knew the benefits of a strong physical body, the stronger the physical body, the more energy the meridians contained, and the quantity, quality, etc. were comprehensively strengthened.

Hearing this, Mo Crow was shocked, and at the same time his eyes were very fiery looking at the capsule in Sun Wukong's hand, but he also knew... There is no such good thing in the world, looking at Sun Wukong and asking: "Adult! We... What will be lost? "

For Mo Crow, if you want to gain something, you must lose something, and as I said just now, this is a deal.

"A few simple requirements, how simple is it? For example, one day Ji Wuye accidentally hangs up, and you are still alive, then, I will ask you to do things under other people, how? The decision is yours."

Sun Wukong said very casually, he is actually because he personally wants to help Mo Crow and Bai Feng,

However, you can't give benefits to each other for nothing, which is inconsistent with his principles.

What you want in the crow, you must take something in exchange.

Moreover, what is obtained for nothing will make people like Mo Crow suspect and think that it is not malicious, which is human instinct.

For example, if you are walking on the street and suddenly a stranger runs to you and hands a bag into your hands, except for some nervous people, 99% of people will subconsciously suspect that this is not a good situation.

"My lord! Is there only such a requirement? For Sun Wukong's words, Mo Crow obviously didn't believe it.

This result is the same as working in a different place, nothing has changed at all, only what has changed is not your own choice, but the choice of others.

Sun Wukong sighed a little speechlessly: "I'll go!" Isn't that enough? For me, it's hard to buy me willingly, it seems that your Mo Crow realm is not enough! "


Mo Crow suddenly spoke, he obviously did not understand Sun Wukong's thoughts.

"Hey! It seems that the deal failed, then forget it. Sun Wukong sighed with some regret, prepared to put away the capsule, and stood up.

Seeing this, Mo Crow knelt, clasped his hands into fists, saluted, and said very sincerely: "Adult! I just couldn't understand the adult's thoughts, so please ask the adult to give me this opportunity, and I agreed to the adult's request. "

It seems that Monkey King's routine played a role.


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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 104

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