
Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 114

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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 114

Sun Wukong stretched out his right hand, touched the pearl that was still in shock, her pretty face, and smiled faintly:

"Pearl! Three moves have passed, you haven't lost yet, you just need to take my move, even if you win, if you can't do it, my defense is strong, and the attack is not strong. "

Listening to Sun Wukong's words, the pearl that came back to his senses gave him a beautiful wink, and thought in his heart: "The defense is so strong, the attack is not strong?" Trick me like a little girl? "

However, there are some expectations, maybe this is the case?

Mingzhu slapped away Sun Wukong's hand, jumped back, and stood not far away, with internal forces surging around him, watching him guardedly.

Looks like it's ready.

"Attention! I'm coming. Seeing this, Sun Wukong blinked at the pearl, and the words he said made people think a little.

After Sun Wukong finished speaking, his face calmed down, his left hand stood behind him, his right fist clenched into a fist, and swung towards the pearl not far away, while whispering in his heart: "Serious punch!" "

Suddenly, the air was quiet, terrifying coercion appeared, fear was born for it, Mingzhu suddenly felt that the whole body was stiff, the blood, muscles, bones, everything in the body was not flowing; At the same time, Sun Wukong's giant-like figure appeared in her eyes, her face was full of ferocity, her scarlet eyes were full of terrifying killing intent looking at her, and the huge fist of her right hand attacked her in a posture of destroying everything...

Terror! Great horror!

Mingzhu's pupils contracted into needles, she wanted to escape, but her body did not listen to the call, she felt, dead.

When she was about to collapse, everything suddenly disappeared, and Sun Wukong's right hand rested on his forehead.


A terrifying loud noise followed, and the fierce wave of qi centered on them went around, blowing a large cloud of dust.

After a while...

"What, scared silly?" Looking at the beauty who was still in a daze, Sun Wukong stretched out his finger and flicked it on his forehead.

The forehead was painful, and the delicate body of the pearl who came back to her senses trembled, lost her strength, and was unable to kneel on the ground, panting heavily.

The thing that floated up and down with the panting made Sun Wukong feast his eyes.

After a while, Mingzhu seemed to feel something, turned her head and looked back, her pupils shrank into needles, and she looked extremely shocked.

Behind him, a huge passage with no end in sight, thousands of meters in size, runs through the sky, everything along the road is completely destroyed, and the ground appears flat.

"Hiss~!" Looking at everything in front of her, Mingzhu took a deep breath...

Is this something that is human beings? This destructive power, how many of her cousin's bloody clothes have been hanged.

This is the difference in realm and the difference in strength.

Mingzhu turned her head, her good-looking eyes looked at her Monkey King with a smile, swallowed her saliva, her back was a little chilly, and her heart was also very frightened: "I... You still want to kill this kind of guy just now? Now that I think about it, it all feels... It's crazy, it's really... The ignorant has nowhere to go! "

"It seems... This bet, I won, then, from now on, you! It's mine, let me see how attractive you are. "

After Sun Wukong finished speaking, he pulled his hand and pulled the pearl kneeling on the ground into his arms, doing what many people dream of...

Such an enchanting and beautiful superb mature royal sister's unique charm, really... It's wonderful...

"You... You disciple! "

Mingzhu, who came back to his senses, didn't know where the strength came from, pushed Sun Wukong away, his pretty face was full of intoxicating and charming redness, and he stared at him weakly.

"Ascend the apprentice, go on the apprentice, anyway, now, you are mine." Sun Wukong smiled and smiled slightly at Mingzhu, who was weak and exuding a different temptation.

Hearing this, a somewhat playful smile appeared on Mingzhu's face: "Hmph! I haven't said yes yet. "

"Cut! Who cares if you promise or not, anyway, I say yes, that's it, moreover, this gamble, you lose, willing to gamble to lose, this is the performance we adults should have. Sun Wukong looked at Pearl who wanted to play with a look of indifference.

Seeing this, Mingzhu showed an inexplicable smile on her face, and her tone was soft and crispy: "You! ... It's overbearing."

Sun Wukong smiled slightly: "No way, for you, I am willing to show my domineering, and, now, I think you have to call me master, come!" Call the master first to listen. "

Sun Wukong suddenly felt that calling such a superb royal sister 'master' would be very cool and fulfilling, especially when conducting alternative 'communication', it would be more fulfilling.

Hearing this, Mingzhu looked at Sun Wukong with a smile and shook her head slightly, indicating her refusal.

"Sure enough! To make this kind of mature beauty with a firm heart surrender, you don't need to do it with some routines. Thinking of this, Sun Wukong showed an inexplicable smile and continued: "Really not called? "

Mingzhu still shook her head.

"Very good! Wait, I hope you can still be so tough. After Sun Wukong finished speaking, a little on Mingzhu...

Suddenly, Mingzhu found that she had lost her internal strength again and could not move, and her tone was a little flustered: "You... What do you want to do? "

In fact, she has long been impressed by the powerful strength of the villain in front of her, but she can't let go of a trace of pride in her heart, and she also knows that this villain will not kill herself, so she will be a little tricky.

"Pearl! For disobedient women, I will generally educate well, and finally I can try the fun of tuning ~ teaching, come and try my routines and see how long you can last. "

After Sun Wukong finished speaking, he sat on the ground, took off his shoes, revealed smooth and white jade feet, and held it in his hand to admire...

In such an unprecedented situation, Mingzhu's face was a little unnatural: "You... What the hell are you going to do? "

"Hey, hey! You'll know, take the punishment well. "

Sun Wukong showed a charming smile, his fingers were a little on the soles of his feet, magnifying her sensitivity dozens of times, and his hands were flashing all the feathers, starting an interesting education...

This routine Sun Wukong has seen and tried.

The games I played with my friends when I was a child, there are scratching my feet, scratching my armpits, and I want to use it to see the effect.

As Sun Wukong's movements began, all of a sudden, a feeling so strong that it exploded immediately filled Mingzhu's body and nerves...


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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 114

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