
Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 135

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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 135

Seeing that the atmosphere was silent, Sun Wukong laughed and spoke out: "Okay!" It's not too early, purple girl! Chu Chu will be handed over to you, don't you and Liang Yu still have business, rest early after processing. "

After speaking, Sun Wukong looked at Chu Chu and revealed a smile: "Chu Chu! You follow the purple girl, see where she arranges you to live, today is also nervous and tired, just rest early, tomorrow I want to see you happy! "

"Yes! My lord! Chu Chu will. Chu Chu obediently agreed.

"All right! You will call me Gongzi in the future!" Adults don't need to bark, it sounds weird. "

My lord? I'm already okay? And it's big.

"Yes! Son! Chu Chu immediately exclaimed sweetly, which made Sun Wukong very satisfied.

"If you get jade, you can call her sister jade!"

"Yes! Son. After Chu Chu finished speaking, he looked at Liang Yu and exclaimed sweetly: "Sister Liang Yu!" "

"Sister Chu Chu!" Ryuyu responded with a smile.

"Sister Chu Chu! I finally know why Gongzi likes you, really well-behaved and obedient, and you are very attractive! Seeing this, the purple woman looked at Chu Chu with appreciation on the side, she really liked her.

"Sister Xie Zinu praised, and my sister is also beautiful and moving." Chu Chu accepted it without humility, and at the same time praised it back, and his cultivation was also excellent.

"Go! Go with your sister and arrange a place for you to go. "

"Yes! Purple sister! Chu Chu nodded very obediently, and then saluted Sun Wukong: "Gongzi! Chu Chu retreated first. "

"Let's go!" Sun Wukong showed a smile.

"Gongzi! Langyu also quit first. Langyu also saluted Sun Wukong.

"Hmm! Go ahead! Monkey King also smiled back.

The purple girl glanced at Sun Wukong, twisted her steps, moved her posture, and took the two women away.

Seeing the purple girl like this, Sun Wukong guessed something: "Eh! Seemingly... This girl of the purple girl has an opinion on my Jinya Zangjiao's affairs! But... That's your problem, if you want to follow me, you have to adapt to me, in the future, this kind of thing will go more, you have to learn to get used to it, hehe! "

Sun Wukong smiled cheaply, walked into the room with steps, sat down cross-legged, and thought about something...

"Next, it should be time for Tianze and others to appear, thinking of Tianze, I thought of a peerless beauty under him, lying groove!" Flame Lingji, this beauty, should be locked up in a cave now, and she must be rescued before Wushuang's big man finds her, brushing her favorability. "

"Heroes may be old in later generations, maybe not much use, but it is useful in ancient times!" Proper routine, routine is popular, in the original book, it should be on the mountain not far from the exit of the city gate, which is easy to do. "

Thinking of this, Sun Wukong released No. 45 to transmit the location of the impression to them, and let them look for it, as long as they find the cave, it is easy to do it, and check it if someone guards it.

Looking at the distant No. 45 Monkey King fell into deep thought again....

"Tianze and others also represent the appearance of a few capable people and various high combat power, and various conspiracies and tricks also appear, as their own women's jade, and the maid's Chu Chu, Hongyu, now their combat effectiveness is too low, can not protect themselves, in order not to let them have accidents, it seems that it is necessary to improve their strength, first stimulate their potential so that they have internal strength cultivation, and then teach some methods of self-defense attacks, can deal with this world."

"When you really become my woman, with your own cells, breath and wishes, etc., you should be able to learn the energy system of the Dragon Ball world, after all, a strong system can contain the weak, and the artificial people in the Dragon Ball world are so perverted because they collect other people's powerful cells, so that they should also be able to get jade, by that time... is the strongest, after all, in my cognition, in the two-dimensional world, the ability system of the world temporarily exceeds that of Dragon Ball, which is the gap in the realm. "

Thinking of this, Sun Wukong put his thoughts into his fingers and began to rummage through them.

Quickly found a suitable jade to make jade like the piano, then use the sound of the piano as a means of attack, use the internal force as energy, and give the piano sound a target to launch out into an air.

Because this system is bound to Sun Wukong, it is only effective for Sun Wukong, and the energy system of other worlds Qin Shimingyue people cannot practice, but the cultivation method can be used. It's just a matter of power.

Sure enough, I didn't discover and explore to find my ignorance and weakness.

Sometimes knowledge can really change destiny.

