
Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 111

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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 111

"Hmm! I know you, Zhang Zifang! Han Xiangguo's grandson of Zhang Kaidi, a person with whom I have a good relationship, visited Han a year ago, and I was somewhat satisfied with Zhang Kaidi's performance at that time, and you are also very good, my surname is Sun! Name Wukong, you can be the same as Han Fei, call me Brother Wukong. "

Sun Wukong smiled and looked at this later life of the saint, very appreciative.

Capable people, many times, are favored and liked.

Zhang Liang had a trace of understanding in his eyes, and he hugged his fists and saluted: "Brother Wukong!" "

"Hmm! Well, take this bottle of wine, I hope you go well, and have a good night. Sun Wukong took out a bottle of fine wine, sent his thoughts to Han Fei, and blessed him.

Han Fei's eyes lit up, and he quickly caught it, and his tone was a little happy: "Haha! Brother Xie Wukong! Borrow your words. "

"Hmm! So that's it, go get busy with your business. "Sun Wukong gave the order to see off the guests.

Han Fei and Zhang Liang saluted and said goodbye to him.

Walk out of Zilanxuan and walk on the road.

Zhang Liang looked at Han Fei with a solemn face and asked his doubts: "Brother Han!" Do you know the identity of Brother Goku? "

Han Fei thought about it and shook his head: "To be honest, Zifang!" I don't know anything about Brother Goku, only that this person is related to the mysterious person who shocked the world a year ago, and the rest... I don't know, in short, it's mysterious. "

Zhang Liang's face became more solemn: "Brother Han! Judging from the sub-room, Brother Wukong is not ordinary. , has a deep connection with the mysterious man. "

"Oh!? Subroom please say. "

Zhang Liang thought for a while, and then said out loud: "A year ago, above the palace hall, Zifang was fortunate enough to see the appearance of that mysterious person, except for his hair, eyebrows, dress and temperament, he was exactly the same as Brother Wukong, even his voice. "

Listening to his words, Han Fei was taken aback in his heart, had other ideas, and sighed: "This Wukong brother is really unusual." "

Zhang Liang thought for a while and said his thoughts: "From the perspective of the sub-room, if you can let Brother Wukong join in, this world is within reach, if not, don't be an enemy." "

Han Fei thought thoughtfully and nodded...

Then, the two rushed to the hill without saying a word.

In short, some people are happy tonight, but some people are angry,

Each has its own life, each has its own loss, and each has its own gain.

A quiet and uncalm night passed like this...


The next day.

As soon as the biological clock arrives, the Monkey King from meditation.

Looking at the weather outside the window, it was another beautiful weather.

"Gee! Since the weather is so good, do you want Red Lotus to play? ... By the way..." Thinking of this, Sun Wukong pondered for a while and thought of something: "Nima! How did you forget the two superb royal sisters of Pearl and Hu Meiren? This kind of goblin must have an idea, go around the palace and play some raiders. "

Thinking of this, Sun Wukong's mind became hot.

In the original anime, these two superb royal sisters, he likes them, full points in appearance, full of figure, full points in temperament, plus they are palace people, they must know what kind of art,

Then add another one, full marks for pose.

No matter the sound, what the sound, all kinds of postures ~ momentum, all kinds of means...

The more Sun Wukong thought about it, the more excited he became, the more energetic he became, his blood boiled, he made up his mind, his figure flashed, and he went to the palace...

Gee! Others either come to a good encounter, and this guy goes directly with his own ideas.

Unpretentious, do whatever you want, directly purposeful, very powerful!


A palace above the Royal Palace...

Sun Wukong's figure flashed here.

Looking at the scene below, the figure flashed and appeared on the land below.

Looking at the surrounding area planted with all kinds of flowers and plants, small trees, exotic flowers and plants, the air is filled with various fragrances, and it extends along the road all the way, which is very beautiful.

However, in such a beautiful place, there are few people, and it is difficult for patrolling soldiers and maids to see.

Sun Wukong guessed that either he liked to be quiet, or he was not favored, or there were many places where secrets existed.

Sun Wukong strolled and walked, watching the flowers and smelling the fragrance, very pleasant.

Walking to the gate of a palace, which was surrounded by more exotic flowers and plants, colorful and fragrant, making people feel more happy, he watched calmly and felt the beautiful scenery.

The sound of "booming" water suddenly came from the window, and Sun Wukong couldn't help but be stunned at the moment, turned his head to look at the window, and listened carefully.

"I'll go! Daylight... There are still people... Do this? I go, and this benefit? Sun Wukong was overjoyed, walked to the window, picked up his ability to look inside, a door and window, in his eyes, seemed to exist, saw the situation inside...

A mature and moving perfect curve, absolutely perfect S-shape...

The skin is snow-white, smooth as jade, in short, it is very attractive... It makes Sun Wukong feel a little familiar...

When did Monkey King experience this scene? Directly seeing it, he swallowed his saliva again and again, perhaps because the sound was too loud, and the martial arts cultivation of the people in the room was not low to be detected by him.

"What people?" A nice light drink rang out from the room.

"Not good! was discovered" Sun Wukong was shocked at the moment, his figure flashed, and he broke through the window...

Aren't ordinary people running away when they are discovered? This guy is good, directly broke through the window, so powerful.

In the room, the aroma is sultry, there are floral scents, and there is also the light body fragrance.

It smells good

A mature and plump beauty stands in a barrel with some confusion...

She heard the sound of saliva, she found that there was a suspicious person in the window, she wanted to quickly get out of the bath and dress, the other party's speed was much faster than her, she just got up, the other party had broken through the window...

Suddenly, her eyes were cold, killing intent emerged, blue-purple fluctuations appeared in her hand, and a killing shot towards Sun Wukong.

"I'll go! Isn't this a pearl? It didn't take much effort to get it, and it was indeed a mature and superb royal sister. "

Sun Wukong looked at the face of the beauty, a small surprise and fiery, casually punched, is to blast the cold light and shadow to dissipate, the body flashed, towards her...


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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 111

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