
Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 130

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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 130

Listening to Sun Wukong's words, Mrs. Hu also expressed her wishes with a serious face: "Yes, benefactor!" The slave family remembered the benefactor's command. "

"Okay then! Just stand. After Sun Wukong finished speaking, his hand was placed on Mrs. Hu's shoulder, and the divine light flashed again, and then in Mrs. Hu's shocked gaze, his fingers flashed again and pointed at her forehead.

Sun Wukong smiled: "Hmm! It's okay, thirty years of internal strength, these exercises, if you don't understand, you can discuss with Li Kai, learn as soon as possible, in order to protect yourself, learn, cultivate up, and live a hundred years, in the blessing is also a kind of compensation. "

Mrs. Hu, who came back to her senses, was full of excitement and quickly thanked her: "Thank you! "

"Okay, let's go." After speaking, he took the lead and walked out and walked towards Han Fei and the others' room.

"Yes!" Mrs. Hu replied and followed closely.

Han Fei and others in the room...

Wei Zhuang and the purple woman looked at Li Kai with solemn faces.

They are all masters, the feeling of masters and their sharpness, just now, Li Kai opened the door and walked in, full of internal force stirring, into an invisible force to spread outward, this is not good, mastery, induction is unfathomable, higher than their internal force cultivation, at least, fifty or sixty years of cultivation.

They were shocked and curious at the same time, what had he experienced during that little time just now? Will there be such a change?

When their faces were solemn, the door opened again, and Sun Wukong and Mrs. Hu walked in.

When he saw Mrs. Hu, his face became more solemn.

A woman who does not have the slightest martial arts, but also in the same time as he left, she has become a terrifyingly high master of internal cultivation, this means makes people shudder.

Sun Wukong walked into the room, and Yu suddenly came to him, looking at him with gratitude and determination, randomly planning to kneel on the ground, but was stopped by Sun Wukong who reached out his hand.

“?" Sun Wukong was a little puzzled: "Get jade!" You are?"

"Jade! For the father! Mother! Thank you Gongzi, Xie Gongzi for his father, mother, and jade, everything he has done, get jade! Nothing to reward. "

Liang Yu's face was very firm, just now, he learned everything from his father, and she was very touched by everything that Gongzi had done for her.

Never, never, never had a person treat her like this, making her feel, so happy!

Seeing this, Sun Wukong looked at Liang Yu with a smile and said jokingly: "Hehe! I really want to thank me for my words, and I promise it with my own example! "

Listening to Sun Wukong's words, Liang Yu immediately blushed and lowered her head, not daring to look at him, and after a few seconds, she raised her head again, looked at Sun Wukong with a firm expression, and said her determination: "Gongzi! Jade... Get jade! Willing! "

"Eh!" Looking at the determined jade, Sun Wu reacted.

He just said casually, teasing one, he didn't expect this little nizi to be unexpected, but now this situation is not what he wants.

"Jade! If you do, I don't want to. Sun Wukong looked at Liang Yu with a smile, and rubbed her head after speaking.

Lang Yu's face suddenly became very pale: Gong... Son! Don't you like to get jade? "

Sun Wukong touched his head with a smile and explained softly: "Get jade!" You misunderstood me, what I said is, I don't want to accept you as you are now, you are for what I have done to your parents, you are willing,

Instead of your own willingness, this is the essential difference, just like I help you because I am willing to help, so I help, helping your parents improve their strength is also I am willing to help, personal feelings are very important,

If I help because of you, I will only save them, and I will not improve their strength, so, do you understand? If you are willing to be willing for yourself, then I am willing, if you are willing for your parents, then I am not willing! "

Hearing this, Liang Yu's face was moved, and tears flashed in his eyes: "Gongzi! Why is it so good for jade? "

Sun Wukong wiped away the tears of the jade with his hand, and looked at her with very gentle eyes: "Because, what you have suffered deserves me to be so good to you." All right! Don't think so much for now, it's just a reunion today, there must be a lot to say, go! Have a good chat with your parents. "

"Hmm! Thank you Gongzi! Liang Yu saluted, thanked him softly, and walked to his parents on the side with some shyness.

The dialogue between Sun Wukong and Liang Yu made everyone else a little surprised, making them feel that this Sun Wukong was really different from ordinary people.

Wei Zhuang looked at him with a solemn expression: "I'm curious, what have you done to them?" "

Listening to Wei Zhuang's words, everyone also looked at Sun Wukong.

"Oh, it's nothing, it's a little trick plus just a little elixir left, those are of little use to me, so I used them to forget it." Sun Wukong's face was full of indifference, and the words he said very forcefully were both true and false!

Hearing this, Wei Zhuang didn't say anything, and he also knew that what he said was true.

Because there is a pill called Leaving Dust Pill in this world, the same effect as what Sun Wukong did, but his improvement is greater and the effect is more obvious.

The purple woman saw that Wei Zhuang did not move, so she didn't say anything.

"Okay, Li Kai! Mrs. Hu! Get jade! Find a place to talk about the suffering of many years, after all, tomorrow is leaving here, there must be a lot to say. Sun Wukong nodded to them, then turned his head and looked at Han Fei: "Also, Han Fei!" You did a good job this time, and that's a reward for you. "

After Sun Wukong finished speaking, he waved his hand, and several bottles of fragrant wine flashed on the table, and the strong aroma of wine spread, making people intoxicated, making Han Fei's eyes sparkle and drool.

"Haha! Brother Goku! Just know that you won't forget us, great, so good wine, blessed. "

Han Fei, the drunkard, immediately went forward, took a bottle of wine and poured a glass, and drank it beautifully, with a look of intoxication: "Good!" Such a fragrant wine, it is really rare to see in the world. "

"Just like it, you guys play slowly, I have something to do, withdraw first." After Sun Wukong finished speaking, his figure flashed and disappeared.

Zhang Liang sighed with emotion: "This Wukong brother is really haunted, very mysterious." "

The purple woman smiled slightly: "At least, he is good to us, isn't he?" "

Han Fei nodded: "Hmm! That's true. "

"Gongzi! Everybody! I have something to talk about with the little girl and the insider, so I will leave first. Li Kai saluted Han Fei.

"Lord Li! Mrs. Hu! Jade girl! There's a lot to say when you reunite, feel free. Han Fei nodded in understanding.

"Young Master Xie understands." After Li Kai finished speaking, he bid farewell to everyone and walked to other rooms with the mother and daughter.


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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 130

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