
Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 136

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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 136

Sun Wukong found a suitable one and discussed it with the system.

"System! Give me the hardest substance in the Dragon Ball world to create a weapon that looks the same as the Realm King Excalibur, preferably with a sword spirit, do you want to be obedient, if you disobey the lord, it is too dangerous. "

"The host! This requires ninety percent of your current qi, are you sure? "The sound of the beautiful royal sister system sounded.

"Groove! Consume so hard? Now the qi is much stronger than before, since there are so many, then the things created must be very NB, looking at this situation, it is even more perverted than the skills of the one-punch teacher. "

"OK! Make it! "

"Okay! Host wait"

As soon as the system's voice fell, Sun Wukong's internal qi was consumed to the bottom, making Sun Wukong a little short of breath: "MMP! Coming into this world, feeling this way for the first time, it seems... I'm not strong enough, I have to hurry up and cultivate. "

Thinking of this, Sun Wukong made up his mind, and when the matter on Han's side was completed, he would take Liang Yu and the others back to the Yin Yang house, and then enter the Time House to cultivate for a few years, cultivate and transform into Super 4. After that, prepare for Super 5, and then you can go to the Dragon Ball World, Super God, and pretend.

After waiting for a few minutes, the system sounded: "The master has finished manufacturing." Do you want to take it out now? "

"Wait! I wipe, the devil knows what has been created, if it makes a big movement, it will directly destroy the purple orchid xuan, and then the purple girl will not trouble me, it is better to change places for unnecessary trouble. “"

Thinking of this, Sun Wukong's finger touched the void, and the surrounding space changed, and he came to a canyon in another space.

"All right! Take it out! "

"Okay! Master! "

After the system finished speaking, a sword suddenly appeared in front of him that looked the same as the Sword King Excalibur, and the whole body was pitch black, no! It should be said that the dark sword, ordinary, without any power, is no different from ordinary swords, ordinary can not be ordinary.

However, Sun Wukong does not dare to underestimate it, he knows that when the strength reaches a certain level, the more ordinary it is, the more terrifying it is.

"System! What is it capable of? "

"The host! The ability of this sword is unknown, but the degree of hardness, extremely hard, unless the supreme god of the Dragon Ball world strikes or has a stronger strength than the Dragon Ball world can be destroyed, and its own weight cannot be estimated, falling from ten meters in the Qin Shi world can smash the earth through without breaking the slightest. "

"I wipe! Then hang. "Pick up the Excalibur in front of him, Sun Wukong waved it lightly, the Excalibur is like nothing in the hand, there is no feeling of weight, and the feeling and the sword are one, holding it in the hand is like an extension of his arm, sure enough, the system is produced, it must be a boutique.

"Hmm! Yes, the system, the supreme god you are talking about, is it the same as the gods I have seen in those novels that travel through thousands of worlds? "

"Yes, master! There is a supreme god in a dimensional world who rules everything in that world, and it is said that in each world, the strongest belongs to him. "

"Then Qin Shimingyue, the god of this world, is it a goddess? Compared to me, what stage is she? Thinking of the Nine Heavenly Xuannu mentioned in Qin Shimingyue's original book, Sun Wukong continued to ask the questions in his heart.

"Yes, master! The supreme god of the Qin Shi world is a goddess, and her strength is comparable to that of the master, in the stage where the master is now in super 2 form. "

"Oh! Then rest assured. Hearing this, Sun Wukong breathed a sigh of relief, after all, he had also seen and knew some real god means, which could control rules and laws, but the means were mysterious, and these he had not mastered.

However, listening to the system, he was also relieved, after all, one force to break ten thousand laws, absolute power can break everything, so, this world and the Dragon Ball world are still multi-level.

Start high and don't worry about it.

Sun Wukong thought of something and continued to chase: "That system, how to see the supreme god of each world?" "

"The host! There are several ways, the first, destroy his world, and second, the master in the form of a super god, release the breath, and as a god, the other party will definitely be able to breathe the master. "

"So that's the case, it's similar to what I thought, what level is the great god who gave me the opportunity?" Sun Wukong couldn't help but think of the big guy who gave him the opportunity.

"Back to the host! The system does not know. "

"I'll go! Even you don't know, that great god is really terrifying. Listening to the system's words, Sun Wukong sighed.

"Fortunately, brother now has the means to isolate the breath in the super Sai God form, otherwise, there is something to play."

