
Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 137

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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 137

"Hey hey words, Sword Dance! How is yours different from mine here? I have to check it out. Sun Wukong said with a serious face, quickly went up, pulled the peerless beauty into his arms, and checked it very seriously...

And as a newly born sword spirit, how does Sword Dance know these things?

Although it is only a conscious body, the 'conversation' of consciousness and soul is often more direct than the effect of body ~ body.

Therefore, after a while, I saw Jian Wu answering shyly, and was weakly held in the arms of Sun Wukong.

Sun Wukong checked it well, he said, check his things... You can do whatever you want!

He stopped when he himself was about to be overwhelmed, otherwise... There will be super loving things that dare not imagine.

"Lord... Master! It's a strange feeling, but... Sword Dance loved it. The absolutely beautiful sword spirit replied shyly, looking thoughtful.

"Hey, hey! Sword dance if you like it. Sun Wukong was dark, but his heart was overwhelmed: "MMP! I almost couldn't eat it, the charm is really... It's too big to stand it! Let's quickly withdraw! Otherwise, it will turn into a wolf and something unpredictable will happen, and it will be difficult. "

Thinking of this, Sun Wukong looked at the sword dance, trying to control the violent heartbeat to calm down, and smiled softly: "Today, even if we meet for the first time, and the sword dance you, I like it very much." "

"Really? Hee-hee !!! The beauty was happy, showing a peerless smile, making Sun Wukong stunned, his heartbeat accelerated a little, and at the same time he praised the system in his heart: "Lying groove!" System, you are too powerful, really worthy of goldfinger, can't stand the bird! Can't stand the bird. "

"Master, I still have business, just do this first, see you next time." Monkey King said that Alex is big and just wants to leave here.

"The host! Are you leaving? The beauty showed a disappointed, small sad expression, which made Sun Wukong very distressed, and his heartbeat accelerated a lot.

"All right! I'm sure you'll see you soon, maybe Jian Wu will sleep and wake up and see me!" Sun Wukong's right hand touched the beauty's head, and the latter immediately looked like he was enjoying it.

"Hmm! Sword Dance listens to the master. "

"That master, can you give Sword Dance a drop of master's essence blood at that time! The smell of the owner's essence blood... Sword Dance loved it. The beauty looked at Sun Wukong with a look of longing.

"No problem! For your sake, I promised you. Sun Wukong directly couldn't resist this charming smile, and nodded repeatedly.

Essence blood is the foundation of the foundation, but a drop is for him... There should be no problem.

Of course, if you want to raise the sword with refined blood, then Sun Wukong will not hesitate to give it up, after all, compared to foreign objects, his own strength is fundamental.

"Just know the master is the best!" The beauty happily nodded on Sun Wukong's face.

"Eh! This buys and sells... It seems that it is not a loss, but it is also a big profit. Sun Wukong was suddenly extremely refreshed.

"That master, when you don't need to use Excalibur, take Excalibur into your body, let Sword Dance feel the breath of the master, then Sword Dance can become stronger, and then Sword Dance will go out to help the master!" The beauty looked at Sun Wukong with some expectation and said her request.

"Good!" Sun Wukong nodded happily and agreed, originally he wanted to put it directly into the system after using it.

However, now the sword spirit she proposed, do it, and... Sun Wukong guessed something, and secretly thought in his heart: "Shouldn't it be time to come out with Han Fei's anti-scale sword spirit to protect the lord and kill the enemy?" If that's the case, earn a lot and cross other worlds with another hole card. "

"In that case, I'll go first!" Almost, Sun Wukong expressed on the beauty's forehead and disappeared.

Leave the sword dance there, touch it with your hand in a daze...

Consciousness returned to the body, looking at the Excalibur in front of him, Sun Wukong showed a smile, his fingers forced out a drop of essence blood, dripped on the sword body, and quickly disappeared, feeling that the sword body light was sharper...

"Good! Since you have it, let's try the imperial sword art. "

Sun Wukong's heart moved, Excalibur at a speed beyond the speed of light towards the target, a large mountain, directly through the middle of a mountain, revealing a small mouth the size of the sword body, you can directly see the light on the opposite side, the rest of the small mouth does not hurt the slightest, this control....

