
Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 128

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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 128

Seeing that Li Kai was so resolute and conscious, Sun Wukong continued to ask: "Are you willing to bring them joy and bring her happiness?"

"Yes!" Li Kai's tone was still decisive.

"Are you willing to erase the pain in your heart for her and hold up a bright sky for her!"

"Yes!" Li Kai's tone was even more decisive.

"Are you willing to die for her!"


Han Fei and the others felt that it was a very strange conversation, but it made people feel a different kind of happiness.

"Is this the enlightenment you have gained after you died once! Well, I saved your life! Now, you're good to go! Sun Wukong looked at Li Kai and showed a smile!

"This..." Li Kai looked confused and did not come to his senses.

Han Fei and others too, this Nima... What God unfolds?

"Hong Yu!" Sun Wukong looked at the figure standing in front of the door and exclaimed softly.

Hearing the order, Hong Yu looked at Sun Wukong with a smile and replied softly: "Gongzi! "

Sun Wukong also showed a smile: "You take him to my room to meet someone." "

"Yes! Son! After Hong Yu finished speaking, Li Kai, who saluted everyone, walked out of the room.

Seeing this scene, the purple girl sitting next to Wei Zhuang thought of something, according to the information she just got, she figured it out, and then looked at Sun Wukong, looking at it in a daze, her eyes were very complicated.

"Purple girl! I know I'm good, but you, don't stare at me like that, right? Sun Wukong looked at the purple girl who was looking at him in a daze and smiled slightly.

The purple girl came back to her senses, her pretty face was a little red, and she gave Sun Wukong a wink, revealing a charming smile: "Gongzi, it's really a good means." "

Sun Wukong smiled and did not speak.

"Brother Goku! How can you save Li Sima's life? In this regard, Han Fei was a little curious, if he wanted to save it, it would involve a lot of things.

"Many methods, such as threatening King Han, Ji Wuye and his four murderers... Just dispose of them all. Sun Wukong said flatly words that shocked Han Fei and the others.

"Brother Goku, this joke is not funny." Han Fei's face was a little stiff, but he had a different idea in his heart.

"Cut! Who is joking with you? Don't believe in pulling down! Then I'm changing, for example, to give him the strength to be fearless of all threats, for example, to send a few experts similar to Wei Zhuang to protect, and for example, to send a master to live in a place like clouds, and so on. "

"But I'm not in the mood, so I don't want to do it for the time being, so I use a simple and troublesome one."

"Brother Goku, please say!"

"In fact, you can also complete, that is, use the purple woman's makeup skills, plus the skills of the purple woman of Wei Zhuang, in the use of that vulture's body, to steal beams and change pillars, hide the sky and cross the sea, but with me, you don't have to bother so much, when the time comes, I will set up a fantasy that is both true and false in Zilanxuan, and you can solve the problem if you want to see, when the time comes, you can close the case perfectly, Li Kai has nothing, the best of both worlds."

"Brother Goku. Good way. Han Fei was happy.

"Actually, these you can also think of, I just said it in advance, for me, the easiest way is to send Mrs. Li Kaihu away tomorrow morning, Ji Wuye can't find them, so I can only deal with the real murderous vulture, and now the vulture is hanging again, you hand over the body, so it can also be closed perfectly, you look at it!" When Sun Wukong said this, he looked at the purple girl and smiled:

"All right! Purple girl, you go to my room and take Li Kai and Mrs. Hu to get jade, I think you have already guessed. "

The purple girl gave Sun Wukong a charming smile, stood up, and walked out.

Seeing the purple girl walking out of the room, Sun Wukong looked at them: "Han Fei, you have to be busy next, and there are bigger challenges waiting for you." "

"Oh!? Well, wouldn't that be interesting. "Han Fei Weizhuang and others are full.

"Huh!" Sun Wukong smiled lightly and looked at them with some appreciation.

People who dare to meet the challenge, fight, and solve the challenge perfectly, prove their ability and value, such talents have a unique charm, so that Sun Wukong is very rewarding.

After all, just because others can do it doesn't mean they can do it themselves.

At least Sun Wukong thinks that he is still a little worse at playing this kind of high-IQ game of conspiracy and trickery.

In this regard, Sun Wukong will work hard, no way, the experience is different, he was just an ordinary otaku before crossing, a network worker, a high-IQ game that understands a hammer, he is now not as smart as the protagonist in other cross-crossing novels, so, he will work hard.

