
Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 115

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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 115

"You... You're fast... Stop it..." Mingzhu's face was red at first, and then slowly twisted, looking like this, she was forced not to laugh out loud.

"Oh!? It's pretty tough. Seeing this, after Sun Wukong finished speaking, the movements in his hands became even faster, making Mingzhu's face become more distorted and ugly, and finally... Still can't help it:

"Huh... Huh... Ha ha... Hahahaha... Hahahahaha..."

Mingzhu laughed for more than ten seconds, her face was red with laughter, and tears flashed in her eyes.

"Can't stand it, just obediently call the master! I'll spare you! Monkey King stopped the movement in his hand and issued an obedience test.

"You... You, Hugh. Mingzhu said a little weakly.

It seems that he laughed until he ran out of strength.

"Hmph! I don't believe it, this time if you don't call me master, I won't stop. Sun Wukong also had a temper, and after saying that, the hand that grabbed the jade foot also moved, and the beautiful laughter also sounded...

It sounded nice at first, but then it slowly changed its taste.

I kept laughing, but it was a very painful and terrible thing.

Understand, understand!

Tens of seconds later.....

"Hahaha... Host... Hahahahaha... Host.... Hahahahaha... The host..."

In the weak laughter, I finally heard the voice that Sun Wukong liked, looked at the pearl with a pleading look in his eyes, and his face was about to collapse, and stopped the movement in his hand.

"Hmph! Even if you don't give in, you will die of laughter, and if you die of laughter, do you think you will be relieved? No! You are so naïve, I will resurrect you, in the continuation, not called in the resurrection, in the continuation, I have a lot of time. "

Sun Wukong's smile and words made Mingzhu cold.

This demon! Such a punishment is really not something that people can come up with.

"Call it out early, you won't have to suffer so much, really." Sun Wukong untied her acupuncture channel, held her weak body in his arms, and scraped her small upturned nose with his hand, a little distressed.

Mingzhu showed a smile and said a clever appreciation: "If you call early, how do you know that the master is so powerful." "

Sun Wukong laughed: "Well, I love to hear this." "

Mingzhu was a little shocked and slightly expectant: "Master! Is it true that you can raise the dead? "

"You'll find out later." Sun Wukong did not answer directly.

Hearing this, Mingzhu was very happy, because she knew that her master had that ability.

A strong man like this who makes such a big move with a wave of his hand does not disdain to lie, and does not rush to show and affirm his strength in his words; Instead, he prefers to prove it with facts, and let the listener himself confirm the truth of what he said.

With such a powerful owner, in this troubled world, it is very secure.

"All right! When things are done, it's time to go back. "Holding the powerless pearl in the posture of a princess, his mind moved, the space changed, and he returned to the original palace.

Looking back at the original place, everything familiar, Mingzhu's mood is very complicated...

Just some time ago, in another place, she! Seeing a man who is extremely powerful, a man who makes everyone fear and unable to resist, and himself, who has become her person, he will now hold himself, he! It's your own master!

Sun Wukong carried her towards the resting place in the palace...

Suddenly, Mingzhu felt a little flustered in her heart: "Could it be... Her master, to get all of his own now? Should I resist or resist? "

Put the beauty in her arms on the bed, in the somewhat red look of Mingzhu, Sun Wukong's hand flashed, and he took a picture of her...

After a few seconds, Pearl found herself healed, feeling better than ever, feeling back to her peak state.

Mingzhu sat up and looked at Sun Wukong with some shock and curiosity: "Master! What is this exercise? "

"Oh! This is a healing technique, similar to a thing called fairy beans, as long as people still have a breath, they can heal and return to their peak state without any side effects. Monkey King explained with a soft smile, while adding hints.

For his own people, Sun Wukong has always been very gentle.

"It's so powerful, it's amazing, what is that fairy bean?" Pearl was still shocked.

Can you return to peak state in one breath? It is equivalent to having a powerful means of one more life.

"Whoosh! That's it, take these few of them, just in case. After Sun Wukong finished speaking, his hand flashed and threw her several bottles containing beans.

Mingzhu followed with her hand, looking at the baby in the palm of her hand, very happy.

She was convinced of the words of the master, and besides, such an important thing was given to herself without thinking, and she was very happy.

Seeing that things were getting bigger, Sun Wukong seemed to have emotion, and said softly: "Speaking of which, I plan to come to the palace today to find the little girl of the red lotus, by the way, I came to find you, fortunately, I was also attracted by the beautiful scenery and the fragrance of flowers outside, and I came to you all the way to stroll, who knew that you were in the daylight... What, what happened just now, it can be regarded as a coincidence and fate. "

"I don't know... What happened when the master came to find Princess Red Lotus? Listening to Sun Wukong's words, Mingzhu gave him a beautiful wink.

Fate, you big-headed ghost! She was seen by you, and she was bullied in various ways, and in the end, even people lost to you, but she didn't feel a loss.

This question, Sun Wukong replied lightly: "It's nothing!" I have an agreement with that chick, and I am here to fulfill it today. "

"Is it: Master, did you fancy the Red Lotus Princess? Mingzhu showed a charming smile, and there was a look in her eyes that I understand you.

"Must!" Sun Wukong admitted it very generously and sincerely.

Hearing this, Mingzhu's smile became more beautiful, and she proposed softly: "Then... Do you want Pearl to help the master chase the Red Lotus Princess?

Sun Wukong waved his hand: "No need, a little girl's film, I can easily get it myself." "


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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 115

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