
Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 140

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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 140

Until half an hour later, a sound of footsteps sounded, which attracted the attention of the standing beauty.

Chu Chu tilted his head at a small angle, his eyes looked towards the place of the voice, and a woman with a good posture was slowly walking towards her...

“?" Hong Yu looked at a figure standing in front of the door of the prince's room with some surprise, this figure was good-looking, and it looked like an obedient little sister, which was Hong Yu's first impression.

After a while...

Hong Yu came to Chu Chu, very puzzled, and asked softly: "This sister!" Why here? "

"Sister is Sister Hongyu! My name is Chu Chu! It was the maid rescued by Gongzi yesterday, and now she lives in the room not far from the front, yesterday night, Sister Zinu told Chu Chu about Sister Hongyu, and today is the first time to serve Gongzi, and I don't know Gongzi's habits, so I am waiting here for Gongzi's dispatch. Chu Chu replied very obediently.

"It turned out to be Gongzi's new maid," Hong Yu suddenly realized, she was also saved by Gongzi like herself, and she also liked her.

Thinking of this, Hong Yu showed a sincere smile to Chu Chu very kindly: "Sister Chu Chu!" It must have been a long time, right? "

"Didn't wait long! Sister Hongyu! Chu Chu still had a well-behaved face.

"Sister Chu Chu! Gongzi generally does not wake up at this time, we first go to prepare food for Gongzi, and after preparation, we will almost wake up, Gongzi is very easygoing, and there is nothing to serve, so my sister does not have to worry. Hong Yu looked at Chu Chu with a smile on her face and explained for her.

"Hmm! Chu Chu listened to Sister Hongyu. "

"Sister Chu Chu is really well-behaved and obedient, Gongzi must like it very much, come, follow my sister, go and prepare food for Gongzi," Hong Yu said and took her slender hand and went in one direction.

Silence is again here...

At about nine o'clock in the morning, Sun Wukong, who was meditating in the room, returned to consciousness and woke up.

After carefully inspecting it, the spirit and qi consumed yesterday night have all recovered, and they have improved a lot, and even the super cells in the body have also increased a lot, it seems that it is the benefits of what happened yesterday night, and he can now be said to be full of blood resurrection to the peak state.

A smile appeared at the corner of Sun Wukong's mouth, and he seemed to be in a good mood.

In the new day, to live and enjoy with a good mood, this has always been what he is doing. It is very good for cultivation.

In the next second, Sun Wukong seemed to feel something and looked outside the corridor.

I saw two figures carrying things in their hands, walking towards their own doors, and after a while, they knocked on the door, and then Hong Yu's voice also sounded.

"Gongzi! Are you awake? "

Sun Wukong showed a smile and said softly: "Yo! It's Hong Yu who wakes up, come in! "

The door opened, Hong Yu and Chu Chu entered one after another, and when they saw Sun Wukong, they called out sweetly, which was regarded as a greeting: "Gongzi!" Good morning! "

"Good morning! Chu Chu is also here! Did you sleep well last night? Sun Wukong looked at Chu Chu and showed a smile, his tone full of care.

"Young Master Xie cares! Chu Chu rested well. Chu Chu was very well-behaved and replied happily, she did rest well yesterday night, because there are people who care about her, and there are such powerful sons, so safe.

"That's good!" Sun Wukong nodded with satisfaction.

Then, soon Hong Yu took Chu Chu and put the food on the table.

Sun Wukong also stood up, stretched his body, and suddenly the musculoskeletal "crackling" sounded, which attracted the eyes of the two women, looking at Sun Wukong in a daze.

"Hong Yu! Plainly! What's wrong with you guys? Why are you looking at me like that? "Sun Wukong is a little confused, and he looked at it, it's no different from usual?

"Gongzi! You are a little different today than usual. The two women of Hong Yu came back to their senses and answered honestly.

"Oh how! Isn't it more handsome and stylish? Sun Wukong smiled lightly and raised an eyebrow at them.

"Hmm!" The two women nodded a little shyly.

Sun Wukong thought about it for a while, and knew the reason, it may be that the changes obtained by the combination of Excalibur yesterday night were felt by them, and they had to admire, women's sixth sense, especially those close to them.

Sun Wukong walked to the table and sat down, and Hong Yu also knelt down, only the unclear Chu Chu was still standing.

"Chu Chu! Don't stand, sit down, and eat together. Sun Wukong looked at Chu Chu and showed a smile.

"Yes! Son! Chu Chu didn't ask why, but just agreed obediently.

"Gongzi! Here are some pastries that I and Chu Chu's sister made, and these are made by Chu Chu's sister, Gongzi! Sister Chu Chu's craftsmanship is amazing! Hong Yu can't compare. Hong Yu introduced Sun Wukong, and also praised Chu Chu and spoke for the other party.

"Whatever! Most of them are taught well by Sister Hongyu. Chu Chu did not dare to take credit, so he quickly defended and gave the credit to Hongyu.

"Huh! All right! As long as you do it, I like it, since Hong Yu said so, there is a mouthful, I have to taste it. After Sun Wukong finished speaking, he picked up the chopsticks, picked up the pastry and sent it to his mouth, and tasted it in Chu Chu's somewhat expectant eyes.

"Hmm! Not bad! The craftsmanship was done. Sun Wukong nodded and extended his thumb to Chu Chu and gave a thumbs up, and the latter immediately smiled and was very happy.

Then he tasted Hong Yu and nodded while eating: "Hmm! The things made by Hong Yu are also delicious, and I like them all. "

Listening to Sun Wukong's words, Hong Yu was also happy.

"Come on! Hong Yu! Try what Chu Chu made. Sun Wukong picked up a piece and handed it to Hongyu's mouth, who was very obedient and had a small mouth, and ate it, looking embarrassed.

"Brother, treat everyone equally. Come! Plainly! Try what Hong Yu made. Sun Wukong also picked up a piece and came to her, the latter was very well-behaved and ate it shyly.

Gee... Looking at the two shy beauties, while enjoying delicious food, this kind of day, Sun Wukong felt very beautiful.

Soon everything was wiped out by Sun Wukong, and after feeding the two girls a few times, until the love picture they couldn't eat was over.

Soon the two women cleaned up the table and went to the kitchen....


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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 140

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