
Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 109

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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 109

Red Lotus's pretty face showed a touching blush, such a handshake made her feel very warm and a little shy, she didn't know why, anyway, it was that feeling.

"Okay! Let's go! "

White qi and transparent light masks flashed around the two, and Sun Wukong held the red lotus tightly and took her and began the flying journey.

Fly high mountains to experience the grandeur of nature, fly to the jungle to experience the vast vitality, fly to the lake to see the reflection in the water, just like wings and wings. Birds, wings and wings. Fly;

Fly over the sea, experience the breath of the sea, fly into the air, soar high in the sky, free and unrestrained, fly into the clouds to experience a fantastic and wonderful journey.

Red Lotus watched, admired, experienced, soared, vented all the way... Everything made her dreamy... It makes her reluctant to wake up...

I don't know how long it took, Sun Wukong took her to fly into the clouds, with a tap of his left hand, the white clouds in front of him quickly condensed, and soon formed a cloud bed, the two stood on it, let go of the slender hand of the red lotus, faced the sunset, and sat down.

"Tired, huh? Take a break! Look at the view! Sun Wukong smiled softly, and his tone was very caring.

"Hmm! Brother Goku! Red Lotus was very well-behaved and obedient, and also knelt down next to Sun Wukong.

The dusk of the setting sun in the distance, the sun is shining on the sea, the waves on the sea surface are undulating, with the sunlight, golden light, shining on the earth, bright red, with various refractions, a variety of different colors emerge, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful,

Sun Wukong was fascinated by it, and sighed in his heart: "Sure enough! This kind of scenery can only be seen in this less polluted, beautiful Qin Shi Bright Moon World. "

"It's beautiful!" Red Lotus looked at everything in front of him, made a sighing sound, and then looked at Brother Wukong beside him, seeing that he was fascinated, his body moved, closer, and then tilted his head, leaned towards his shoulder, almost leaned in, quickly put his head up, aimed again, then leaned on, raised up, then aimed again, and finally leaned his head down...

Got what he wanted, suddenly, Red Lotus's face turned pale... It's very red.

The two sat on top of the clouds, close together, the head of the red lotus rested on Sun Wukong's shoulder, and there was a touching beauty in the distance, such a picture was really envious.

After enjoying the beautiful scenery for a while, Sun Wukong felt the beauty of the red lotus on his shoulder and the fragrance of his hair, and said with a smile: "Hey! Chick! Take advantage of me while I'm hooked. "

"Ah! Which... Where there is! Red Lotus was a little panicked, stood up, quickly lowered, did not dare to look at Sun Wukong, his face was flushed, and his hands pinched the corners of his clothes.

Seeing that there was no movement, Red Lotus glanced at Sun Wukong, and found that he was still looking at the beautiful scenery ahead, relieved, thought of something, and called softly: "Brother Wukong!" "

"Hmm!" Sun Wukong didn't move.

"Thank you! Brother Goku! Today is the happiest day of Red Lotus Chang, being able to fly freely like a bird in the air and fly freely without restraint, all because of Brother Wukong, Red is happy. "

Listening to Red Lotus's words, Sun Wukong turned her head, her face was very grateful and sincere, and gave a gentle smile: "It's good if you're happy!" But... If you really want to thank me, what is the meaning of verbal thanks? Come one. After speaking, he tilted his face and waited for her performance.

At the same time, this is an obedience test that tests Red Lotus' favorability towards him.

Looking at Sun Wukong's handsome face, Red Lotus's pretty face appeared a touching blush, and she said it shyly, and after that, her pretty face was red and lowered her head, not daring to look at him.

"Cut ~ not addictive!"

Sun Wukong pulled his big hand, pulled the red lotus into his arms, looked at her who was shy and blushing, and also made a statement...


Looking at the red lotus that fell soft in his arms and looked straight at him, Sun Wukong smiled secretly: "It's really good!" It's wonderful! "

"Enlightenment... Brother Goku! You... You big badass! These words made Red Lotus Qiao's face even more flushed, weak, and glared at Sun Wukong with silky eyes.

Although my heart was beating faster and I was a little angry, but... She didn't hate it, on the contrary, she liked the feeling.

"Huh!" Looking at the beauty in front of him, Sun Wukong smiled lightly, feeling that she had a special flavor now, and turned his head to look into the distance...

Sun Wukong turned his head to look at the dusk in the distance, and the red lotus fell softly in his arms, raising his head and staring directly at him.

After a while, looking at the dusk in front of him, Sun Wukong smiled softly: "Okay, almost. It's time for us to go back! "

"Huh~!? So go back soon? Brother Goku! We're playing for a while! Red Lotus didn't want to go back too early, he coquettishly lied in his arms.

"Still playing? If you go back too late, Han Fei and your father will be worried, and you don't want to... Can't come out and play next time, right? "

"Oh~! All right! Come out next time. Brother Goku is taking Red Lotus to play with me. All right? Red Lotus sat up and looked at Sun Wukong, her face full of expectation.

"It depends!" Sun Wukong was very casual, did not agree or refuse.

"Nope! Brother Goku! Just promise Red Lotus! The red lotus shook Sun Wukong's hand and began to coquettishly, making Sun Wukong feel Alexander and almost couldn't stand it.

Really! Coquettish or something, as long as it is a woman.

"Look at the mood!"

"Nope! Brother Goku! How do you promise Red Lotus? The red lotus did not hesitate and continued to ask.

"Can't think of it for the time being, or else! Coming on? As soon as I was happy, I agreed. Sun Wukong showed a side face and an evil smile and sent out the test again.

"Really?" Hong Lian's eyes lit up, and she immediately expressed it after speaking, and her face was very happy.

"Eh! This chick! Is the emotional desire for joy trumping the instinct of shyness, or is it getting used to it after the exchange just now? For her performance, Sun Wukong was very surprised, but thinking of something, the evil smile was even worse, and pointed to the place where he spoke: "What I said is, here!" "

"Huh?! This..." Hong Lian suddenly replied a little shyly, but when she thought that she could have a lot of fun, excitement, and fun with Sun Wukong, she was happier than all the things that grew so big.

In this regard, she has already made a decision and acted...


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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 109

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