
Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 108

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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 108

She was desperate, she thought, she was dead, she wanted to cry.

But... A figure suddenly flashed in his mind, and as if he had grasped a life-saving straw, he began to shout: "Brother Goku! Help me! Brother Goku! Come and help! Didn't you say that if I called you, you will come to my rescue? You come to save Red Lotus, Red Lotus doesn't want to die yet, Brother Goku~! "

After shouting a few times, there was no other response around her except the sound of the wind, she was desperate, tears appeared in her eyes, and she was taken away by the wind.

Looking at the mountain peak in front of him, more tears filled his eyes, and he closed his eyes, looking like he didn't dare to look.

In the next second, Hong Lian felt her body pause, and then fell into a warm embrace, opened her eyes, and saw Sun Wukong looking at herself with a smile.

"Yo! Chick! Have fun? Sun Wukong hugged her with the princess, smiling and joking.

"Goku ~ brother!"

Red Lotus looked at him blankly, came back to his senses, tears filled his eyes again, his head moved, took a small mouthful, bit his arm fiercely, his eyes stared at him viciously, and his hands were beating on his chest to vent.

Sun Wukong did not react at all, let her come nonsense, and understood her very well.

This kind of experience of fear, excitement, excitement, joy, sadness, fear, despair, you have to let this chick vent well, otherwise it will be played badly.

This is also what he wants, if you can make a beauty have so many emotions about you, whether it is positive or negative, it will make her remember you deeply.

The routine is popular!

There will be such a situation, it is this chick who is looking for herself, and she does not believe that he will be like this.

Sun Wukong still looked at the furious red lotus with a smile on his face, allowing her to attack, this attack was small to him, and he could completely ignore it, for fear of hurting this chick, and also lowered the muscles of the place where she bit it.

Otherwise her teeth would fall apart.

After a while, after the chick in his arms was tired and didn't move, he smiled and looked at the red lotus who glared at him viciously: "Why, it's over?" Much better! "

"Hmph! You scoundrel! Princess Ben, I won't let you go. Red Lotus immediately threatened very unfriendly.

"Oh? It seems that you still have spirit, let's have a good time. This time I'll throw you down, I'll go back to sleep, and you'll figure it out yourself. Sun Wukong suddenly looked at the red lotus with a serious expression.

That's no joke.

"Hmph! You dare, you dare to do this, I just... I'll just..."

"How are you?" Monkey King raised his eyebrows.

"I'll bite you to death." After Red Lotus finished speaking, her small mouth was above his arm...

Sun Wukong was speechless: "What kind of big move is there, it turns out to be this." "

"Hmph! Bad attitude! I don't like it, so let's do it again. After speaking, the figure flashed, appeared in the sky again, stretched out his hands, really hit the beauty hugged by the princess, and threw it down like this.

Red Lotus felt a flash in front of her eyes again, and appeared in the air again, turned her head, her eyes looked down, and the fear followed, and she quickly exclaimed and begged for mercy: "Don't!" Please, let me go, the red lotus, I'll die, I'll really die. "

Hum! This chick, you know how powerful your brother is, now you know that you are afraid, right? Look at you still not sparing people.

"It's not impossible to let you go, look at your performance!" Also, you have to call me Brother Goku, come! Call it and listen. "

Sun Wukong looked at her who begged for mercy, showed a smile, and issued an obedience test.

"Brother Goku!!!" Red Lotus whispered.

She felt that she had called several times just now, and it was nothing to call.

"It's too quiet, it's inaudible, it's louder." Sun Wukong pretended not to hear and put his ear in front of her.

"Brother Goku!!!"

This roar came out.

"Hmm! Although the attitude is a little worse, but it is still obedient and let you go for the time being. After saying that, he withdrew his hands again, and the princess hugged the beauty over, looking at her and quipping: "Hehe! Not long ago, he said that he was bold, this is only the first round, so I am afraid? "

"Hmph! Who is afraid of you, Princess Ben is just.... It's just..." Red Lotus was only for a long time, and she couldn't say why.

Listening to her words, Sun Wukong smiled very friendly, stretched out his hands again, and startled the red lotus: "Hey! What do you want? Didn't you say let me go? "

"That's right, someone disobeyed just now, didn't I plan to put you down, didn't I just release you? I'm not lying! After speaking, the arm tilted at an angle.

"Ah! Brother Goku! Spare the red lotus, the red lotus didn't do anything wrong just now. Red Lotus hugged Sun Wukong's arm with both hands, looked at him with a pleading expression, and begged for mercy.

She said that she was going to be played badly, and the villain in front of her was simply her nemesis.

Forehead! It seems that this chick forgets a lot and has to wake her up.

"Alright! I'm stressing once, first; Do not call Princess Ben before me; Second; You'll have to call me Brother Goku! Remember? In forgetting. Make you look good. Sun Wukong looked at her viciously, causing the latter's neck to shrink, and Xiaosheng was afraid.

"Yes! Red Lotus knows, Brother Goku! "Red Lotus looks like I know, I will be very obedient.

"Hey, hey! This chick! Finally obeyed? Sun Wukong was secretly happy in his heart

"Hmm! The performance is good, brother has a reward, see that you like flying so much, brother takes you to fly well, let you experience real flying. After speaking, put the red lotus down and stand on his right-hand side.

"Great! Thank you Brother Goku! Listening to his words, Hong Lian immediately became happy, sure enough, it was an innocent little girl, and this mood turned into a thief.

"Come on! Stretch out your left hand like this. Sun Wukong made a motion of spreading the five fingers of his right hand.

Red Lotus obediently learned to stretch out her left hand, and Sun Wukong's right hand crossed and held her small hand.

"Hey, hey! Weak and boneless, smooth as jade, very comfortable to hold. "

Although Sun Wukong has other ways to take her flying, why not do this routine of physical contact that can narrow the psychological distance between each other?

This action is commonly used in couples holding hands in the later century, and it is a good way to express and convey each other's love, hold hands with five fingers, connect with each other, and intensify and convey emotions.


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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 108

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