
Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 141

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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 141

Monkey King pondered in the room...

"Will you send Jade to your parents later? Or find someone to send it? Or build something to give away. "

After thinking for a while, Sun Wukong decided: "It's better to send it yourself!" It's not very troublesome, just take people to move instantly, so it's more assuring, and I haven't seen Crimson Yan, Dasimei, Empress, Nu Ying, Shao Shao, and Taiyi for a long time, I don't know what they are doing now? "

Thinking of this, Sun Wukong sensed their qi, found that several women were cultivating, sensed the moon god, and found that the moon god was dealing with some trivial matters of the Yin and Yang family...

Now Donghuang Taiyi and Crimson Yan and the others are practicing in seclusion, and everything is left to the moon god to take care of, and this kind of day of holding power, the moon god is also happy to do so.

Perceiving this scene, Sun Wukong made a decision: "This is easy to do, when the time comes, directly teleport over, hand over the person to the moon god and she will be done." "

In the next second, Sun Wukong seemed to feel something, looked at the door, and Yu took his parents to the door.

"Yo! Get jade! Did you have a good rest last night? Sun Wukong, who was in a good mood, smiled, and looked at Liangyu's tone with great concern.

"Hmm! Son! Ryu Yu responded happily.

"That's good!"

"Benefactor!!" Li Kai and his wife saluted Sun Wukong and also said hello.

"Hmm! In the future, call me Goku or Gongzi, don't stand, come in and sit. "

"Yes!" The three nodded and walked to Sun Wukong's side, where Liang Yu knelt next to him, and Li Kai and Mrs. Hu sat next to Liang Yu.

"How! Did you bring everything you should have brought? Is there anything else to deal with? Sun Wukong looked at Li Kai and his wife with a smile.

"Hmm! All dealt with! Also ready. Li Kai hugged his fist and answered truthfully.

"That's good! Now you can live in a two-person world! Strive to make a small jade out. Sun Wu looked at Li Kai and his wife with a smile.

"Gongzi!! This..." Li Kai and his wife glanced at each other, their faces blushed with rare shyness, and Mrs. Hu looked shy, and there was no scenery.

"Huh!!! hehe" Sun Wukong laughed softly, looking very happy.

Liang Yu was also a little shy, but looking at his parents, he was very happy for them.

Sun Wukong just wanted to say something, seemed to feel something, and looked towards the door...

The mature and seductive body of the purple woman appeared in his eyes, and Sun Wukong was not surprised that the purple woman appeared here, after all, she is a good sister who makes jade, and she must come to see it.

In this regard, Sun Wukong showed a smile, looked at the purple woman and laughed, "Yo! Purple Girl! Today is even more beautiful! "

"You are poor!" The purple girl gave Sun Wukong a beautiful smile and wink, twisted her waist, walked in and sat next to Sun Wukong, and picked up the wine glass to fill it for everyone.

"Gongzi! If you want to talk about changes, it should be Gongzi! The purple woman feels that today's son is different! The purple girl's eyes looked at Sun Wukong.

"Gongzi!! Ryoyu also felt. Liang Yu also looked at Sun Wukong, and so did Mrs. Hu, only Li Kai did not feel the slightest.

"Is that how you women feel? It's very peculiar, how about it, get jade, purple girl! Have you been fascinated? Sun Wukong looked at the jade and the purple girl and raised his eyebrows.

"Hmm!" Liang Yu nodded shyly, and the purple girl gave Sun Wukong another electric flattery, which had a special flavor.

"That's right! What about Hong Yu and Chu Chu? The purple woman looked around the room and asked questions.

Sun Wukong explained softly: "! They! Now in the kitchen to deal with some things. "

The purple woman nodded, indicating that she understood.

"Naw! Get jade! When they come, the three of you are waiting for me here, I will send your parents away first, it is not very troublesome, it will be good for a while. Sun Wukong looked at Liang Yu and said his instructions.

