
Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 131

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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 131

At night, inside the Bloodcoat Fort, it was heavily guarded.

And in a room covered with red light tulle, the light is dim, and a beautiful woman dressed in white and white is movingly kneeling on a bed, her face full of anxiety and fear about the unknown of the new environment.

Suddenly, the air changed, the girl held her hands to her chest, her body trembled, it seemed very cold, looking left and right, a dark figure imprinted in front of her, the girl stared at the figure, the air was even colder.

Even the heat that I wanted to exhale a breath of heat in front of my mouth to relieve the cold turned into a white mist,

The dark figure fluttered to the girl, the room was red and light, windless and automatic, it looked very mysterious, the girl shivered, looking at the dark figure who walked towards her and stopped not far in front of her.

The figure looked at the girl and said lightly: "Do you feel cold?" "

The girl's tone trembled, and the hands holding her chest tightened, very pitiful and moving: "It's so cold!" It gets so cold all of a sudden! "

"The cold came to my arms and we hugged together." After the figure finished speaking, he opened his hands, as if inviting the girl to throw his arms and give him a hug.

Suddenly, a figure flashed between the two.

"Yo! White is not! Hello! Sun Wukong's friendly and easy-going tone sounded, and his figure flashed between the two.

Sun Wukong got the information of No. 3 in Zilanxuan, and then flashed here, and it seems that he did not come to the evening.

“!!" The black figure was shocked, jumped back sharply, distanced himself from Sun Wukong, and saw the true face of the black shadow clearly through the moonlight,

Dressed in blood, handsome and enchanting face, cold face, unusual white face from ordinary people, powerful aura, full of fan, full of B.

He is Xueyi Hou Bai Yifei, a big villain full of force, very capable and means.

Bai Yifei looked at the Monkey King who suddenly appeared with a solemn face. A character who can silently appear in front of you. If you yourself are still a master, then something has been expressed.

Sun Wukong glanced at Bai Yifei and said, "Sure enough!" Are you indeed practicing an unusual technique, or a poison, and you need the blood of a young virgin girl to maintain this youthful posture? "

Hearing this, although Bai Yifei was shocked that this person learned his secret, his face did not change at all, and he emitted a very magnetic cold and pleasant voice: "Your Excellency... Who is it? Come to my Bloodcoat Castle, what's the matter? "

Hearing this, Sun Wukong's tone was very casual, and he had a feeling like a good friend who had been with him for many years, looking at Bai Yifei with appreciation, and in a deliberative tone: "Bai Yifei!" I'm here! There is indeed something, give me a little moment. I'll say a few words with this chick in the back, and we'll talk again after that, how? "

For Bai Yifei, each has his own opinion, and Sun Wukong's view is... Admire.

In troubled times, to live better, you need means and abilities, and these two... Bai Yifei is not all, and it is very good.

If it weren't for being defined by Xuanji Niangniang as definitely better than Han Fei with his ability, if Han Fei was counted as a military master, this guy would be a commander like a general, capable of fighting and fighting.

Moreover, he feels that it is a pity to let such a person, now he has his own strength, when the time comes, solve his own troubles, let him live, go to help Yingzheng fight the hundred yue or something? It's shameful to waste talent, whether you have the ability to change your character and achieve what you want, then it depends on your own ability.

"..."Listening to Sun Wukong, he did not look at him, although he was on guard, but he did not make any moves, he needed more information for the person in front of him to make a decision, blind action will only get bad results, this is not his way of doing things.

After Sun Wukong finished speaking, he turned around and ignored Bai Yifei, looking at the girl in front of him, at this time, although the girl was still holding her hands, she was no longer trembling and feeling cold, and she felt very warm after Sun Wukong appeared.

This Chu Chu touching appearance, Sun Wukong showed a smile, looked at her, and his tone was very soft: "This girl!" Did you hear what you just said? If I'm going to take you out of here, will you come with me?" "

Hearing this, the girl looked at Sun Wukong with a hopeful face, nodded seriously, and replied softly: "Adult!" I do! Please take me out of here! "

Just now, she heard that staying here, she would only become a bloody marquis to practice with her blood and finally die, now that she can survive, why don't you hurry up and grasp it?

Getting a satisfactory answer, Sun Wukong looked at the girl with a smile on his face: "Very good!" You... What is your name? "

The girl replied very obediently: "Adult! My name is Chu Chu! "

"Hmm! Chu Chu is moving, very suitable for you. "

Listening to Sun Wukong's words of appreciation and affirmation, the girl was very happy: "Thank you, my lord!" "

"Okay then. I happen to be missing a maid by my side. The work of delivering water to the back end of tea... It's up to you. Sun Wukong looked at the touching girl and said his purpose.

The girl looked very well-behaved and obedient: "Yes!" My lord! Chu Chu will do as you say, adult, Chu Chu will be very obedient. "

"Hmm! Very good! Saw it. Listening to Chu Chu's words, Sun Wukong touched her head with satisfaction, and the latter looked obedient and enjoyed.

Then, Sun Wukong turned to look at Bai Yifei, and his tone was very casual and enthusiastic: "Bai Yifei!" You heard it too, this Chu Chu... I'm going to take away, I'll give benefits in exchange with you, you'll promise, right!? "

"If you want to take something from me, it depends on your ability." Bai Yifei listened for a long time, it turned out that he came here to rob people, how can this be endured, after saying that his right hand moved, several icicles suddenly appeared around his body, attacking towards Sun Wukong. The icy cold air surged even more rapidly, and even the red light gauze around it froze into ice cubes.

"Hey! Is it really going to fight! Sun Wukong sighed. As soon as the mind moves, release the prohibition to isolate everything here, and reduce unnecessary trouble.

"Why do you have to do something that can be solved with conversation! Is! "

Groove! I don't know each other, don't you! Suddenly appeared, and then very pretended to take my white and non-white things, or a beautiful woman, can this be endured?

"My lord! Be careful! Chu Chu behind him reminded a little nervously that whether he could survive or not depended on Sun Wukong.

"Don't worry!" Sun Wukong smiled faintly. Raise your right hand and clench your fist, lightly strike forward, and a fierce energy appears, directly smashing the icicles that come from the attack and the momentum is not reduced, and it is not going to Bai...

“!" Bai Yifei was shocked, the space was too small and the speed of the attack was too fast to dodge. Can only transport the internal force in front of him, forming an ice wall to resist,

"Bang !!!" With a muffled sound, the ice wall shattered, and the force of the countershock made Bai Yifei take a step back, before he could react, suddenly, the figure in front of him flashed, and Sun Wukong had appeared in front of him...

“!!" Bai Yifei was shocked, just wanted to move, Sun Wukong's speed was faster than him, and a clever right fist bombarded Bai Yifei's abdomen, and the latter immediately had a distorted face, a face full of pain, and knelt on the ground with his hands covering his abdomen.

Sun Wukong squatted down to look at Bai Yifei, who was in pain in front of him, and patted her on the shoulder: "Bai Yifei!" Seriously... I! I appreciate you very much, otherwise, I killed you with the first blow just now, why bother. "

Forehead! You seem... Just two tricks, right? It's troublesome?


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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 131

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