
Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 129

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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 129

Li Kai took Mrs. Hu and Yu and walked in.

Looking at everyone in the room, he finally fixed his gaze on Sun Wukong, and took two steps forward to bow down.

Just kneeling halfway down and being dragged by some mysterious force, not going down a single bit...

"Thanks to the great grace of the prince, please accept Li Kaiyi!" Kneeling in mid-air, Li Kai bowed to Sun Wukong, his tone was sincere, sincere, firm, and showed his consciousness.

Sun Wukong looked at him with a smile and stretched out three fingers: "I helped you because of three points." "

Li Kai respectfully pleaded: "Please benefactor, make it clear." "、

“????" The rest of the room was also a little curious.

"First, I help you because you deserve help, you are a loyal general, not a bad person, just a victim of a power game."

"Second, because I want to make Jade happy, that's why I help." After Sun Wukong finished speaking, he looked at Liang Yu and gave her a gentle smile.

"Third, I wanted to help, so I helped."

"Thank you! No matter what it is, the benefactor did help our family, Li Kai! If you don't want to reward, please pay homage to Li Kai. After Li Kai finished speaking, he was about to bow down, but was stopped by Sun Wukong.

Sun Wukong's face suddenly calmed down and looked at Li Kai: "You really want to, thank me?" "

"Yes, benefactor! If Li Kai needs to help, even if he opens his mouth, Li Kai will definitely do his best and die. After Li Kai finished speaking, his face was very firm.

"Hmm! That's okay, I'll get jade to your daughter! Very interested, or you will give me your daughter. "Sun Wukong, his words are a bit of 'taking the opportunity to blackmail'.

However, he didn't care at all, thinking very domineeringly: "Like her? Want to get her? Just say it out loud in front of her parents, don't dare to say it and say that you want her? Don't dare to say, just wash and sleep. "

Moreover, this word also has the meaning of testing Li Kai, it is a test!

"Gongzi!" When Liang Yu, who was on the side, heard Sun Wukong's words, he immediately whispered a cry, and lowered his head with a red face, not daring to look at everyone.

At this moment, Liang Yu's heart was even more shy and a little uneasy: "Gongzi! This is... Asking your parents for a kiss? Parents! Would you agree? "

Others have their own minds.

Han Fei, Zhang Liang, and Zinu all felt that Sun Wukong had some meaning to take advantage of the fire and robbery.

Only Wei Zhuang didn't care, his face was cold.

"This..." Li Kai suddenly spoke, and then looked at his daughter Liangyu, who was lowering her head and her face was red, gritted her teeth, and looked at Sun Wukong: "Benefactor!" Forgive Li Kai, although my daughter's marriage should obey the orders of her parents, my daughter's marriage depends on her own ideas, and I respect her decision. "

After Li Kai finished speaking, his face was firm and ashamed.

"Hahaha... Hahahaha... Hahahahaha...! Sun Wukong suddenly laughed, making the others a little, I don't know why.

Seeing this situation, Zhang Liang and Han Fei muttered in their hearts: "This Wukong brother!" It won't be... Annoyed into angry, right? "

The faces of Li Kai and his wife were even more ashamed.

After laughing, Sun Wukong looked at Li Kai, very satisfied and appreciative: "Good. Kai Lee, I kind of admire you. You are not for your own selfishness. And use your daughter's happiness as a bargaining chip. Respect her decision. Support her, affirm her, in this era, people with this kind of thinking are rare, it reminds me of some things in my hometown, it's really nostalgic, Liangyu has a good father, I'm happy for her, you! Very no."

Sun Wukong looked at Li Kai with a smile, very appreciative, this avant-garde decision, in this era, not everyone has it, moreover, Sun Wukong believes in his heart that it is good to respect his goddess - jade, respect himself.

"Benefactor! Miao Zan , I have not fulfilled my responsibilities as a father since I was born in Nongyu, so I don't want to make Liangyu embarrassed, after suffering from my decisions, I respect her, and her own happiness allows her to choose for herself. Li Kai saluted Sun Wukong, and then looked at his daughter with soft eyes.

"Father" met Li Kai's gaze, and Liang Yu smiled very happily and moved.

The others looked at each other with a complicated look... Monkey king.

They thought this guy would be fluttering, but they didn't expect it to be like this.

However, his next words made them wipe a cold sweat.

