
Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 123

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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 123

This footstep, Sun Wukong perceived, found that it was Yu and Hongyu, opened the door, and waited...

After a while, Liang Yu and Hong Yu walked in with food in their hands, and when they saw Sun Wukong looking at them, their faces were slightly red and saluted: "Gongzi!" This is the meal that Hongyu and I prepared for Gongzi, and Gongzi tasted it to see if he liked it or not. "

After Liang Yu finished speaking, he looked shy, and so did Hong Yu.

In their opinion, making food for Sun Wukong with their own hands is to secretly express their intentions and make them a little shy.

"Oh? Langyu and Hong Yu made it themselves! That must be delicious, come and come! Let me have a good taste. Sun Wukong looked happy and beckoned to them.

The two women received instructions and quickly placed the food in front of Sun Wukong's table.

"Hmm! Not bad, it smells good, and it makes people appetite when they look at it. Sun Wukong secretly praised after speaking, picked up a dish with chopsticks and sent it to his mouth, his eyes lit up,

It is purely a 100% land product, no pollution, it tastes special, and it is made with the heart of Jade and Hongyu, which is very good, and it is not a peerless delicacy, but in front of the girl, you have to be able to speak.

"Hmm! Very good, Yu, Hongyu, you guys, have a heart. Sun Wukong looked at the two women with a smile.

"It's good that Gongzi likes it, Hong Yu and I are afraid that Gongzi won't like it!" Receiving Sun Wukong's affirmation, Liang Yu also showed a charming smile.

"Love! How could it not be liked! As long as it's a jade you guys do... I like both. "

"Gongzi!" Sun Wukong's words were so blunt, and suddenly, Liang Yu was shy again.

"Alright! How can this little nizi be so easy to answer now? That's just a few words! Just blushed this face, lowered his head, did not dare to look at me, but there is no scenery. Sun Wukong's heart was dark.

"Gongzi! Hong Yu toasted you with a cup and thanked Gongzi for saving his life. Hong Yu, who was kneeling next to Liang Yu, picked up the poured wine glass and looked at Sun Wukong with a grateful face.

Liang Yu also came to his senses and picked up the wine glass: "Gongzi! Nong Yu also thanked Gongzi for saving the lives of Nong Yu and his good sister Hongyu. "

"Okay! As easy as lifting a finger! I accept your thanks. After Sun Wukong finished speaking, he took the wine glasses in their hands and cleaned them up.

His movements made Hong Yu a little... Hooded circle, looked at the jade.

"This is Gongzi's hometown, a way to receive gratitude. If you accept the other person's thanks, drink the other person's wine and accept it. Liang Yu looked at her good sister Hong Yu and solved her confusion.

"Gongzi's hometown is really peculiar!" Hong Yu nodded and muttered in her heart.

"All right! That's it! Come and come, eat together. After Sun Wukong finished speaking, he conjured two pairs of chopsticks.

"Gongzi, we have eaten, this is specially prepared for Gongzi." Lang Yu smiled softly.

"Eaten? That's also eating something, what's the point of me eating it myself? Come! Yes!! Sun Wukong said, picked up the food and sent it to Liang Yu, making Liang Yu blush with shame, very charming, but still very obedient and accepted...

"Hmm! Really obedient, come! Hong Yu! It's up to you. Seeing that Yu Yu obeyed, Sun Wukong watched Hong Yu pick up another piece.

"Gongzi! I don't have to, you just feed the jade. Hong Yuqiao's face also blushed a little, and she quickly waved her hand.

"I treat you equally? Come! Mouth. "

Looking at the serious Monkey King, Hong Yu also began to answer shyly, opened her mouth and ate the meal.

Sun Wukong's action was ruthless in ancient times, some ancient women could not eat with men, they could only eat in the kitchen, Sun Wukong's avant-garde way made them very shy, but there was a feeling of being loved and cared for, and they liked it very much.

A meal was between the two who Sun Wukong ate most of it and fed it a few times and could no longer eat it, and you finished it according to my thick situation.

The meal was eaten clean by Sun Wukong, which was an affirmation of the two women, making them very happy and cleaning up.

"That's right! Get jade! Next, you should prepare well, and then let you meet two people and complete a little careful wish. Sun Wukong looked at the jade that was being cleaned up and showed a soft smile.

"Gongzi, what's wrong! Who do you want to meet? Liang Yu stopped the movement in his hand, his face puzzled.

"It is to prepare your heart, because the two people you want to meet are the most important things in your life."

"The most important thing? Son! You.. You mean..." Yu Yu was a little puzzled at first, and then suddenly thought of something, and his face was very excited.

"Hmm! You guessed right, it's your parents, they are still alive, and my jade is smart. Sun Wukong rubbed the head of the jade, causing the excited face of the jade to appear again.

There are some things you have to say later to be impressive.

And all this was already thought and thought of when Liang Yu was waiting for him in his room last time, just waiting.

Of course, he knows after reading the original book, so it must be done, and if possible, it will be done better.

"Gongzi!!" Liang Yu began to shy and lowered his head again, thinking of something to raise his head, his eyes were firm, and he looked at Sun Wukong with a grateful face: "Gongzi!" Jade... Thank you Gongzi for everything you have done to get jade, make jade... Nothing to reward. "

"I really want to thank you? That's it, come one. Monkey King tilted his face towards her and sent out an obedience test.

Yu replied shyly, looked at Sun Wukong's face, and acted for a while, and after that, his pretty face turned red and did not dare to look at him.

Sun Wukong's heart was dark, and then he stretched his face in front of Hong Yu again: "Hong Yu, there is also one here." "

Hong Yu was originally a little happy, but was a little embarrassed by Sun Wukong's play.

A really good sister is happy to find her parents for Jade, and the happiness of the sister is her happiness, and if she can do this, it shows the good feelings.

Hong Yuqiao blushed slightly and looked at the handsome face in front of her, but she still obediently did so.

Getting a satisfactory answer, Sun Wukong looked at the shy Yuyu and Hong Yu with a smile: "Hehe! Not bad! Okay, you guys get busy! "

Seeing them so shy, it makes them very uncomfortable to stay, so you have to give them time, release their emotions, and then meet next time they have a physical contact, accelerate the relationship, and wait for intimacy and other feelings are almost enough!

"Yes! Son! Get jade! Hong Yu left first. "

"Hmm! Go ahead! "

After getting the answer, the two women carried the tableware for eating and walked out of Sun Wukong's room shyly...

"These two nizi!" Sun Wukong smiled softly.

Sending away Yu Hongyu, Sun Wukong cultivating and paying attention to Wei Zhuang's situation while getting up...

Because he had to follow Wei Zhuang and then save Li Kai.

After a while, the weather was dark, lightning appeared, and light rain fell.

Sun Wukong looked at the weather outside the window and thought of something.

"Groove! I almost forgot, Hu Meiren's big beauty, it seems to be on Han Fei's side, go and see it! "

Thinking of this, Sun Wukong opened the No. 1 vision...

What catches the eye is Han Fei and the Hu Meiren who is dressed up in the original work.

"Gee! This is a big beauty as mature as the pearl, beautiful appearance, full score of figure, full score of temperament, full score of voice, then what kung fu... There must be a full score for existence, I have to find a way to attack her! Sun Wukong looked at the beauty in front of him and thought secretly in his heart.


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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 123

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