
Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 117

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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 117

Sun Wukong returned to Zilanxuan, and was busy with his own affairs.

He said that after a while, when he went to see the fairy Pearl, he could play shy things, and he thought about it.

Time just goes by...

Near dusk, footsteps in the backyard caught his attention.

"Han Fei? What is this kid doing? If you guessed correctly, yesterday night I found gold, then, now, it should be about to set up an organization. Interesting, we'll see later. "

Thinking of this, open the door and wait for his arrival.

After a while, Han Fei's figure appeared in his eyes.

Han Fei smiled and said hello: "Brother Wukong!" "

Sun Wukong nodded, and although he knew the purpose of his coming, he still quipped: "You boy! Won't you come to me again to help you solve your troubles? "

Han Fei smiled, and then said his intentions very sincerely: "Brother Wukong said and smiled, this time, I came to invite Brother Wukong, and I have some wishes, hoping that Brother Wukong will appreciate the light and go to taste it." "

"Good! Let's go! Sun Wukong was very satisfied with his attitude and performance, and he was also somewhat interested, so he agreed.

"Brother Goku! Please! Han Fei made a gesture of invitation, and then went to the room of Zhang Liangwei Zhuang Zinu and the others...

Walking into the room, Zhang Liang, Zi Nu, and Wei Zhuang all looked over...

Zhang Liang saluted and said hello: "Brother Wukong!" "

The purple girl smiled: "Gongzi! "

Wei Zhuang's eyes glanced at Sun Wukong, which was regarded as a greeting.

Sun Wukong looked at them, nodded in response, and then, before walking to the table, sat down cross-legged next to the purple girl...

The purple woman smiled and took out a wine bottle for him, filling it with fine wine...

Sun Wukong was very satisfied with her actions and gave her a thumbs up on her right hand, which made the purple girl feel a little happy, and somehow there were some happy emotions in her eyes.

Seeing that everyone had arrived, Han Feixiao took a few steps and attracted everyone's attention: "Everyone! Calling you here, Han Fei has some thoughts and wishes in his heart and wants to discuss with you, but before that, I thank you for your help before I can get the position of commander. "

After Han Fei finished speaking, he gave a big gift to everyone.

Seeing this, Wei Zhuang glanced at Han Fei with a full glance, and the subject: "You have obtained the power of Faxing as you wished, and you have fulfilled your wish, why do you have to make these false feelings and false gifts, and say the point." "

Han Fei also did not ink, his eyes turned around everyone, and he directly said his purpose: "I want to establish a brand new Han, and Ji Wuye will not be removed, Han will die, Brother Wei Zhuang!" With your abilities, I want you to replace him. "

In addition to Sun Wukong, Zhang Liang and Zhuang came to be interested and had their own thoughts...

"And then what? Allegiance to your Game of Thrones? Wei Zhuang's tone was still very cold.

For Brother Wei Zhuang's question, Han Fei did not answer directly, turned around and walked a few steps, and began to speak: "Whether we like it or not, we are already in this whirlpool called the power of the world, this can no longer be changed, but we can build a brand new han together..."

With his narration, the surrounding scene changed, making Sun Wukong very confused.

"I'll go! This Nima! I was still in the room just now, but in the blink of an eye, I came to another scene? Look at the ground like a chess game, look at the various things formed by the yellow sand around me, look at this gloomy sky, really special and mysterious, when I was still an otaku, I knew that this was a special effect, but now, this is definitely Han Fei, this kid is hanging up, pulling everyone into his situation, domineering, full of B frame. "

Listening to Han Fei's words, Wei Zhuang became even more interested: "What is the difference from the current Han?" "

Han Fei replied confidently: "First; There is no longer such a person as Ji Wuye; Second; There are no longer people like An Pingjun and Long Quanjun, third; The world of the seven kingdoms, I want, ninety-nine. "

After Han Fei finished speaking, the five fingers of his right hand were opened, at this moment, he had the domineering spirit of controlling the world, full of B grid, full of B grid, and the spirit of Wang Hegemony increased dramatically.

At this moment, Han Fei directly showed his ambition and ideas, and coupled with the aura of the protagonist, his charm increased greatly.

Zhang Liang, Zinu, Wei Zhuang and the others were immediately convinced.

Wei Zhuang was also moved, but he still kindly reminded him: "Now it sounds a little interesting, but you have to live first..."

Han Fei was happy, and also knew that Brother Wei Zhuang agreed, and nodded and agreed: "That's natural!" Then, Han Fei looked at Sun Wukong: "Brother Wukong!" What do you think? "

Suddenly, Han Fei, Zhang Liang, Wei Zhuang, and the purple woman looked at Sun Wukong in unison.

Seeing this, Sun Wukong smiled, looked at Han Fei, and did not agree or refuse: "Give a reason that can convince me!" "

He came to this world for fun, to tease girls by the way, join other forces or something, and he has no idea for the time being.

Han Fei was prepared for this, and was not surprised, and continued to ask: "Manly husband, in such an era, it is nothing more than for power, wealth, beauty, what does Brother Wukong need?" Let's do it together. "

Sun Wukong thought for a while: "Well... Power or something, not interested, wealth is even less interested, beautiful words, okay! Or else, Purple Girl! Give me your heart, your people, and all yours, and I will agree, how about it? "

Sun Wukong looked at the purple female beauty with a smile, revealing his shamelessness and shameless conditions.

This is a special opportunity to blackmail.

For Monkey King, this is a routine and a test.

"..." The purple girl's heart was very complicated, and there was a little happiness in the complexity, and then she put her hands in front of [Yue Hun], gave Sun Wukong a beautiful wink, showed a charming smile, and looked directly into his eyes, without saying a word.

This look, this body language, made Sun Wukong very confused, and he didn't understand the situation, but he also knew that the meaning of not agreeing or refusing was also known.

Wei Zhuang, Zhang Liang, Han Fei and the others were also speechless by this scene.

Seeing this, Han Fei was a little disappointed and helpless, hugged his fist and saluted, and his tone was sincere: "Brother Wukong!" This... If the purple girl is willing, then it is best, otherwise, she will not do that forced thing in the next place. "

His words made Wei Zhuang, Zhang Liang, and Zinu appreciate him a little more.


Feilu reminds you: three things to read - favorites, recommendations

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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 117

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