Many interesting cultivation methods were found in the exercises of refining the body, but Sun Wukong's body had been strengthened by qi and was stronger than their cultivation effect, so it was of little use.

After that, he found an attack method, and the various attack methods dazzled Sun Wukong.

But most of them are of little use to the Monkey King? Why?

It's simple, as long as you're fast enough, strong enough, strong enough defense, speed equals strength, no matter what move your opponent uses. All fisted down, putting those big moves will only waste energy, and the energy system has surpassed them too much.

Nima! One punch can burst a planet in seconds, for some people it is the energy system of a world, and some attack means are those that can explode a mountain in seconds! Compare this to the Dragon Ball energy system? There is simply no comparison, and it cannot be compared at all, it cannot be compared.

So most of it is useless.

However, I still found some more interesting cultivation methods.

For example, the eight extremes collapse, the fighting skills learned by the upgrade master Xiao Yan, the hand-to-hand attack fighting skills, known for its strong attack power, cultivation to the greatest, the attack implies eight layers of dark energy, if the eight overlaps, the power is even stronger than one B.

To cultivate this, first of all, your body must be strong, after all, the effect of force is mutual, and if your body is not strong, you will only collapse yourself first, which is similar to the seven-wounded fist that first hurts yourself and then the enemy.

Sun Wukong's physical fitness is not faulty, then it is interesting to learn this attack method, one punch is equivalent to eight punches, it is very perverted to think about it. Forget about the skill, this dark energy skill can be learned.

I watched a lot of others, but it didn't work on Sun Wukong, and some of them were found to be more useful, such as using my mind to burst out my energy in a form posture and attack the other party.

For example, if you attack the other party with the palm of your hand, you use your mind to urge the energy to transform into a huge palm shape attack, you can also hurt the other party, 6 to get a B, but the other party is stronger than you is difficult to say, a force to break ten thousand laws, the other party can break with a punch is just a waste of energy.

It is still the kind of use of one-punch superman to give power, suppress the opponent with a coercive aura, so that it cannot move to directly explode the opponent, if the opponent's strength and will are not strong, it will definitely be finished.

Then Sun Wukong looked at other attack methods, looking for it, and suddenly his eyes lit up and he found something incredible.

I have been educated by domestic TV series since I was a child, and I am very hungry for this move, that is, the imperial sword art in the legend of Sword and Fairy and some moves that appear in immortal cultivation novels...

[The Art of the Sword! 】

This is a skill full of pretending to be fan, can defend, attack, can take the first level of thousands of miles, and can also fly with a sword, I will ask you if Niu is a cow, Kendo talent Niu B can also form a variety of swordsmanship, sword formations to kill opponents.

Sun Wukong, who has read many kendo immortal cultivation novels, knows the power and perversion in them.

Especially the sword art and sword formation of the Royal Sword Art, Qin Shi Mingyue's Earth Rule Twenty-Four Formation seems to be the best, but compared with the sword formation of the Royal Sword Art, it is not worth mentioning.

For some people, the sword formation is a lore move, the difference in strength is not much, and it is a kill as soon as it comes out.

For example, he had read some of the moves in the novel of Kendo Shusen.

For example, the "Three Absolute Sword Art, Sword Snake Art, Sword Dragon Art, Big Dipper Seven-Star Sword Art, Bagua Extinction Sword Art, Seventy-two Earth Fire Sword Art, Ninety-nine to One Sword Art, Hundred Sword Strike Technique" and other sword formations and so on.

The "Dragon Technique" of the Royal Sword Art

He guessed that with his current strength, he divided into multiple sword shadows, and the sword shadows quickly arranged, turning into an imposing sword dragon, strangling out, everywhere he went, the space should be able to be broken, domineering.

"Big Dipper Swordsmanship"

The sword shadow emerged, and these seven huge sword shadows, arranged in the Big Dipper, were murderous, and should also have an inexplicable formation bonus.

Really powerful.

And these, used to teach jade they are good at self-defense, as long as they create suitable attack props for them, it is best to have a sword spirit, so that after recognizing the Lord, use qi or internal force, intention to urge the attack opponent, simple, easy, no problem.

Defend the sword with qi and the sword with thought.

And the stronger this imperial sword technique is, the stronger the user's soul power and spiritual power, the faster the speed and the stronger the attack.

It is the most suitable for the jade women.

And all this, with the system Goldfinger, is completely achievable.


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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 135

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