
Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 134

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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 134

Listening to Sun Wukong's words, Liang Yu raised his head and looked at him with some doubt: "Gongzi! Are those things important? "

It seems that in that regard, this little nizi is still a little white or has not reacted.

Sun Wukong nodded very seriously: "Hmm! Very important, very important. "

In this regard, Liang Yu nodded very obediently: "Oh! Then let's stay with the jade! "

Suddenly, Sun Wukong's face was delighted, and his heart turned refreshed: "Tonight, I can finally take down my goddess." "

"Jade! Don't listen to Gongzi's nonsense. "Zi Nu, as the boss of Zilanxuan, knows more, although it is the first time to hear Sun Wukong's relatively novel words, but she thought about it carefully, and immediately guessed that it was not far from ten, and even hurriedly stopped it.

"Sister! Gongzi will not cheat jade." Liang Yu first answered the purple girl with a smile, and then looked up at Sun Wukong.

Seeing this, the purple woman's slim hand touched her forehead! A little speechless, he smiled bitterly in his heart: "My stupid sister! Gongzi has words in his words, if you stay tonight, you will be guaranteed to be ... Do it cleanly, as your sister, you won't let that happen now. "

Anyway, the purple woman doesn't want that kind of thing to happen, so she wants to stop it, it seems that there is no drama from the jade, only to think of other ways.


The purple girl thought of something, showed a victory with a mysterious smile, and looked at Sun Wukong: "Gongzi! Tomorrow morning, you still have to arrange the affairs of the jade's parents, Right Sima and Mrs. Hu, and you don't want to get the jade and can't send them, right? "

Listening to the words of the purple girl's sister, Liang Yu looked at Sun Wukong with some puzzlement: "Gongzi! Why can't I send my father and mother? "

"Eh! Well! The purple girl is worried that we will talk about things too late tonight, and you won't be able to get up tomorrow morning, so she said this. Sun Wu stammered, explained softly, and after speaking, he glared viciously at the purple woman who covered her mouth and snickered.

"Groove! This purple chick, on purpose! Absolutely deliberate! MMP! Purple girl, you wait, and will definitely make you beg for mercy in the future. Sun Wukong thought secretly in his heart.

"So, what to do!" Liang Yu suddenly became a little tangled.

"It's okay! We can talk about things in the evening, there is no hurry, we will accompany our parents when we have time, and then we will have a good rest. Sun Wukong touched the jade's head and smiled softly.

"Hmm! Yu listened to Gongzi, that... Son! Langyu left with his sister! "

"Hmm! Go ahead! After Sun Wukong finished speaking, he let go of his hand, and Yu Yu left his embrace with some reluctance and walked to the purple girl.

Seeing this, the purple girl chuckled and looked at Sun Wukong: "Gongzi! But it's really empathetic! "

"Purple girl! I am not only empathetic, but also empathetic, and I will definitely try it with you when I have the opportunity. Sun Wukong said, and glanced at the purple woman with his eyes, and raised his eyebrows.

Suddenly, the purple girl's face was a little red, obviously she knew the meaning of Sun Wukong's words, and then, looking at the jade, she laughed: "Gongzi, I don't need it, if you have a chance, you still have to find your jade!" "

"Sister!!!" The jade next to her was a little annoyed, why did it get involved with her again?

"Cluck... Then I wish Gongzi, sleep well tonight and have a good dream! The purple girl looked at Sun Wu and smiled, turned around and prepared to leave.

"Purple girl! Wait," Sun Wukong thought. Quickly stopped her.

I was almost so angry with this chick that I forgot about things.

"Gongzi! Anything else? The purple woman replied, a little puzzled, and a little worried in her heart: "This bad guy won't be going to regret it, right?"

"There's really something for you to deal with"

"Gongzi, please say." It turned out that there was really something, and there was no remorse, and the purple woman breathed a sigh of relief in her heart.