"It's good that you didn't agree, if you agreed directly and didn't think about the feelings of getting jade, I will let you out of here and lie out in seconds." After Sun Wukong finished speaking, he looked at Li Kai with a smile on his face, making Li Kai's sweaty hair stand upright, and he had a terrifying feeling of being targeted by the fierce Flood Barren Behemoth.

Sun Wukong thought about it and said very casually: "Seeing that your answer makes me very satisfied, I am helping you." I know that in order to protect their mother and daughter, you will choose to leave them; The farther away they go, the safer they are, but that's in the absence of me, and you have to do it, because you can only do this, and your presence will put them in danger and fear for their lives. "

"This..." Suddenly, Liang Yu and Mrs. Hu were a little panicked.

Li Kai nodded in a complicated way, indicating that he agreed with what Sun Wukong said, because he planned to do this next.



Liang Yu and Mrs. Hu looked at Li Kai with a somewhat sad expression.

This has just been reunited, is it about to separate?

"Jade! Madam! Don't worry, Gongzi! I'm not done yet. The purple woman reminded next to her.

Listening to the purple girl's words, Mrs. Hu and the two mothers and daughters of Liang Yu came back to their senses, looked at Sun Wukong with a hopeful face, and almost saluted, but he stopped them.

Sun Wukong smiled lightly and said his plan: "Hehe! Jade is related to me, you are also related to me, and I am willing to help you; Tomorrow! I will let people or I send you to an isolated place, where, you can choose to work at sunrise, rest at sunset, live the life of ordinary people, or you can choose to live the same life with the people there, not disturbed by others, you can enjoy the night in peace, this can also be regarded as a compensation for your suffering over the years, at the same time, I will improve your strength later, so that you have the power to protect yourself, no matter where you are, as long as you have strong strength to protect yourself, protect your loved ones, if you can't even protect yourself, How to talk about protecting others. "

"This... This... Shane people! "

"Young Master Xie!"

The Yu family listened to Sun Wukong's words and saluted him in unison.

"I took this gift, okay, Li Kai! You come with me. Sun Wukong stood up and walked towards the empty room next door, followed by Li Kai.

"This, Brother Goku! Jinnaki people too. Han Fei sighed.

Zhang Liang nodded with deep empathy.

The purple girl also agreed with his words, and said in her heart: "What an attractive guy!" "

"It is a blessing for getting jade to meet Gongzi." A happy smile on Jade's face.

"It's also a blessing for our family." Mrs. Hu also said with emotion.


The next room...

Sun Wukong took Li Kai into the room, then closed the door, turned around, and looked at Li Kai with a serious face: "Li Kai!" Next, what I do, I have to keep it strictly confidential and not tell anyone, you know? "

"Yes! Benefactor! Li Kai remembered. After Li Kai finished speaking, his face was full of solemnity and seriousness.

"Don't move, just stand." After Sun Wukong finished speaking, he stepped forward a few steps, put his right hand on Li Kai's shoulder, and then a flash of divine light appeared, covering Li Kai's whole body.

After a while,

"This... This..." Feeling the sudden addition of decades of internal strength cultivation in his body, Li Kai was shocked.

"Hmm! It's okay, because I'm old, I missed the golden period to stimulate my potential, I can only be promoted to this, and I can be regarded as a first-class master, and this exercise, hard work to become stronger. After Sun Wukong finished speaking, with a little finger, Li Kai's brain, and the exercises were introduced, which made Li Kai even more shocked.

Sun Wukong's practice from the system was completed, splitting mountains and breaking water, without any pressure.

No way! What perverts teach, even if they are low, are perverts.

Sun Wukong waved his hand at Li Kai, who was still in a daze and shocked: "Okay, let's go!" Call Mrs. Hu over. "

"Thank you! Li Kai went immediately. Li Kai came back to his senses, very excited and shocked to Sun Wukong, walked out of the room, and went to call his lover.

After a while, Mrs. Hu walked in.

Mrs. Hu looked at Sun Wukong with a grateful expression: "Benefactor! Are you looking for me? "

Sun Wukong looked at his mother-in-law, Mrs. Hu, who still had the charm, with a serious face: "Hmm! Madam! Next, I will help you stimulate the potential in your body and let you have the power to protect yourself, but this matter is kept secret and cannot be said to anyone else. "


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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 129

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