
Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 139

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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 139

"This..... Chu Chu just wants to be Gongzi's maid, but sister Zinu! I look at Gongzi, but I won't let go of a big beauty like Sister Zinu! Chu Chu smiled, and in turn teased the purple woman.

"Yes! Sister! I see that Gongzi is also interesting to my sister! Or sister, I will also make a promise! "Liang Yu also finally found an opportunity to tease the purple woman together, who used to tease her all the time, but now it is her turn.

"You guys... You two little girls, too lazy to talk to you. The purple girl's face was a little red, don't look over your head and dare not look at them.

Chu Chu and Liang Yu looked at each other, and a smile appeared at the corner of their mouths, full of tacit understanding.

"Wow! You dare to laugh at me, look at how good I am. The purple woman's eyes glanced at Liang Yu and Chu Chu, and when she saw that they were snickering, she immediately became angry, and went up to tickle them with both hands, and Liang Yu and Chu Chu also tickled each other's purple women.

Soon, laughter came out, and everything was very harmonious and loving.

After playing for a while, the women stopped, and the feeling deepened a lot.

"Sister! What's the matter with looking for jade? Lang Yu came back to his senses and looked at the purple girl with some doubts.

"It's true, but my stupid sister! If, just now, I didn't take you away, you would be given by Gongzi... It's done, I heard that a woman's first time is very painful, can you still get up tomorrow morning to see off your parents? The purple woman looked at Liang Yu a little speechlessly.

"Ugh!" Upon hearing this, Liang Yu suddenly exclaimed, after understanding, his pretty face instantly turned red, even his neck and ears were dyed with a touching blush, and he lowered his head, looking so ashamed that he didn't see people.

Seeing this, the purple woman smiled fondly: "Now you know, right?" I look at you! Sooner or later, it was eaten by Gongzi. "

When Yu Yu heard this, his face turned even redder, and his head was lowered.

After a few seconds, Yu seemed to have figured out something, raised her head, looked at the purple woman and said firmly: "Sister!" Liang Yu is already ready to give himself to Gongzi, I don't regret it. "

"Get jade!" The purple girl was shocked by these firm words and determination, her own good sister she knew best, since she said so, what else could she say?

"Purple sister! What the hell is going on? Will Sister Nongyu be like this? Chu Chu was very curious.

"Chu Chu! You just didn't know, my sister will talk to you..."

Then, the purple girl talked about the encounter between Sun Wukong and Liangyu, and then everything she did for Liangyu came one by one.

The happiness on the face of the jade next to him.

The purple girl and Chu Chu were both a little envious and happy for the jade. Let's be honest. If someone could do that to them, to do everything for them, they would be willing to.

"Sister Yu! What a blessing! Chu Chu sighed loyally.

"I have to thank Gongzi, everything is made by Gongzi for getting jade." Lang Yu nodded a little shyly, indicating his agreement.

"All right! Chu Chu, you know now, you can enjoy the blessing in the future! Judging from her sister, Gongzi is a powerful person. In the future, if my sister is in trouble, you can help me. "Purple Girl Mu's joke with Liang Yu and Chu Chu.

"Hmm! x2 sister x2"

As soon as the words fell, Chu Chu and Liang Yu looked at each other and smiled, this tacit understanding, no one.

"Huh~~!" The purple girl was also amused, covered her mouth and chuckled, and let out a happy and beautiful laugh: "Okay! Speaking of business, my sister came to you, originally I wanted to hear your opinion and let you join the 'Quicksand' organization, but now it seems that you have to seek the meaning of Gongzi. "

The purple woman had some pity, if those things hadn't happened just now, the purple woman believed that Liang Yu would have agreed, but now, Liang Yu was already considered a prince's person, and she had to ask his opinion.

"Hmm! Sister! If my sister needs to get jade, get jade and go to Gongzi, I think Gongzi will agree. Liang Yu comforted the purple woman.

"I hope so! You can think clearly, joining the organization will be life-threatening, you will face a lot of dangers, but they are already in this dangerous world situation, all the sisters of Zilanxuan will be involved, with your strength, I am very worried, joining quicksand, maybe you can still win a glimmer of life, please forgive your sister's selfishness. The purple woman's face was solemn, and she looked at Liang Yu with some helplessness and explained.

"Sister doesn't have to be like this! Rongyu knew that her sister had good intentions for her sisters. "

"Hmm! I know that you understand your sister, but everything is still waiting for you to consult Gongzi after saying. "The purple girl doesn't want to be hated by Sun Wukong at that time, and she plays carefully in private, if he is angry, to be honest, the purple woman doesn't know what terrible things will happen, and she doesn't want to know, because, the more terrifying the strength of the person, get angry, the more terrifying the result, she understands.

For the reminder of the purple girl's sister, Liang Yu nodded obediently: "Hmm! Sister"

"All right! It's not early, Chu Chu rest early, and you, get jade, if you want to go with your parents, remember to rest early, tomorrow morning you have to see off your parents. The purple woman stood up and instructed.

"Hmm! Sister X2" Chu Chu and Liang Yu were in tune again, looked at each other again, and were happy again.

"That's right! Plainly! Gongzi likes to get up very late, don't call him too early, he also has a maid, who was also saved by Gongzi, and is also a good sister of Liangyu, called Hongyu! People are very good, tomorrow you will get to know each other. The purple woman looked at Chu Chu and reminded her to say what she knew.

"Yes! Purple Sister !!! Chu Chu was a little curious, but answered very obediently.

"Then rest well, sister will go first!"

"Yes! Two sisters walk slowly! "Chu Chu saluted them and bid them farewell...

After that, Liang Yu said goodbye to the purple girl to accompany her parents, and the purple woman also went to busy herself...

Night and night, just like that, passed in their respective lives...


The sky is already light, some people in Zilanxuan are already busy, preparing for a new day, and a new day's life has also begun...

The backyard, on the other hand, was quiet, until a sound of footsteps interrupted the tranquility here.

I saw Chu Chu, wearing the purple-yellow long dress that the purple girl gave her yesterday, carefully dressed up, and walked towards Sun Wukong's room...

Although I listened to the purple girl yesterday night, Gongzi got up late, but now it is dawn, that is, around seven or eight o'clock, as a maid, she got up early, freshened up and came here, and when he woke up, he served well, and she was very conscientious.

The beauty came to the door of Sun Wukong's room, stood there directly, waiting, her appearance was very moving, her face showed a happy smile, and at the same time there was expectation, curiosity, and a hint of unease...

It seems that she had a good rest and a good mood yesterday.

Today is her first time serving Gongzi, so it makes her have some small expectations and small uneases, afraid that Gongzi will not like it, so she is a little uneasy...

After Chu Chu stood up, here... Fell into silence again...


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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 139

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