And for their own shortcomings, dare to admit and accept it, and then work hard to conquer it, so that they will be more excellent, high IQ is definitely a good advantage, but strength is the last word.

You can be smart without opponents.

But your strength can completely beat the other party, ignoring all intrigues, then the advantage is still on you.

One force to break ten thousand laws, at least in the Qin Shi Mingyue World, Sun Wukong can completely walk sideways, even if he pulls all the masters of this world, it is a matter of his punch.

High IQ? In the case of this power gap is incomparable, but it does not play a decisive role, but... The smarter you are, the better you are, so... Gotta work harder.


In another room of Zilanxuan...

The purple girl took Li Kai and Mrs. Hu to the room of the jade.

Opening the door, the purple woman walked in first. Li Kai and Mrs. Hu followed.

"Jade! Look who I brought here. The purple woman looked at Liang Yu, who was standing by the window in a daze, not knowing what she was thinking, and spoke.

Hearing the words of the purple sister, the dazzled Yu turned around, and the fire rain agate worn on her waist was recognized by Mrs. Hu and Li Kai.

"This... This..." Mrs. Hu covered her mouth with tears in her eyes, and her expression was very excited.

Li Kai also had the same look, with tears in the corners of his eyes, and he looked at Liang Yu with excitement and distress.

The fire rain agate worn by Mrs. Hu's waist also appeared in the eyes of Liang Yu, and she quickly exclaimed softly: "Ah~!! "

Liang Yu looked at Mrs. Hu and Li Kai, and tears flashed in her eyes.

Smart, she knew what this represented, and was affected by emotions, but she still didn't react.

"Jade! Don't you want to believe it yet? They are your biological parents, and even Gongzi personally confirmed it. The words spoken by the purple woman next to her cut off the last trace of uncertainty in the jade.

"Mother! Father! With happy tears in her eyes, Liang Yu trotted towards Mrs. Hu and Li Kai.

"My child !!!" Mrs. Hu and Li Kai were also full of excitement, opened their arms, and the three hugged each other.

Suddenly, a feeling full of family affection and recognition appeared, so that the purple woman couldn't see it, and quietly exited the room to leave the space to them...


After the purple girl walked out of the door of the jade, she walked to Sun Wukong's room, opened the door, and walked in.

Seeing the purple girl coming, Sun Wukong smiled and looked at her in a soft tone: "Yo! Purple Girl! Nailed it? "

The purple girl returned with a mocking smile and quipped, "Gongzi! But he really has the ability, but his heart is hanging on the princess now! "

Sun Wukong sighed with emotion: "This is the jade she deserves." "

Liang Yu, a woman who has special feelings for him, her experience makes him very distressed, so he is willing to give her the best, make her happy, make her happy, make her happy, make her happy.

"Come on! Sit here. This time, Sun Wukong patted the position next to him again and issued an obedience test.

The purple girl looked at him and gave a beautiful smile, but still twisted her waist, Lian Bu gently moved towards the place where he had taken, knelt down, and picked up the wine bottle to fill his empty wine bottle.

Sun Wukong picked up the full wine bottle and tasted it carefully, his face was full of pride, and his heart was dark: "Hehe! Chick! Misunderstood brother! Know to compensate me! "

Looking at Sun Wukong's proud look, the purple woman's face was a little red, and she was a little annoyed: "Look at your proud look, be careful to drink you to death!"

Sun Wukong was a little helpless: "Hey! Feed! Purple girl, don't curse me like this, in other words, how do I feel that you are becoming more and more fierce to me? "

Hearing Sun Wukong's words, the purple woman held [Yue Hun] in both hands, looked at him with a smile, and did not say a word.

Seeing this, Sun Wukong smiled: "It's not impossible to be fierce occasionally, but... If it's too fierce, I don't like it. "

"Who wants you to like it, you still like to get jade!" The purple girl was a little unnatural, because she cared that her attitude just now made Sun Wukong unhappy, or what only she knew.

"Of course I like it, so obedient, who doesn't like it, like her, I'm serious." Sun Wukong showed a smile.

Wei Zhuang, Han Fei, and Zhang Liang in the room were speechless.

Nima! Have you considered our feelings?


The door suddenly opened.


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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 128

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