Sun Wukong couldn't help but think that in the Yin Yang Home Decoration (B), the heavenly machine hundreds of years after the Qin Dynasty was trapped, and it was directly discovered by the Heavenly Dao and lowered the divine punishment.

Sun Wukong can't help but think of those existences in the Dragon Ball world, like Weiss in Dragon Ball Super should be the helper of the seventh universe, the guardian of order, assisting the destruction god to manage and govern the universe, and improve the overall strength of the universe, just like in the original book.

His strength completely hangs the existence of Beerus, you say strong or not?

That the supreme god of the Dragon Ball world should be hanger than the whole king, or: Is it the whole king? After all, the whole king's little hand shines white, and a universe is played like this, how powerful, how perverted.

If the king is not, then what power does the Supreme God of Dragon Ball have? It's chilling and scary to think about.

Sure enough, improving strength is king, the devil knows what other terrifying things, only if you are strong enough, you can deal with everything and protect everything you have.

Sun Wukong felt something, and then continued to ask: "System! How did the sword spirit meet? "

He was a little curious, and he wanted to see this very mysterious thing.

"The host! Spill blood and confess the Lord, that's it. "

"Oh! Interesting! It's similar to in myths and novels. Sun Wukong's finger forced out a drop of bright red blood, dripped on the sword body, and was quickly absorbed by the nerves and disappeared.

Suddenly, an invisible wave of qi emanated from the sword body, with Sun Wukong as the center and going around, shaking and shattering everywhere it passed, and if it went on like this, this space would definitely be finished.

"Nima! Give Lao Tzu quiet, doing things ... I don't want you. "Sun Wukong is a little angry, Nima is low-key! Do you seem to be very good at making such a big move?

Listening to Sun Wukong's words, Excalibur quieted down, and the dark sword body occasionally emitted a touching light and flashed away, obviously strengthened.

"Sword Spirit! Come out and meet me. Sun Wukong called softly to Excalibur.

As soon as the words fell, Sun Wukong suddenly felt that his consciousness fell into darkness, and then a little light flashed rapidly in the darkness and appeared in front of Sun Wukong's eyes.

It was a sword tomb, a perfect, charming, and absolutely beautiful imperial sister was lying on a sword blade, with a touching peerless face and delicate body, more goddess than all the goddesses Sun Wukong had ever seen,

Except for a few mysterious black cloths covering the important parts of the body, the white and flawless skin is exposed in other places, exuding unparalleled charm.

Let Sun Wukong see it, eat ice cream, and shout in his heart: "Can't stand it!" Can't stand it, Nima! This system really understands my appetite, even the sword spirit is so tempting ~ the ultimate royal sister of people, let people Alexander! I'm still a pure man! Can you give... So what's the holiday? "

Feeling the gaze of her gaze, the peerless beauty with her eyes closed opened her eyes and looked at Sun Wukong, who was looking at her. The eyes looked at each other, and Sun Wukong fell into sluggishness.

The beautiful eyes, exuding a different brilliance and breath, make people can't help but fall into it, can't help themselves.

It took dozens of seconds before Sun Wukong woke up. Then there was a shiver.

"Nima! If you are in a daze for tens of seconds during the battle, and you don't know how to die, it seems ... The state of mind and will still need to be improved. "

The peerless beauty's sword spirit fluttered in front of Sun Wukong, and Meimu looked at him very curiously, and his clever mouth opened lightly, making people think of a very beautiful, comfortable, charming and crispy voice: "You! Is it my master? "

“!" Sun Wukong snorted, this voice is comparable to the system, it is almost fatal, Sun Wukong came back to his senses, looked at the beautiful sword spirit, and nodded: "Hmm! Be! I used my divine power to make Excalibur, of course, the master of Excalibur, that is, your master. "

"Hmm! I loved the smell and smell of the owner's blood. The absolutely beautiful sword spirit said, slender hand on the temptation, a look of aftertaste.

"Huh! If you like it, right! What is your name? Sun Wukong looked at the absolutely beautiful sword spirit and showed a smile.

"The host! I don't have a name! The sword spirit looked dazed, looking like I didn't know anything.

It seems that IQ is not yet directly proportional to the body.

"Then I will take one for you, and you are born from Excalibur, then it will be called Sword Dance."

"Yes! Master! From now on, I will call it Sword Dance. "


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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 136

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