"Hmm! Son! Langyu knows, and Liangyu thanks Gongzi for his parents! Liang Yu was very happy, very moved to look at Sun Wukong, Gongzi personally escorted her parents, which made her very moved.

"Thanks for what! Your business is my business, and besides, they are also my husband-in-law and mother-in-law, as they should. "

"Hmm!!!" Liang Yu agreed in a low voice, blushing shyly, and looking at Sun Wukong with affection.

Li Kai and his wife are also very happy, for the sake of getting jade and also happy for themselves, there is such a powerful son-in-law who is so good to them, where to find it?

The purple girl was also happy for the Yu family, and her eyes softened when she looked at Sun Wukong.

"All right! Old man, just put your hand on my shoulder and take my mother-in-law's hand. "

"Yes! Son! After Li Kai listened, he respectfully agreed, and then did as Sun Wukong said.

"Jade! Purple Girl! Would you like to check it out together? Sun Wukong looked at the two women and asked.

"Nope! Son! Liang Yu shook her head, although she also wanted to go with her to see, but think about it, she finally made up her mind, anyway, there will be opportunities in the future, and then it will be a parting picture, which makes her very sentimental.

The purple woman was a little moved, thinking of something, but also shook her head slightly.

"Okay! Wait for the meeting. After Sun Wukong finished speaking, his finger pressed against his eyebrows, sensing the breath of the moon god, and in their surprised eyes, he "snorted" and disappeared here...


The Yin-Yang family, the hall where the moon god handles affairs...

Luna is carefully watching the intelligence in his hand, which is something that has happened recently.

Suddenly. A familiar voice interrupted her, catching her attention.

"Yo! Luna! "

As soon as the words fell, the figures of the three of Sun Wukong flashed in front of her.

"Are you??? Goku-sama?" The moon god looked at the person in front of her with some doubt, the voice was right, but the overall dress and temperament were completely different, as if she had changed someone, which made her very uncertain.

"Huh! How? Can't recognize it? Sun Wukong looked at the moon god with a smile.

"It's really you, Lord Goku!! But you..." After listening to Sun Wukong's words, the moon god was finally determined, but he was still curious to look at Sun Wukong in the form of the super race god.

"All right! It's just my other new form, and it's normal that you don't know it. "

Luna nodded, although still a little curious, but still did not continue to ask.

"Goku-sama!! You disappeared for a while and suddenly appeared, is there something to answer? Luna asked in a respectful and soft voice.

Sun Wukong nodded: "Hmm! There really is something. "

"Goku-sama! You please say. "

"Naw! These two are my husband-in-law and mother-in-law, and you arrange a quiet place for them to live and meet their living needs. Sun Wukong looked at the moon god, introduced Li Kai and his wife to her, and said his purpose.

"Yes!" Luna glanced at Li Kai and his wife, who were still surprised, and although they were very curious, they didn't ask more.

"Hmm! Things are done! Come back next time... I have a reward! Sun Wukong looked at the moon god, showed a smile, and raised an eyebrow at her.

Hearing this, the moon god's eyes lit up, obviously very interested in the reward that Sun Wukong said.

Sun Wukong looked at Li Kai and Mrs. Hu and introduced them: "Old man, mother-in-law, this is the Yin Yang family, it is my power, here are all my own people, this is the moon god, wait for the meeting, you can listen to her arrangement." "

"Yes! Son! Li Kai and his wife quickly agreed.

"And. This is how to contact me, just activate it with your mind if you have something urgent. After Sun Wukong finished speaking, his fingers touched his eyes, and two rays of light soon disappeared into the eyebrows of the couple, and existed in their minds in the form of balls of light.

"Yes! Thank you Gongzi! "

"Naw! Luna, they will be handed over to you, I still have business, so I will withdraw first. Sun Wukong looked at the moon god and smiled slightly.

"Yes! Goku-sama! Luna replied respectfully.

Receiving the reply of the moon god, Sun Wukong nodded, his figure flashed, and disappeared...


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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 141

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