
Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 118

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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 118

Seeing that Han Fei was like this, Sun Wukong showed a smile and looked at him:

"Alright! Just now is a test, your kid is doing well, I have got what I want, I will tell the truth, my existence is special, I will not join any organization, but for the sake of Han Fei, your performance just now is good, I look at the situation, to the point that I can promise to give you some help, the most important thing for you, and the most demand. "

Hearing this, Wei Zhuang, Zhang Liang, and Han Fei were overjoyed.

Han Fei's face was shocked and a hint of puzzlement: "Brother Xie Wukong!" I don't know what Brother Goku said about helping..."

Although he guessed a few points, he still wanted to confirm it.

Sun Wukong did not answer, and said: "Under the current situation of the Seven Kingdoms, even if you have the ability to reform the current Han and become a brand new Han, the strength of the other six countries is still far from the same, if the other countries will not give you this opportunity, so, what do you need most?"

Han Fei, Wei Zhuang, Zhang Liang, and Zi Nu looked at each other, exchanged information, and then said in unison: "Time!" "

"This is what I can help you, as for how I can do it, you don't have to care, the premise is that you must be able to handle all the situations, control Han, see your performance, if I am satisfied, for the sake of some people's face, I will lend a hand."

Sun Wukong smiled and finished speaking, his eyes looked at the purple girl, and he began to routine again.

Listening to him say this, the purple woman's smile became more beautiful, and there were many emotions flashing in the depths of her eyes, and her heart was very uncalm.

Apparently, she was provoked.

Han Fei, Wei Zhuang, and Zhang Liang were shocked in their hearts, and they also knew the meaning of his words.

Han Fei's eyes lit up, his tone was a little excited, and he looked at him and said, "Good!" Brother Goku! Next, please watch our performance, which will surely satisfy you. "

Sun Wukong looked at Han Fei: "That's okay, I'm looking forward to it, I'm very optimistic about you; So, is the name of your organization decided? "

Han Fei thought for a while, and his tone was firm: "In the human world, tangible life is indeed very fragile, but invisible power will be unbreakable!" The law of heaven and earth, the execution is not neglectful, I have given this invisible force a name, called 'quicksand'! "

With his narration, the situation began to change again, all kinds of 'quicksand' flying around the sky, the sky and the earth changed color, it was simply too explosive, too sci-fi...

And Sun Wukong also personally witnessed the entire Qin Shi plot and the organization that became famous all over the world.

"Gee! B is full of shape, Han Fei at the moment. "

Sun Wukong sighed in his heart, and then looked at them and said, "Very good!" Then, you guys come on, I'll withdraw first, and you will talk. "

When you see what you want to see, there is no need to stay, say goodbye and go back to busy yourself.

Then, in their farewell, they walked out of the room...

After bidding him off, Han Fei, Wei Zhuang, Zhang Liang, and Zi Nu began to discuss a plan to remove Ji Wuye's 'Four Murderous Generals of the Night' who controlled the Han Kingdom...

And when Han Fei mentioned that he needed a pair of eyes to see the 'darkness', the purple girl thought of getting jade! However, in the next second, she immediately vetoed it, she now knows that Liang Yu is the pearl in the palm of Gongzi, if she is allowed to make a risk, the devil knows what terrible things will happen.

So, you have to find someone else.

After discussing for a long time, it was dark, and they said goodbye and left...

Wei Zhuang was worried about Han Fei's safety, and followed with shark teeth...

The purple girl stayed to deal with some things, and after dealing with it, she thought of meeting Sun Wukong, but thinking of the scene of being teased and taken advantage of by him at that time, she let go of this idea.

She now hates this son, and she can't help him at all.

This night, for some, is destined to be unpeaceful...

Each has its own experience...

It was late at night, and at this time...

Violet Orchid.

Jade room:

A woman with a good posture named Hong Yu is carefully wiping the piano played by Jade, which is very serious, careful, and has a special charm.

After a busy time, finally finished, she put the piano away, also ready to rest, picked up the light in the room, extinguished it, the room fell into darkness, suddenly, by the moonlight, outside the window of the room, a dark figure appeared.

“!" Hong Yu was shocked and hurriedly exclaimed: "Who!!! "

She looked at it warily, there was nothing, turned towards the window, intending to open it to see the situation...

And at this time, a black figure appeared in the mirror in front of her, slowly pulling out a sword in his hand...


In Hong Yu's fearful and terrified scream, the sword of the black figure cut her neck, and blood splashed on the window, looking very miserable, and then, her consciousness fell into darkness....


The next morning!


An exclamation alarmed Zilanxuan!

The busy purple girl heard the voice of Jade, and quickly walked towards her room,

After a while, I came to the door of the room, looking at the scene in front of me, my face was very gloomy and terrifying.

"Hong Yu! No! Standing in front of the door, looking at the scene in front of him, covering his mouth with his hands, tears filled his eyes, and his tone was very sad.

Hearing the movement, the other sisters also quickly came to the jade room, but they were stopped by the purple woman, comforted them, and let them disperse

The purple woman didn't want this to affect them too much...

Soon, Han Fei, who learned about this, quickly came to the scene of the crime:

Looking at the purple woman standing on the side of the room without saying a word.

Liang Yu knelt in front of Hongyu's cloth-covered corpse, covered her mouth with her slender hands, and cried in a low voice, very sad:

The purple girl looked at her sad and comforted her softly: "Get jade!" Go to my room and rest, don't be too sad." "

After listening to it, Liang Yu nodded very well-behaved and sensible, stood up, and walked out with a low cry, heading to the purple woman's room...

"Hey..." Han Fei sighed and looked at the purple girl: "Purple girl! When did it happen? "

The purple girl pondered: "It should be yesterday night, after you left, Wei Zhuang sensed that you were in danger and went out to pick you up, just not there." "

If Wei Zhuang was there, the purple girl believed that such a thing would not happen.

Han Fei walked to Hongyu's body, squatted down, opened the cover, carefully examined the look, and used the intelligence he got and the clues of the environment to quickly reason... Found some valuable situations.

At this time, Wei Zhuang also came, and Han Fei asked his doubts: "Have you checked the roof?" Was there a crack? "

"It turned out that there were not, a few tiles were broken on the roof, it seems that someone fought with the murderer."

Wei Zhuang walked to the window, opened it, and remembered the beggar he had noticed...

"In this way, the murderer is not the only one staring at this room." Han Fei drew conclusions based on intelligence.

"Brother Han!" Zhang Liang's figure appeared in the room, looked at Han Fei, and said his intentions: "Zuo Sima Liu Yi was killed in his mansion, and strangely, the person who recommended Brother Han to investigate this case turned out to be Ji Wuye!" "

Han Fei pondered for a while, revealing a meaningful smile: "Every strange puzzle often has an interesting answer unexpectedly!" Therefore, I, the commander, should investigate it. "

The four thoughtfully...

"Yo! It's all there. "

Sun Wukong's voice came to mind and attracted their attention.


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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 118

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