
Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 110

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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 110

After some performance,

Red Lotus Qiao's face was infinitely flushed, raised her head, glared at Sun Wukong with silky eyes, and said coquettishly: "Brother Wukong!" You big badass! "

Just today, she was 'bullied' twice by the villain in front of her, what a big villain.

"Hey, hey!" Red Lotus's reaction made Sun Wukong laugh proudly, and the smug laugh once again provoked the beauty of Red Lotus.

"Brother Goku! The red lotus you said has been done, you can't regret it, come, let's pull the hook. Red Lotus stretched out the little finger of her right hand, looking very cute.

"Alright! For your obedience's sake, I agreed. After Sun Wukong finished speaking, he also stretched out his finger and pulled up the hook with the red lotus.

"Brother Goku, it's the best!" After getting what she wanted, Red Lotus was very happy.

"After going back, wait in the palace, when you are free, brother will come and take you out to play, next time we will play more interesting."

"That... Brother Goku can come quickly! Hong Lian was a little disappointed, but she looked forward to it even more.

"Got it! Look at your monkey anxious look, really. Looking at Red Lotus like this, Sun Wukong couldn't help but take his hand and scratched her pretty nose, which made Red Lotus answer a little shyly.

"All right! Went back. With a wave of his hand, the two figures disappeared here, and when they reappeared, they were already in front of a gate of the palace.

"That's awesome!" Looking at the familiar palace gate in front of her, Hong Lian quickly sighed.

Just now it was above the clouds, and now she was at the door in the blink of an eye, this means is powerful that she cannot understand.

"Go! It's not early, go back early. Sun Wukong looked at the red lotus and showed a gentle smile.

"Hmm!" Red Lotus nodded reluctantly, walked towards the palace gate with steps, took a few steps and suddenly turned back and reminded: "Brother Wukong!" Don't forget our agreement! "

"Okay! Got it! Monkey King smiled and nodded at her.

Receiving Sun Wukong's affirmation, Red Lotus was very happy to trot away in his eyes...

"This chick! Innocent maiden? It's also wonderful. Looking at the red lotus that disappeared in front of him, Sun Wukong revealed a warm smile.

Then, the figure flashed and disappeared here...

Zilanxuan backyard.

The figure of the Monkey King appeared in his room.

Sitting down cross-legged, remembering today's encounter with the red lotus, my heart was happy, and I began to meditate and cultivate...


Time is ticking.

Night is coming.

Sun Wukong is beautiful, but Ji Wuye is not happy.

General Ji's Mansion.

Ji Wuye's face was gloomy and terrifying.

Just now, Han Fei brought a man to visit him.

Played a game that he found interesting 'Kim'.

After that, he said that he had found a place where he hid 100,000 gold military salaries.

The method is a medicinal powder that can be used in the dark.

Han Fei's experiment let Ji Wuye know that with this medicinal powder, he could really find the treasure hiding place, which surprised him.

He decided to execute Han Fei, but was saved by a man with strong martial arts beside him, and had to let him go back with the news of Zhang Liang, the grandson of Xiangguo.

At this moment, he was thinking about whether to transfer 100,000 taels of gold.


Han Fei and Wei Zhuang walked out of the general's mansion.

Zhang Liang, who was waiting outside, saluted them: "The whole body retreated, the two of you have worked hard." "

Han Fei shook his head and looked at Wei Zhuang: "Wasted tongue for a while, dry mouth, Brother Wei Zhuang!" Let's find a place to drink! "

Zhang Liang, who had already been prepared, spoke up and explained: "A banquet has been prepared on the hill. "

Wei Zhuang glanced at Han Fei very calmly and casually: "Drinking, I'm not interested." "

Han Fei seemed to explain and said, "Brother Wei Zhuang! You know, I never drink just for the sake of drinking, and there is a better show than the scene just now, specially prepared for Brother Wei Zhuang, that is the main play. "

Han Fei's words made Wei Zhuang interested, and looked at him: "I hope don't let me down!" "

Seeing this, knowing that Brother Wei Zhuang agreed, Han Fei saluted: "But with Brother Wei Zhuang's evaluation, please!" "

Without saying a word, the three went to the place where they were prepared...

After walking for a while, he met the purple girl on the road, and Han Fei looked at her: "Purple girl!" Please take Wei Zhuang to the top of the hill, and I will go to Zilanxuan to invite Brother Wukong. "

The purple girl nodded, thought about it, looked at Han Fei and said softly: "With what I know about him, he will not be interested in these things. "

Han Fei had a different idea: "How do you know if you don't try?" If Brother Goku joins in, this play... It will definitely be more exciting. "

Seeing that Han Fei was like this, the purple woman smiled and didn't say more.

Han Fei looked at Wei Zhuang: "Brother Wei Zhuang!" You and the purple girl go one step ahead, and I will go to the Zilanxuan with the subroom, and we will arrive later. "

Wei Zhuang glanced at him, didn't say anything, and took a step ahead with the purple woman.

Looking goodbye to the two, Han Fei looked at Zhang Liang: "Zifang!" Walk! Accompany me to invite Brother Goku. "

Zhang Liang nodded in agreement, and asked with some doubt: "Brother Han!" This Goku brother... Who is it? "

"You'll know later, my fine wine is given by him, and I'll see if I can ask for some later."

When Han Fei said this, his heart was very hot, and he walked towards Zilanxuan...


Zilanxuan backyard.

Sun Wukong was meditating and cultivating, sensing that there were two people approaching, and at the same time made footsteps, opened his eyes, and secretly thought.

"What are this Han Fei and Zhang Liang doing? Looking at this situation, it won't be an invitation to watch a play on the hill of Ge Shan, right? Is the plot also here! "

With a wave of his hand, the door opened, and he sat waiting for the two to arrive.

After a while, Han Fei and Zhang Liang appeared in his eyes.

"Brother Goku!" Han Fei showed a smile, said hello, and walked into the room.

Zhang Liang followed closely and looked at Sun Wukong...

“!!!" Looking at the person in front of him, thinking back to what he had seen in his mind 1 year ago, Zhang Liang's eyes were a little shocked.

"You kid won't invite me to some hill to drink and watch a play, will you?" Sun Wukong looked at Han Fei and Zhang Liang, and his tone was very casual.

"Ugh!" Han Fei was a little embarrassed by Sun Wukong's words, and the words he had originally thought of were useless, and then said sincerely: "That Wukong brother!" Would you like to go along? "

Sun Wukong shook his head and refused: "On the big night, I have no interest in these, forget it." "

Han Fei was a little disappointed in his heart, he also knew Sun Wukong's personality, since he said so, he was also very good, and then introduced Zhang Liang: "Brother Wukong!" This is the sub-chamber! "

Zhang Liang agreed, put away his expression, and saluted Sun Wukong.


Feilu reminds you: three things to read - favorites, recommendations

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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 110

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