"Hey, hey! It seems that last time I impressed her, at least now some things are obedience, not resistance, which is a good sign. Receiving the purple girl's response, Sun Wukong was secretly refreshed in his heart: "However, hum! Dare to destroy my brother's good deeds, in the future, I still can't bypass you. "

After thinking about it, Sun Wukong first said: "You will wait." After that, he looked his head into the room and called softly: "Chu Chu! You come out. "

"Yes! My lord! Soon a beautiful voice came to mind in the room, which made Yu Yu and Zinu froze in their hearts and looked at each other.

I haven't heard this voice, and this big night, it's still in his room, which is intriguing...

Soon, a beautiful woman dressed in white appeared in front of the purple woman and the jade, her facial features were exquisite, her appearance was absolutely beautiful, and she was a little weak, and she looked like a very obedient and well-behaved woman.

The purple girl looked at the girl for a while, and then looked at Sun Wukong with a somewhat playful gaze, and her tone was a little tasteful: "Gongzi is really a good means, I didn't expect that there was such a beauty hidden in the room." "

"How? Purple girl you... Jealous? Ay! In fact, I also want to hide a beauty, but people don't want to, so I can only hide others. "There are words in Sun Wukong's words, for this kind of words, at this time, in this era, it is best not to explain, it is best to point the finger at her, it is right.

Listening to Sun Wukong's words, the purple woman clasped her hands and looked at him with a smile, without saying a word.

Soon, Chu Chu came to them and stood beside Sun Wukong, looking very well-behaved.

"Naw! Get acquainted! This is Chu Chu, the maid I snatched back from outside not long ago, very well-behaved and obedient, I like it very much. Sun Wukong said and touched Chu Chu's head, making the latter a little shy.

"This is Jade, my woman." Sun Wukong looked at Liang Yu and introduced Chu Chu, which made Liang Yu a little embarrassed.

"This is the purple girl, the boss of Zilanxuan." Sun Wukong looked at the purple girl, and then introduced Chu Chu.

"Lady Yu is good"

"Lady Purple is good"

Chu Chu said hello very well-behaved and sweetly, and at the same time saluted, the number of gifts is very in place, this title... Let Sun Wukong give her an appreciative look, and praise her witty words from the bottom of his heart.

"..." This title, suddenly, Yuqiao blushed and secretly glanced at Sun Wukong.

"Sister Chu Chu, I'm not! You can call me Purple Girl, or call me sister. The purple girl's face was also a little red, but she still hurriedly explained.

Chu Chu glanced at Sun Wukong first, and got his nod, before he called out sweetly: "Sister Purple Girl!" "

The purple woman looked at Chu Chu and showed a smile, after all, well-behaved and obedient people are very likable... Isn't it?

"Chu Chu doesn't have a place to live now, so you arrange one for her, don't be too far away from me, stay temporarily for a while, and when I leave the Han Kingdom, I'm taking her with me."

"Gongzi, are you leaving?" Hearing this, Liang Yu looked at Sun Wukong a little anxiously.

The same is true of the purple woman, hearing this, her heart... With inexplicable emotions.

For the question of getting jade, Sun Wukong nodded: "Hmm! Han I'm definitely leaving, but not now, don't worry! There is still a while. "

Hearing this, Liang Yu looked at Sun Wukong's eyes with a firm expression: "That... Wherever Gongzi goes, get jade and follow. "

"Huh! Rest assured! I will not forget you, and when the time comes, I will take you to the ends of the earth, the universe, the sea and the sky. "

Suddenly, Liang Yu was very happy: "Hmm! Gongzi"

"..."However, the purple girl's heart is a little heavy, she really wants to be like Yuyu and Sun Wukong Cape Tianya, the universe sea and sky, but their plan of 'quicksand'... han! At stake, between state and private affairs, now she chooses state affairs.

Because she does not have the same degree of unswerving to death for Sun Wukong, this choice is very rational and reasonable, which is the choice of everyone who does big things.

For the situation of the purple girl, Sun Wukong also knows, but who knows what will happen in the future! Sun Wukong is confident that he will attack her, so it is not a thing.


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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 134

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