
Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 138

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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 138

Two flowers, one on each side...

After the purple girl left with Liang Yu and Chu Chu, she first arranged a room for Chu Chu and found a room more than ten meters away from Sun Wukong.

Opening the door, several women walked in one after another...

"Sister Chu Chu! This is where you will live temporarily, see if you like it or not, and tell your sister if you need anything. The purple woman looked at Chu Chu and showed a smile, it was so tempting.

The rooms are clean and luxuriously dressed, and all kinds of combinations complement each other, making people feel refreshed.

"Purple sister! Chu Chu grew so big, the first time to live in such a comfortable room, Chu Chu liked it very much, thank you two sisters. Chu Chu looked at the purple girl and the jade very happily, revealing a warm smile.

Because she felt that there was a purple girl, a jade and a son, it was very safe and warm, and this was the first time she felt warm.

"It's really bitter sister, can my sister tell my sister how she has lived over the years?" When Liang Yu heard this, he looked at Chu Chu with some caution and pain, and felt a feeling of pity for the same illness.

"Yes! Sister Yu! Chu Chu has no father or mother since he was sensible, was adopted by an adult, lived with many sisters, learned various skills to please others together, and when he grew up, he would be sent to others, and Chu Chu was sent by adults to an adult here..." Chu Chu calmly, recounting his growth experience...

"It's really bitter for you!" After listening, Liang Yu stepped forward very distressed and held Chu Chu's slender hand in his hand.

The purple woman also looked at Chu Chu with a gentle face, because she knew that although it seemed to be simply described, only Chu Chu himself knew the hardships and hardships.

People who are also suffering will always cherish each other.

In comparison, Langyu and Zinu feel that they are quite good.

At least they can control their own freedom and live for themselves for a while, and Chu Chu has lived for others directly from the beginning of understanding, becoming someone else's goods, becoming a bargaining chip in a transaction, without freedom and without rights.

In troubled times, this is the sadness of the weak, meeting a better master, you can live better, if you encounter a bad, perverted, it is better to live than to die.

In such a troubled world where men are respected, the status of women is so low.

In the original... She died at the hands of Bai Yifei, which is also a beautiful relief, because she died happily and was not tortured, you know, in ancient times, all kinds of thoughts are chilling.

"Sister Chu Chu! It's all gone! Now follow. Dao Gongzi will definitely treat you well. Ryu comforted softly.

If Sun Wukong is here, he must order it for the jade, which is really worthy of being a small cotton jacket for the heart and liver baby.

"Hmm! Thank you Sister Nongyu! Chu Chu is very happy, as a woman of the son, doesn't this mean that he accepts her! So that you won't suffer a lot later.

"Sister Chu Chu! How did you meet Gongzi? "The purple girl is a little curious, and she is very interested in everything about Sun Wukong.

"Speaking of Gongzi! Gongzi is still Chu Chu's lifesaver! Listening to Gongzi, the adult that Chu Chu was going to be given to seemed to be called him ... White is not. Speaking of Sun Wukong, Chu Chu showed a smile.

"Bloody Hou Bai is not !!!" The purple woman was a little surprised.

"Purple sister! Do you know? Chu Chu looked at the purple girl with some surprise.

The purple girl nodded, as the intelligence boss of Zilanxuan, this must know: "Sister Chuchu!" You go on. "

Chu Chu nodded: "Yes!" Purple sister! "

"Listening to Gongzi, Bai Yifei seems to have practiced a more special technique and a kind of poison, which requires the blood of a young woman to maintain a young appearance, Bai Yifei appeared, Chu Chu suddenly felt so cold, and then Bai Yifei came to Chu Chu's eyes, intending to attack Chu Chu, at the critical moment, Gongzi arrived, and Bai Yifei discussed taking Chu Chu away, Bai Yifei did not agree...

As a result, the fight started, Gongzi was so powerful, he directly punched Bai Yifei down, but Gongzi appreciated him very much, so he didn't kill him, and gave him benefits, and then Gongzi brought Chu Chu here, if there was no Gongzi, Chu Chu must have been killed by Bai Yifei with blood practice now, so... Chu Chu is very grateful to Gongzi, really grateful. Chu Chu recalled what happened, and his face changed and he was shocked.

The purple girl and the jade listened to the twists and turns.

Liang Yu looked at Chu Chu with pity on her face and patted her slender hand. I couldn't help but think about everything that happened to her and Sun Wukong, and everything Sun Wukong did for her, and couldn't help but exclaim in her heart: "Gongzi!!! "

"It's really his style of doing things." The purple girl muttered secretly in her heart, and then looked at her with some envy: "Sister Chuchu!" All your sufferings are gone, and now you will be blessed! From what I know about him, although he is a little unorthodox, he is very good to his own people, you just saw it! It's that he did a lot of things for the jade, so that the jade is all agreed! "

After the purple girl finished speaking, she looked at Liang Yu with some ridicule and some envy.

"Sister!" Liang Yu immediately blushed with shame.

Chu Chu also blushed shyly, she did see everything just now, no way, the door was open, the two of them were in front of the door again, in this regard, Chu Chu's voice weakly agreed: "Hmm! "

After listening to Chu Chu's answer, he lowered his jade head lower.

In the next second, Chu Chu thought of something, looked at the purple girl and the jade, and looked at the sincerity of his face: "But... Chu Chu really felt that Gongzi and Sister Liangyu were sincere. "

"Yo! So will speak for him? No wonder he likes you so much. The purple woman smiled and pointed the finger at Chu Chu.

"Chu Chu just wants to be Gongzi's maid and serve Gongzi well." Chu Chuqiao's face was also a little red, but the words he said were indeed so firm.

"Huh! Your son will not let go of your beautiful little beauty! The purple woman continued to tease.


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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 138

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