
Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 116

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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 116

Listening to Sun Wukong's words, Mingzhu said softly: "Master! As far as I know, Princess Red Lotus is an adult, not small, and she is old enough to marry. "

"Cut! I was only sixteen or seventeen years old, and in my hometown, eighteen was considered an adult. "

Mingzhu was very curious: "Oh!? Where is the owner's hometown? "

"There's a chance to let you know." Sun Wukong left a suspense.

Listening to his words, although Mingzhu was still curious, she was not asking questions, because it would make people disgusted.

Sun Wukong looked at her very seriously: "In fact, become my person, you can continue to do what you want, I will not restrict your freedom, I will also give you strong strength, so that you will not be harmed, but just remember that don't let other men touch you except me." "

"Reassuring host! Everything belongs to the owner of the pearl, and others are not qualified to touch it. Mingzhu also replied with a serious and serious face.

"Very good! The answer satisfies me, and now is the time to reward you. Sun Wukong smiled and said, acting...

The sudden change of the "master" made Mingzhu's pretty face show an intoxicating blush, and she was a little nervous and flustered.

Sun Wukong smiled and looked at Mingzhu without speaking, and in the next second, her hands shone brightly, quickly covering her whole body, which seemed very mysterious.

After about 1 minute, the divine light dissipated.

Invisible waves of qi emanated from Mingzhu's body, returning to calm after a few seconds.

Sun Wukong secretly let go of his hands and looked at the shocked Pearl with a smile: "How do you feel?" "

The blushing Pearl carefully sensed the physical condition, and after a few seconds, she looked at him in shock, and her tone was a little stuttered: "This... This... How is this possible. "

The internal strength cultivation in her body has increased for more than a hundred years, and many people cannot reach the level in a lifetime, just now, in a short period of time, by her master in such a time, how not to shock her?

"Hmm! The potential is okay, rest assured! I'm just bringing out the potential in your body, without any side effects. Sun Wukong looked at the shocked pearl, explained with a smile, and then tapped his finger on his forehead, and the divine light flashed, and the cultivation exercises were transmitted to her brain, which made her even more shocked.

"The host! This... Is this true? Mingzhu still didn't quite believe it, these were beyond her understanding, and some cute looked at Sun Wukong.

Sun Wukong looked at her with a smile and said, "Didn't you just meet it not long ago?" How? Can't accept it? "

Listening to his words and remembering the terrifying scene of his punch, she believed it and became excited: "Thank you for everything that the master gave Mingzhu." "

Mingzhu was very moved, looking at Sun Wukong happily, and there was affection flashing in his eyes.

Sun Wukong turned his face sideways and sent out a test: "Really want to thank me?" Come one! "

Mingzhu's pretty face was a little red, and she agreed very well...

But when he was about to kiss his face, Sun Haojian turned his face around, just opposite Mingzhu,

In the next second, Sun Wukong continued to pursue...

In his opinion, for this kind of mature woman, you can get it unexpected, let her feel surprise, tension, stimulation and other emotions at all times, it is more effective

This is also why he responded to the test when he was good enough, and then continued to chase, impressing the other party.

The purple woman is so, the red lotus is so, and now, it's the pearl's turn.

Soon, the pearl was... There are emotions.

After all, it is a mature beauty!

"Hmm! My pearl, it's so good, I love it. Sun Wukong smiled evilly, looking at the charming and beautiful pearl, very happy.

Listening to Sun Wukong's words, Mingzhu Qiao's face turned even redder, and she stared at Sun Wukong's eyes with tenderness.

After all, such words are impossible to hear in this era, and this is the first time she has heard them, which is an affirmation and praise for her charm.

Happy and happy at the same time.

Sun Wukong secretly enjoyed the benefits obtained in this way, first using his own strength and routines to make Mingzhu obey himself and hand over a part of his heart,

Then, after using the means against the sky to enhance Mingzhu's strength, directly increasing the degree of obedience to more than 90%, plus that it was something that she thought only husband and wife could do in this era, she attacked the more rational Pearl.

Of course! One of the conditions, and in this era there is... Very important relationship.

"All right! I gave you the exercises, those who work hard will succeed, whether to work hard to become strong, control their own destiny, or controlled by fate, it's all up to you, I hope that next time we meet, Pearl you will surprise me, if I am happy, there will be a reward Oh. "

Sun Wukong hinted and encouraged to finish speaking, sneaked up, and before Mingzhu could react, her figure flashed and disappeared...

Gee! Take the benefits and run away, so that the other party is in a mood!

Mingzhu touched the forehead of the kissed and looked at the place where Sun Wukong disappeared, some happiness and complexity, however, more expectation.

It is the anticipation of the reward that the owner said he said.


Sun Wukong's figure appeared in the sky, Meizhi glanced at the pearl below, and then looked for the figure of Red Lotus and Hu Meiren...

After a while, he found Hu Mei and Red Lotus who were tasting pastries with King Han's guy.

"Gotta! Look at this situation, forget it, when are you interested in talking. Sun Wukong thought about it, and didn't bother them, and returned to Zilanxuan.

It seems that the Raiders Pearl makes him feel refreshed.

The realization gained after 1 year of Yin-Yang family retreat.

He wanted time to brew the relationship between them, and when the time was almost up, and his thoughts were like rivers, he could do that.

Just like the situation of the Yin Yang family.

The medium is the treasure that makes the heart belong to you, miss and miss you.

And Mingzhu's strength and exercises are the medium that Sun Wukong gave her, and when her strength is stronger, she misses him deeper.

As time goes on, the mind becomes more and more determined.

So, this is the routine.

Just like a long-distance relationship, you have to give the other person the medium that misses you, so as not to let the relationship regress.


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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 116

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