
Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 106

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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 106

"Brother! Don't you run! "

Hearing this voice, Han Fei's face suddenly became a little heartbroken, and he turned his head sideways to look.

In the crowd, a beautiful girl in a pink palace dress was strolling towards him with her hands on her waist, looking at him with a puffy face.

Hearing this voice, Sun Wukong stood up and secretly said in his heart: "Isn't this the little chick of the red lotus?" It looks like there will be a story later! "

Sun Wukong is already thinking about what kind of routine, digging a hole for the red lotus...

Red Lotus came to Han Fei, her hands crossed at her waist, and her face was unkind: "Good your Han Fei. What do you run? Do you want to run away again today? "

Han Fei smiled bitterly, and shook his head helplessly and replied: "Alas, Red Lotus is not Ninth Brother who does not play with you. But today I have something very important, and I really don't have time. "

Hearing him say this, Hong Lian's face became even more unhappy, pointed at him with her right hand, and said angrily: "You also said this yesterday, saying, are you avoiding me?" If you don't want to play with me, just say it. "

In this regard, Han Fei patted his head with some headache, turned around, and looked at Sun Wukong, his face was a little helpless: "Brother Wukong!" In fact, what I want to ask you for help today is to hope that you can take Ling Mei Red Lotus to play for a day. "

"Red lotus chick? It's not impossible to take her to play for a day, and I also wander around casually. Relax your mind; However, promise Han Fei this kid, there will definitely be trouble next time, and he can't bear it! Wouldn't it be better to take that chick out on your own? At that time, I and the two of you still don't want to play how you want? Thinking, thinking, Sun Wukong thought of other aspects.

"Brother Goku!?" Seeing Brother Wukong in a daze there, Han Fei shouted.

"Give me a reason that will convince me!" Sun Wukong, who came back to his senses, looked at Han Fei calmly.

The red lotus behind Han Fei looked at talking with a man, her face full of curiosity and doubt: "Brother! Who are you talking to? Saying that, he showed a head from Han Fei's side.

Han Fei looked at Red Lotus and introduced her: "Oh! Red Lotus! This is Brother Goku! It is a lifesaver for your ninth brother. "

Looking at a slender figure, blue-purple dress, face like a carving, distinct features, a face with diamonds and horns, handsome and abnormal, a pair of light blue eyes flashing with moving brilliance, sky-blue eyebrows and stylish short hair reveal a different breath and charm,

As in the original work, Red Lotus's breathing was stagnant, and her eyes were flashing, obviously with a feeling of heartbeat.

Red Lotus looked at Sun Wukong with a confused face, her eyes were shining with stars, and her heartbeat accelerated inexplicably.

Looking at the appearance of this chick Red Lotus, Sun Wukong felt a little proud in his heart.

"It is necessary to be handsome in the state of your own super god, but this chick is obviously a flower idiot, this is not necessary, it has to be cured, it is okay to be a flower idiot for yourself, how can others do it!"

Han Fei on the side looked at his sister a little surprised, his sister has not been in this situation,

But that's a good thing!

"Red Lotus! What do you think? Brother Goku is very handsome"

"Huh!? Oh!! Returning to her senses, Hong Lian's face was a little shy, and some blush appeared, and she whispered: "Hmm! It's a rare handsome guy! "

"Count you kid who can talk!" Sun Wukong looked at Han Fei with an appreciative expression.

King Han was also happy and saluted: "That Brother Wukong!" Would you like to help with this? "

Sun Wukong did not directly agree: "It's not impossible to take this chick to play, but I won't do anything that is not good." "

"Huh!? What benefits does Brother Goku want? Han Fei's face was tangled, and he was a little embarrassed.

"I haven't thought about this yet, I'm telling you when I think of it." Sun Wukong said very calmly.

"Hey! It is your honor to play with Princess Ben, what benefits do you want to ask for with my ninth brother? The red lotus next to her couldn't stand it, and as soon as the little princess's temper came up, she didn't care about anything, pointed at Sun Wukong, and asked angrily.

"Brother Goku! Don't be strange, Ling Mei has been naughty since she was a child, please forgive me. Han Fei immediately apologized, and then slapped Hong Lian's hand away. In my heart, I was a little worried about his sister.

"I don't want to meet a chick." After speaking, he looked at the red lotus: "Little chick!" It's not impossible to take you to play, I have a lot of fun, exciting, you haven't played, absolutely novel gameplay; But... I only play with the adventurous, daring, huh? "

Sun Wukong looked at her suspiciously, and issued a challenge, it was a radical general, it was a routine.

Listening to his words, Hong Lian was immediately unconvinced, and said angrily: "Hmph! Dare to underestimate Princess Ben! Tell you, Princess Ben is bold, what you said is fun, exciting, and unseen; I would like to see it, isn't it so fun. "

After Hong Lian finished speaking, her face was arrogant.

"Really? That's done! Come with me! At that time, don't cry your nose, it'll be funny. Sun Wukong's face had disbelief and ridicule, hitting her.

"Hmph! You're just crying your nose, you bad guy! After Hong Lian finished speaking, her face was a little angry.

"Okay! Han fei! I'm also just bored, so take her to play, I'll help you this time, you go, remember not to forget the benefits. "

"Thanks! Brother Goku! After hearing this, Han Fei was a little happy, saluted him, and continued: "Sister Ling! It may be naughty, please also Goku brother! Take care of her more. "

"Don't worry! I will! "

After receiving his assurance, Han Fei also looked happy, turned around, instructed the red lotus, and left.

"Okay! Chick! Keep up with me, if you can't keep up, forget it, you love it so much. After Sun Wukong finished speaking, he didn't care about her reaction and took the lead directly.

He will not follow her princess temper, provoking her emotions is the right thing to do, is the king.

For Sun Wukong's attitude, Red Lotus was angry, but still followed. It seems that her curiosity was aroused by his words.

Monkey King or take a look at this. Look at what it looks like, walking ahead.

Red Lotus followed closely, her eyes constantly looking at him.

"Hey! Chick! Brother knows that I am handsome, but don't look at my brother so much, I am going to collect money. Sun Wukong turned around and looked at her speechlessly.

"Hmph! Who looked at you, Princess Ben didn't look at you. The red lotus who was found twisted her head to the side, very unconvinced and quibbling.

However, a hint of blush on his face could not escape Sun Wukong's eyes.

"Alright! Too lazy to see with you in general. Sun Wukong turned around and continued walking, but thought in his heart: "Hmph! You look at brother now, and when brother looks back later, it is still the kind that has nothing. "

I walked like this for a while, and I couldn't see anyone around.


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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 106

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