
Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 121

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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 121

What happened to Hong Yu, after Sun Wukong returned to his room, he recalled it seriously, knowing that it seemed that Han Fei Zhang Liang was going to Liu Yi's mansion to meet his future mother-in-law, and it seemed that he had made his mother-in-law unconscious. How this works, you have to think of a way ....

"There you have it!"

He thought of the miniature robot in the Dragon Ball Z world that collected the cells of Goku and others in the seventh universe.

In enhancing some functions, such as on-site monitoring, field of view sharing, image projection, energy shield, location positioning, the ability to protect yourself, and then explosion destruction, with a certain damage ability and other functions, get it out and follow Han Fei and others to watch it live, as if you are in the scene.

"Hmm! Just do it, appear when it should appear, look at it low-key if it does not appear, be more comfortable, how comfortable. "

With a decision, Sun Wukong communicated with Goldfinger and got the micro-robot out on his own terms.

Looking at the 5 miniature robots like little bees flying in the air that cannot be seen with the naked eye in front of him, Sun Wukong is very satisfied, silent, invisible but existing, which is a good thing!

Like what... Who wants to look at beautiful women in an upright manner, this can meet your needs.

With this, you can sit at home and know what is happening outside.

"Your name is No. 1, you are No. 2, you're No. 3, you're No. 4, you're No. 5"

"Yes! Master. Five mechanical female voices sounded in Sun Wukong's head.

"Number 1, you follow him according to the person I give in my head, and see what he is doing." Sun Wukong's mind appeared Han Fei's appearance.

"Yes! Master. "No. 1 got the order, according to the image, flew out the window and went to find Han Fei.

"How many of you! , temporarily return to the system to stand by! With a wave of his hand, the 4 little bee machines in front of him were included in the ring world...

Monkey King is not a surveillance maniac! Voyeur! Just release it if you need to. After all, no one likes to be watched, and no privacy is bad.

A few minutes later, news came on the 1st.

"The host! The target person has been discovered, whether the vision is shared"

"Of course!"

As soon as Sun Wukong finished speaking, his eyes suddenly flashed, and the figures of Han Fei and Zhang Liang walking towards Liu Yi's mansion were printed in front of them, the same as they saw with their eyes.

"Groove! Then help! It is still 360 degrees without dead ends, which is more powerful than immersion. "

"I used to use the computer to watch them, but now I watch everything that happens with my eyes, and sure enough, thief 6! Hey! Han Fei, Zhang Liang, you can perform in front of me! I'll just watch your show as an audience! "

With a wave of his hand, Sun Wukong conjured up all kinds of drinks for the audience to watch...


Sun Wukong uses the power of black technology to watch them handle cases and look for clues.

As in the original book, he found the real place of the crime in the course of his good discussion, in the secret room.

The torn silk thread was also found in the secret room.

Getting what they wanted, the two walked out of the secret room, closed the door smoothly, and waited for Mrs. Hu's arrival...

After a while, the next person brought Mrs. Hu with him.

Seeing this mother-in-law, Sun Wukong's eyes lit up.

"I'll go! This is the mother-in-law! That's too young! It seems that she is in her 30s, and her maintenance is so good, similar to that of her royal sister in her twenties.

I heard that in ancient times, when he was just 16 years old, he got married and had children, and if Liangyu was twenty years old, then this mother-in-law was about 36 years old. Standing with Liangyu, it is definitely a sisterly existence, so powerful! "

Mrs. Hu, like Liang Yu, is also a big beauty.

Her gentle temperament gives people a very elegant and quiet feeling, her bare neck and shoulders are slightly exposed, showing her beautiful curves, perhaps because she is middle-aged, not ostentatious or eye-catching at first glance, so her beauty is restrained and needs to be savored.

In a word, it is the type that you like the more you look at it, the more you look at it, the more attractive it is.

Seeing her arrival, Han Fei was comforted and inquired like the original...

And when Han Fei saw the fire and rain agate around her waist, he thought of something. Looking at Mrs. Hu, he said:

"Madame's silk thread of this fire rain agate seems to be missing, and this one is exactly in my hand, this is what I found from the secret room at the murder scene, Madame, please explain, man, did you kill Madame?"

After Han Fei finished speaking, his face was serious, and his eyes looked at Mrs. Hu sharply, expressing his doubts, which was too coincidental.

"I... This..." was questioned, Mrs. Hu had nothing to say in order to hide the existence of Li Kai, the person she missed, and her emotions began to become excited.

Seeing this, Sun Wukong knew that he should appear, otherwise this mother-in-law would pass out, and the coma caused by emotion was very harmful to the body and mind, and such injuries should not be borne by poor her.

In this troubled world, the head of the family, all her dependence died, leaving her alone to live in this world? Seems very helpless, does not know how to survive, a man from his own former killed his own current man, this is what she thinks, if she is telling what she sees, then, when his own former man is executed, it is really...

All reliance is gone, how can a weak woman like her survive in this troubled world? Thinking of such an ending, therefore, she will be emotional and pass out, just like the moment she saw Li Kai kill himself in the original work, and she passed out again...

Sun Wukong, who has watched the anime, knows that this Mrs. Hu came to the evening, did not see the scene where the vulture killed Liu Yi, only saw Li Kai, and thought that Liu Yi was killed by Li Kai, so he hid it for him, in fact, the result was not so.

Thinking of this, he used the image projection of robot No. 1 to project his figure and appeared in the room. As soon as the figure appeared, the voice also appeared: "Okay, Han Fei!" It is true that she did not kill people. "

"Brother Goku, why are you here." Han Fei looked at Sun Wukong and was surprised.

"Brother Goku!" Zhang Liang also saluted.

Mrs. Hu looked at him a little puzzled: "You: Are you..."

"My surname is Sun, my name is Wukong, you can call me Gongzi or Wukong" Sun Wukong looked at his emotionally stable mother-in-law and smiled softly, which surprised Han Fei and Zhang Liang, but it was the first time they had seen Brother Wukong like this.

Seeing this, Han Fei asked in a loud voice: "Brother Wukong, the lady you just said is not a murderer, so does Brother Wukong know the real murderer?" "

"Know! But it's up to you, I'll watch the play alone. "

Han Fei suddenly felt a little helpless: "This... Brother Goku! Just help me!" "

"It's not impossible, but don't do anything that is not good, so be it! You do me a small favor too. "


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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 121

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