
Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 105

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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 105

"Okay! Take it! Press the red button when using it, and then put it in a safe place, the instruction manual, that is, the use method is inside. Sun Wukong was also very cheerful, threw the capsule in his hand to Mo Crow, and said how to use it.

Mo Crow quickly caught it, as if he had obtained the most precious treasure, this was related to their future fate, and they must be very careful.

"Lord Xie!" Mo Crow was excited, and quickly saluted and thanked him.

Sun Wukong nodded: "Hmm! That deal was done. "

"Mo Crow will do his best to fulfill the requirements of adults." Mo Crow immediately expressed his position with a serious expression.

"Huh! Just be enlightened, okay! So be it! I'll go first, don't reveal my existence, you can watch and do it yourself!" After saying that, Sun Wukong flashed and disappeared.

Mo Crow looked at the place where his Sun Wukong disappeared, and he was even more excited, he didn't notice the speed just now, and disappeared in front of his eyes like this, just not too fast.

At the same time of excitement, Mo Crow was also curious, curious about his identity, he also guessed the mysterious person, but smart he knew what to ask and what not to ask, so he didn't ask just now.

Feeling that his body had recovered, Mo Crow moved his body and left the place with a serious and excited face.


Sun Wukong flashed and appeared beside Han Fei.

Now that the things you want to do are done, then, get the task done.

With Han Fei, a flashing figure appeared directly in front of Han Fei's mansion, knocked on the door, handed Han Fei and a pot of wine to the attendants and maids, explained to them, and then returned to Zilanxuan's own room and continued to meditate and cultivate.

One night without a word.


God, it's already dawn.

As soon as the time of the biological clock arrived, Sun Wukong woke up from meditation and looked at the sky in the distance.

The sun is shining, the blue sky is white, the air is clear, it makes people feel good, and it is a good weather to go out.

Seeing that the weather was so good, Sun Wukong also had an idea: "I've been coming to Han for a while, let's go out and go around!" Take a look at the scenery and relax in a good mood. "

Walking out of Zilanxuan through the back door, Sun Wukong slowly wandered the street.

Look at it for a while, look at it, it's like a dirt bun that has never seen the world.


Sun Wukong doesn't care so much, he likes it, he cares what others think, and he doesn't disturb himself.

After walking around for a while, find a beautiful place, lie on the lawn with your hands on the pillow, enjoy and admire...

I don't know how long it took, Han Fei's familiar voice sounded behind him: "Brother Wukong! "

"Han Fei!? This kid has such a great body? Coming alive in one fell swoop? Sun Wukong sat up and looked at Han Fei, who was thinking about him coming, feeling a little surprised in his heart, and at the same time a little speechless in his heart: "It seems that I know the protagonist... Sometimes that's not necessarily a good thing. "

Because he has watched anime and played games, he knows that with the protagonist, there must be something to find himself.

"Brother Goku! Sort of let me find you. Trotting in front of Sun Wukong, Han Fei was also excited and excited.

He went to Zilanxuan just now, but he didn't find Sun Wukong's figure, and he looked for someone to inquire before finding this.

Sun Wukong showed a smile and looked at Han Fei: "Is something wrong?" "

Han Fei was silent, it was directly a ninety degree salute, that action, that attitude, very sincere and sincere.

Sun Wukong was a little puzzled and puzzled: "Han Fei!" What's the situation with you kid? "

Han Fei smiled and explained, "Naturally, I came to thank Brother Wukong for saving his life last night. "

The tone and attitude made Sun Wukong very satisfied.

"Huh? You kid knows what happened last night? Sun Wukong was a little surprised, he was sure that this product was drunk last night, how could he still know that he saved him?

Han Fei nodded, and then explained: "Yesterday night, although I was drunk, I didn't forget what I saw and heard, Brother Wukong saved me from the ghost soldiers yesterday night, but I remember it clearly." "

“? Is it that strong? Is this the protagonist's aura? Or is there black technology? "

Knowing his intentions, Sun Wukong also showed a subsequent smile: "Thank you or not, I can, you should go and thank the purple girl, yesterday night I accepted her reward before I promised to send you, since I promised her, I will definitely not let you have anything." "

"Listen to Brother Goku say this, I will, no matter what, I have to thank Brother Goku." After speaking, Han Fei saluted again.

"Okay! If you have nothing to do, just get busy with your go! I keep playing mine. Sun Wukong waved his hand very casually and offered to bid farewell.

Seeing this, Han Fei hurriedly said, "Brother Wukong! Wait a minute! "

Sun Wukong's face showed a hint of puzzlement: "How?" Anything else? "

An embarrassed smile suddenly appeared on Han Fei's face and explained, "Actually... I came to find Brother Goku now, just to ask Brother Goku to do me a favor. "

Sun Wukong was also speechless

"Sure enough, if you have a relationship with the protagonist, trouble will unconsciously find ah, yes!" First listen to what this guy says, it's not good to do it, brother can't do it. "

"Say it! What busy! I think about it! Sun Wukong was very casual, letting Han Fei know to be prepared.

"It's like this. Han Fei remembered that Brother Wukong brought Lingmei Red Lotus..."

Han Fei was about to continue.

Suddenly, Han Fei's rear. There was indeed a nice, crisp shout...


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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 105

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