"Sure enough! The control power in the super blue state, absolutely nothing to say, and the stronger the strength of this royal sword art user, the more perverted, so try to control the flying sword to emit sword qi, but the sword qi is a little lower, I have a higher energy system, so why not use your own qi energy or divine power to cover the sword body, and then burst out? "

Sun Wukong thought of this, immediately did it, his mind moved, the sword flew back to his eyes, and then his fingers stretched, a fist-sized energy bomb emerged, using his mind to control the air bomb into the sword body, wrapping the sword, and after a while, the sword was surrounded by white qi, majestic.

"Go!!" As soon as the mind moved, the Excalibur disappeared, the space did not change at all, there was a blessing of qi, the speed jumped directly into space, as if teleporting, blinking to the destination, directly slashing down a mountain...

A terrifying, huge white sword qi emerged, directly splitting the mountain in two, deep into the ground, deep into the bottom, and then slashing several times, directly dividing the mountain into small cubes of the same shape.

This control is absolute, just like slashing with his own hands, it is simply the unity of man and sword.

"Hmm! Not bad! Very powerful! Brilliant! Then try the Royal Sword Flight. "

Sun Wukong was very satisfied with the effect obtained, his mind moved, the sword body appeared in front of his eyes in a blink, and then rapidly became larger, almost three meters in size, Sun Wukong jumped up, stood the sword body, transparent light mask appeared around the body, and then the thought was moving, the sword body and the person immediately disappeared.

"Groove! This speed !!! Nima! It is several times faster than his own flight, but it is still not as fast as Weis's ability and teleportation. "

Nonsense! One is to fly, the other is to break through space and jump directly... Can it be compared?

"But... Being able to fly directly with qi several times faster than my current state is very bullish, and it is worthy of being the hardest substance and system of Dragon Ball. "Monkey King is very satisfied.

After sensing it, Sun Wukong had a conclusion in his heart: "However, this Excalibur consumes too much spiritual power to use, and it is a big deal to use it against Xiao Luoluo, so, since this is the case, how about incorporating Excalibur into the body, and in the novel, how about using qi energy to create Excalibur Energy Sword Body to attack?" Simply put, Excalibur doppelganger. "

Thinking of doing this, Sun Wukong stood in the air, directly incorporated the divine sword into his body, and the divine light flashed into one, Sun Wukong felt that his own strength and defense were extremely powerful, and it seemed that the characteristics of the sword were blessed on the master.

"Huh? Ha ha! I TM! What a bonus, haha! Great, it's amazing! "

Sun Wukong never expected ah, this unexpected joy, simply too powerful.

Sun Wukong feels that now let the god of destruction hit him with destructive energy, there is no, and it is indeed the hardest substance in the entire universe in the Dragon Ball world. In addition to the system gold finger, proper cheating ah there is wood.

Sun Wukong is happy, is this considered unintentional?

Sure enough, wisdom + source = strength.

Converge mentality, the mind moves, directly use the qi in the body to create a sword body, although the use of ninety percent at the beginning is not a continuous battle, so, the qi is also slowly recovering, this is the benefit of always maintaining a super blue state, consumption and recovery are always working, but when your consumption is getting less and less, it also means that the ability to recover is increasing.

With a little energy, dozens of white energy sword bodies floated around Sun Wukong's body, emitting bursts of light and emitting endless killing intent. Each sword set a target, and the named energy sword went towards its own goal in the blink of an eye, quickly shattering the mountain. After that, float in the air and wait for the owner to name it.

"Haha! Good! All right! This sword art... Sure enough, Cow B, simply invincible, but also separated, with its own automatic attack target, awesome my brother... Oh no... It's my Excalibur! "

Sun Wukong had a lot of fun, playing 1-on-1, 2-on-1, 41,

Then eat the fairy beans, restore the qi, and then according to the wisdom in his brain, change countless energy swords, change various sword techniques and sword formations, and play with various tricks until they are familiar and bored.

Sun Wukong was a little tired of playing, so he returned to the Zilanxuan room to meditate and recover his breath, sitting and waiting for the dawn...

He said that in the future, he could use the sword art and sword formation of the Royal Sword Art to compete with the body, so as to exercise and surpass his own limits, and he also knew that when he reached a certain realm, the biggest enemy was himself.


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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 137

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