
Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 132

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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 132

"Your Excellency! Who is it!? Bai Yifei was shocked to look at the person in front of him, originally very confident in his strength, one punch made him have no power to resist, should it be so terrifying?

"My name, you know, you can't do anything, why add trouble." Looking at the shocked Bai Yifei, Sun Wukong shook his head, then stood up, walked towards Chu Chu, came to her and stretched out his right hand to look at her with a smile: "Chu Chu from now on, you and everything you have. It's all mine. "

"Yes! My lord! Chu Chu was very well-behaved and happy, looked at Sun Wukong with adoring eyes, and uttered affirmative words.

There are such powerful adults who feel so safe to say.

Then, she lifted her hand and put it in Sun Wukong's warm big hand, and Sun Wukong pulled it into his arms and hugged her.

"Oh! By the way, white is not! This pill can increase the internal strength cultivation for ten years, as a benefit and gift for me to take away Chu Chu. Sun Wukong looked at Bai Yifei on the ground, threw out a small bottle, and stood in front of him.

"..."Looking at the small bottle in front of him, Bai Yifei's face is very complicated, you have the strength to snatch something from my hand, that is your ability, I have nothing to say, and now do it? Is that really good? Could it be a pit? Want to pit me? Shall I believe it?

Ten years of strength! The temptation is not small! Or a woman changed back, this is very ... Earn ah.

"Believe it or not, that's your thing, and, after I'm gone... I don't want you to find trouble with me and Chu Chu, although I am not afraid of trouble, but if there is more trouble, it will be very annoying! Got it? Otherwise... Consequence... You'll get the idea. Sun Wukong looked at Bai Yifei and raised his eyebrows, and the threat in his words was obvious.

Hearing this, Bai Yifei looked at Sun Wukong and was silent.

"Well, that's it! See you soon! Bow! After Sun Wukong finished speaking, he flashed with Chu Chu's figure and disappeared, leaving a complicated white face looking at the place where Sun Wukong disappeared...


Zilanxuan backyard, quiet.

The lights in Monkey King's room shone brightly, dispelling the darkness, and the lights and room decoration showed a different charm.

Suddenly, a slight fluctuation appeared in the space, and Sun Wukong and the figure in his arms appeared here.

"My lord! Here it is? Chu Chu looked around, a second ago was still in the place of the bloody Hou, and in the blink of an eye came to another strange place, which made her very curious and a little uneasy.

In this regard, Sun Wukong understood very well, and looked at Chu Chu and showed a smile: "Don't worry!" Here it is! It's Zilanxuan! This room is my temporary stay, and you may be living here for a while. "

Hearing this, Chu Chu looked at Sun Wukong, very well-behaved, and made a very gentle and pleasant voice: "Yes!" My lord! As long as the adults are, Chu Chu is there. "

"Haha! Really talkative. Sun Wukong was happy, and said and scratched Chu Chu's pretty nose with his hand, making Chu Chuqiao's face a little red.

Chu Chu does not hate this kind of action, and she feels very liked, because she feels that this is a very intimate action, proving that she is liked by adults, so she also feels inexplicable happiness.

"All right! You rest here for a while, and I'll go find someone to arrange your room." "

"Yes! My lord! Everything listens to the adults" Chu Chu looked very well-behaved, so that Sun Wukong couldn't help but scratch a few times.

Looking at the obedient and well-behaved son who had died in Bai Yifei's hands in front of him, now it belonged to him, Sun Wukong was very happy, let go of her, and walked to the door of the room, he had to go to the purple girl to arrange a place to live.

Open the door, the front foot just stepped out, came to the corridor, in this silent backyard, but remembered the sound of footsteps, Sun Wukong felt something, looked in the direction of the sound....

The silvery-white moonlight, avoiding the dark clouds, shone in this silent corridor.

In the light, Liang Yu dressed in a golden and bright bright red pounding long skirt like a dusk sunset, illuminated by the moonlight, showing a variety of beautiful colors, and the beautiful and elegant flowers at the cuffs set off her slender and white jade hands,

Wearing a fire rain agate at the waist. She wears a necklace of white jade beads with emerald willow leaves on her neck, gold dragnet armor at the shoulders, emerald-colored white beaded hair ornaments, and white hairbands on the back sides connected by fixed white beads.

