
Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 126

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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 126

And at this time, inside the jade room.

Because the purple woman got the hint, she was prepared, using poison and some means, effortlessly defeated the vulture, after talking, after learning the information she wanted to know, she practiced her sword around her body, stood up, and walked to the vulture who was squatting on the ground, ready to let him pay for Hongyu's life.

Although he was saved, he was killed once, and in this regard, the purple woman let him know that the person who dared to move Zilanxuan... It pays for your life.

"Why, you want my life to pay for the life of a prostitute in the green building?" Seeing the purple woman walking towards her, the vulture muffled, and his eyes looked at her.

"You will pay for this sentence." The purple woman's eyes were filled with killing intent, and the practice sword stretched into the shape of a sword, pointing at the vulture.

Zilanxuan is just an entertainment place for eating, drinking and having fun, there is no such thing as trading, how to talk about prostitutes. The origin of the woman? Vulture's words directly pulled up the proper hatred value, and it was really a good hatred.

"Huh! Do you really think that someone like me, who has died countless times, would come here unprepared? Seeing this, the corner of the vulture's mouth pried, looked out the window, and nodded slightly.

Then, the sound of "咻~咻~咻~咻~咻~咻..." appeared, and more than a hundred crossbow arrows in the original book broke through the air and went towards the purple woman...

“!!!" The purple woman was shocked, practicing swords around the surroundings, shooting down countless crossbow arrows, just breathed a sigh of relief, and broke through the air with hundreds of crossbow arrows, this time more, the purple woman could only move to shoot down and dodge.

“!!" The crossbow arrows seemed to be endless, and the purple woman began to rush up, and by a mistake, she missed a crossbow arrow coming towards her fullness, and the purple woman was shocked.

"Hey, hey! Finally, it's my turn to play! Seeing this scene, Sun Wukong outside the door smiled in his heart, he waited here silently for a short while, and saw that he finally had the opportunity to heroically save the beauty.

"Purple girl!" Sun Wukong opened the door and shouted at the same time.

Hearing such a profound voice of Sun Wukong, the purple girl was distracted, looked towards the place of the sound, and forgot the crossbow arrow coming towards him.

"Groove! Watch out! "Such a sacred place, can't be fine, Sun Wukong's figure flashed, came to the purple girl, put his arm around her little man's waist, faced her, and used his back to block the flying crossbow arrows.

In fact, he can make the crossbow stop with a wave of his hand, but then it can't sublimate the feelings more, right? So, let's play with some tricks.

Seeing that Sun Wukong protected her in her arms, and planned to block the crossbow arrow with her back, her heart trembled, and she hurriedly exclaimed with concern: "Be careful." "

"Ding! Bite! Bite! Bite! ...", the continuous crossbow arrow hit the light mask behind Sun Wukong, made a sound and then fell down... It doesn't have any effect on the Monkey King...

Holding the purple girl, smelling the aroma on her body, Sun Wukong was difficult to control, and touched the smooth and soft skin, looked at the beautiful face in front of him who was a fist away from him, and lowered his head

The purple girl began to be a little stunned, and after a second she came back to her senses, her pretty face appeared moving, she stood up, and she didn't know where the strength came from to push Sun Wukong away and leave his embrace.

The crossbow arrows had stopped, and perhaps by the time they or the vultures had left the room and were safe, they were ready to evacuate.

"Hey, hey! That's nice. Sun Wukong smiled.

Seeing this, the purple girl's pretty face appeared very charming and good-looking, giving Sun Wukong a beautiful eye, which has a lot of meaning.

"I lose it! After putting the arrow, you want to run? What's that good? Seeing this, Sun Wukong came to the window, looked at the many figures jumping not far away, his eyes froze, invisible momentum and mental power were emitted, and the person who jumped on the way seemed to have been hit hard by something, swallowing blood and falling down, and had lost his vitality.

"And you, you still want to kill my jade? Can't spare you! "Sun Wukong solved the person who put the cold arrow, looked at the vulture not far away, his eyes froze, and suddenly, the vulture spat out blood, instantly killed, and fell, just below there was a sharp wooden stake, was pierced through the cold...

"Hmph! Count him lucky. The purple girl came to Sun Wukong's side and looked at the vulture not far away, full of killing intent, she was angry and did not mind letting the vulture taste more pain, and then killed him.

Sun Wukong understood this, looked up and down at the beauty who made the room fragrant, and said with a smile: "Okay!" People just solve it, hurry up and put your clothes on, you like this ... Makes me feel... It's so stressful. "

"Huh! How, Gongzi, you... Also shy? The purple girl looked at Sun Wukong with some surprise, and then took a very charming pose and threw a wink at him, full of electricity.

Since he was teased, Sun Wukong raised an eyebrow at the purple girl: "Purple girl! Don't mess around! Just go! If you're not afraid I'll become a bad person, you just keep flirting. "

MMP! You superb royal sister, you don't know how attractive you are! Is it really good to tempt me like this? If you can't help it, you will be really transformed into a wolf, and you will have no place to cry.

"Huh!" Listening to Sun Wukong's words, the purple girl chuckled and twisted her waist to go to the screen.

Sun Wukong looked at the black shadow who was dressing behind the screen, and there was no temptation: "Oh! By the way, when Han Fei brings Mrs. Hu here, you will take her to my room with the purple girl. "

Hearing this, the purple girl stopped the movement in her hand, and her tone was a little calm: "Why, Gongzi is right... Mrs. Hu interested? "

"Of course, otherwise why would you ask the purple girl to take her to my room?" Of course, Sun Wukong knew the meaning of her words, but he did not explain it.

Let you misunderstand first, and when you know the truth, you will change your opinion of me and change, which will help a lot in the progress of the relationship.

Suddenly, the purple girl's tone became calmer: "Why don't Gongzi go by himself?" And why come to me? I'm busy. "

This calm and incomparable tone was obviously angry, and Sun Wukong smiled at this and did not explain: "Purple girl! Don't be so petty! It's a gift in return for the help I just helped. "

Hearing this, the purple woman was silent.

"Then that's it, I'll go first." Monkey King decided to finish and walked out of the room.

The purple woman behind the screen grabbed her arm with her palm and held it hard, making her arms a little white.

She was very angry with Sun Wukong.

This guy also said that he would be good to Yu, and when he would let his widowed wife go to his room, he was in a big night, and he could think of anything, and she was wrong about him.

Thinking of this, the purple girl was inexplicably angry, but she couldn't refuse, she really helped a lot just now, so she had to do it.

Thinking of this, the purple woman just walked out of the screen and was about to ask someone to clean up the room, when the door was opened.


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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 126

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