
Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 107

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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 107

Looking at everything around, Red Lotus also came to his senses and stopped him: "Hey! Doesn't it mean to take me to something fun and exciting? What are you bringing me here for? "

After speaking, his tone was a little unkind, and his eyes were a little angry.

"Why, scared?" Sun Wukong turned around, looked at her and raised an eyebrow.

"Hmph! Princess Ben is Princess Han, how can she be afraid. Red Lotus crossed her hands at her waist and retorted unconvinced.

"Okay then! I hope you will still be in this spirit later, stretch out your hand. "

"What for?" Red Lotus has some doubts and a trace of caution, in ancient times, physical contact depended on the situation, and intimate people would be like this, after all, men and women are not intimate.

"If you don't stretch out your hand, how can I take you to play fun and exciting?" Looking at the guarded chick, he gave her a speechless expression.

"Okay then! Princess Ben can tell you, don't use any crooked brains, fight any bad ideas, otherwise... Princess Ben! I want you to look good. "

After speaking, he made a vicious motion, hoping to scare him, and then stretched out his right hand and stood in front of him.

"Very good! For the first test of brother, began to obey, this is easy to do, as long as there is the first time, I am afraid that there will not be more times? But... Hum! Dare to threaten brother! Wait for you to look good. "

Looking at the red lotus stretched out, Sun Wukong showed a smile, and held her smooth and soft little hand with his right hand: "Little chick! I hope you are not afraid of heights. "

The little hand was held by the warm big hand, and Hong Lianqiao's face was a little red, and she became more curious about what he said.

In the next second, pulling her figure flashed, and when she appeared, she was already thousands of meters in the air, stopping at a high altitude.

Red Lotus only felt that her eyes flashed, and then she appeared in another place, looking left and right...

Here the breeze is blowing, the white clouds around the body are pervasive, it is flowing rapidly, it is very beautiful, looking down, and then, a scream sounds:


Sun Wukong was startled by this sound, and in the next second, he suddenly felt that there was an extra fragrant, weak and boneless delicate body in his arms.

Looking down, the red lotus was holding him in his arms like an octopus, making him secretly refreshed, looking at the red lotus in his arms and quipping: "Hey! And said that you are bold, why did you get scared at the beginning? "

In fact, Red Lotus had such a reaction, and Sun Wukong understood it very well.

One second ago was still standing on the ground, with a sense of falling, appeared thousands of meters in the blink of an eye, there was nothing under the feet, this sudden transformation, frightened is very normal, except for the unresponsive, nerve-sized ones.

Listening to his words, the red lotus began to return, the little head emerged from his arms, this look, that look, after confirmation, left the warm embrace, the hand was still tightly grasped, looking at him very excited and excited: "Hey! Are we this, above the sky? "

"This doesn't! As you can see. Sun smiled slightly.

"That's awesome! Unexpectedly, you still have this ability. Red Lotus moved his feet, moved his hands, and after finding that he was okay, he looked at him with a hopeful face.

"Hmph! Chick! Even if you praise your brother, your brother will not let you go, and your brother has to cure your bad temper and let you treat your brother. Thinking of this, Sun Wukong looked at her and smiled toothyly: "You! Ready? "

"Ready for what?" Red Lotus didn't react a little, and looked at Sun Wukong with some doubt.

"Hey, hey! Of course, it's fun and exciting, if you can't stand it, beg for mercy, call me brother Goku! I'll spare you. Sun Wukong looked at the red lotus, showed a bad smile again, and added the hint.

"Hmph! Want Princess Ben to call you brother? You want to be beautiful, and you want Princess Ben to beg you for mercy? It's even more impossible! Let the horse come, so that Princess Ben is not afraid of you. "Red Lotus is also a look that can be used if there is any trick, I am not afraid of your expression.

"Okay then! I wish you a pleasant journey. After speaking, he held Hong Lian's hand and suddenly let go.

“!!!" Red Lotus was shocked, without Sun Wukong's hand, his body fell down...


A scream of fear pierced the air, but soon disappeared.

No way, the wind pressure makes it disappear, the body falls freely, you have to let the body adapt to the wind pressure before you can shout again.

Red Lotus closed her eyes and began to shout in fear, and as the speed increased, her mouth was violently poured into by the wind, causing her body to have a temporary suffocating feeling, and her face was red.

This is a sign of increased blood pressure.

She felt like she was going to die, but as her body adapted, she found that she could start screaming again.

Spread out his limbs, open his eyes, look at everything in front of him, his body is falling rapidly, the strong wind blows, the white clouds disappear quickly in his eyes, all kinds of things he has never seen appear on the ground, and everything in the distance appears in his eyes, presenting a moving picture.

She felt like she was flying, and she indulged, wild, vented and screamed loudly:


"This chick! Depressed for a long time. Sun Wukong, who was standing high in the air above, looked at the shouting red lotus and sighed.

In the 21st century, skydiving is a sport that makes you feel like you're flying, in the air, you can do whatever you want, as long as you can, as long as you can, shouting is what you have to do, because you can release yourself.

For the first time, Red Lotus felt that she was flying, like a bird, flying carefree and free, in the air, a place that countless human beings dreamed of.

She imitated the various movements of the bird flying, flying happily, embracing the sky, embracing the earth, and her face had an excited and excited flush.

But... As she got closer to the earth, she began to get a little scared.

Because she doesn't know how to land, and she can't land, if she keeps going like this, she will definitely fall to pieces, and she can't find a complete appearance.

She was terrified! Her face began to turn pale, she didn't want to die, she was still so young, she hadn't done a lot of things, she began to shout loudly: "Help!" Come! Help me! Ninth brother! Father! Come and save me, Red Lotus doesn't want to die yet. "

But... Howe has no effect, she is still falling fast. Closer and closer to the earth. You can see mountains, rivers, and lakes on land.

After looking carefully, after a comparison in my mind, I was even more frightened,

She found that she would fall on a mountain, and when she remembered that picture, her face was as pale as paper...


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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 107

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