Beauty! It's like looking at flowers in the fog. The more I look at it, the more I like it, Sun Wukong's eyes are very appreciative, just like this, looking at the jade walking towards him, this dress makes Sun Wukong a little familiar.

"Isn't this what you did in "Empty Mountain Bird Language" when you went to assassinate Ji Wuye? It's just that the color is slightly different, and, it seems that I heard that Yuyu's dress is related to her state of mind, if this is the case, then, her current dress... Don't... It's her... Decided on something? "

Just as Sun Wukong looked at Liang Yu, Liang Yu stared into Sun Wukong's eyes and came to him.

Sun Wukong looked at the charming jade, revealed a charming smile, and his tone was very praised: "Jade!" The way you dress up now is very suitable and beautiful, and I like it. "

"Gongzi!" Listening to Sun Wukong's words, Liang Yu was very happy.

Women are pleased! She dressed up so beautifully just to let Gongzi see it, I hope he likes it, and now that she has been affirmed, happiness is a must.

Looking at the beautiful beauty in front of him, Sun Wukong showed an even gentler smile, and his voice showed care: "That's right!" How was the conversation with your parents? Why don't you spend more time with your parents! "

Hearing this, Liang Yu's eyes looked at Sun Wukong's eyes like this, and did not give Sun Wukong, who was in a good mood, a little preparation, so he knelt down like this.


"Eh! Get jade! What are you going to do here? Sun Wukong was a little speechless in his heart: "This is not a good chat, why did you suddenly kneel again?" There was no warning at all, and I didn't react. "

Sun Wukong stretched out his hands and was about to lift her delicate and moving body up, however, Liang Yu shook his head and stared at Sun Wukong's eyes very seriously and firmly with those watery moving eyes:

"Gongzi! Since I was a child, I have been lonely and miserable, helpless, wandering around, like a dead leaf in this chaotic world, floating around, and after that, I met the master who taught me the art of the piano, saved my purple sister, and... Gongzi, you, never, never, never, have ever treated me so well like Gongzi, you..."

"Gongzi first saved my life, then protected me, helped me, and for me, saved Hongyu, and today, Gongzi, you helped me find my biological parents, let Liangyu feel family affection again, and gave Liangyu's parents so much help, all of this, Liangyu really, really, really grateful for what Gongzi did for Liangyu..."

When Liang Yu said this, his face showed a touching blush, his eyes were like water, and he looked directly at Sun Wukong's eyes, unabashedly conveyed various emotions, and continued to say firmly and softly:

"What Gongzi did for Liangyu, Liangyu really... There is no reward, and Yu doesn't know how to repay Gongzi, so... Son! Jade... Although it is insignificant, I hope that life and death will follow Gongzi! "

May life and death follow!

"..."Listening to the firm words of determination expressed by Liang Yu and the original work, coupled with the various emotions conveyed by the eyes with affection, Sun Wukong said that he... I was moved, and my heart rippled uncalmly, like the flooding of the Yellow River, which was out of control.

Gentle and kind, just quiet and gentle, how much courage does it take for her to say such resolute words that express her heart? Obviously, her brave and decisive side is reflected here.

"This TM! Although this sentence has been seen in the original book, this love word, this oath, now sounds, charm... It's true... It seems that this time, Langyu is really willing to entrust everything about her to me, am I very happy? Glad? It was a must, so happy that I didn't even know what to say. Thinking of this, fluctuations appeared in Sun Wukong's eyes, it was moving, and he looked at the jade with affectionate eyes, and shouted at the same time in his heart and mouth:

"Jade !!!"

"Gongzi !!!" Lang Yu also whispered softly in his heart and mouth, and his tone was very gentle.

A man and a woman, staring at each other, staring, at this moment, their heartbeats are at the same frequency, and all words are invincible.

A breath... Birth...


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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 132

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