
Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 142

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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 142

When Sun Wukong appeared, he was already in Zilanxuan's own room, and Liang Yu, Chu Chu, Hong Yu and the others were there.

Seeing Sun Wukong, the three daughters shouted in unison: "Gongzi! x3"

Monkey King nodded and looked at them and gave them a smile, which was regarded as a response.

"What about the purple girl?" Without seeing the figure of the purple woman, Sun Wukong looked at Liang Yu and asked.

"Just now, other sisters came to find my sister, it seems that something happened, so my sister left first." Rongyu answered truthfully.

Sun Wukong nodded, indicating that he knew, as the boss of Zilanxuan, there must be many things for her to deal with, and it was really hard for her, and Sun Wukong also understood her.

"All right! Call you guys! There are two things, the first is that Ben Gongzi is in a good mood today, so take you to play, and the second thing... I'll talk about it when I'm happy to play. "

"Really? x3" The three of them showed an expectant look, it must be very interesting to be able to play with Gongzi.

"Of course it's true, I just had the opportunity today, so I will accompany you well." Sun Wukong nodded and looked at the three daughters fondly.

"I know that Gongzi is the best."

Hong Yu is the happiest, since she came here, she has been living in the space of Zilanxuan, and has experienced death, so she really has to relax, and Chu Chu is similar.

Looking at them happy, Sun Wukong was also very happy, but he thought of a problem, he only had one person and could only hold two. Although there is another one, although you can also bring it, however, the treatment is different, it seems that you have to think of a way....

Sun Wukong couldn't help but search for the knowledge of the brain, and when he thought of something, his eyes lit up.

"There you have it! Since there are not enough people, then, conjure up a few, brother has seen the existence of many anime! Isn't that easy? The art of shadow avatars in the Hokage world, but 6 one B, as a hot anime, how can you not know it? "

Thinking of this, Sun Wukong directly communicated with the system.....

"System, give me to improve the shadow avatar technique of the Naruto world and become only controlled by my own consciousness, that is, after the avatar, that is also me, you don't need to have independent consciousness, and then learn, please."

"Okay! Master! "

The next moment, Sun Wukong's head directly increased the skills of the shadow avatar, perfectly mastered the method, there is a system to learn directly, and the golden finger is so powerful.

Sun Wukong's mind moved, and he directly used his skills, and the energy was used at the same time, conjuring up a shadow doppelganger, and suddenly appeared beside him, which surprised the three women of Yu.

"Gongzi !!!???"

"This..." ???"

Looking at the two identical sons, the three daughters of Liang Yu, Hongyu, and Chu Chu felt that their heads were not enough, and their faces were confused.

Sun Wukong understood, smiled, and explained: "Calm, this is also me, just an energy avatar of mine, consciousness is all me, just get used to it." "

"Oh!!!" After listening to Sun Wukong's explanation, he took a breath, but he was still shocked.

"I was worried that the three of you wouldn't be able to hold it. Now that this problem is solved, go, Ben Gongzi ... Take you fly, take you to wave. After Sun Wukong finished speaking, he stepped forward and directly hugged Hong Yu in his arms, and the other himself also took Liang Yu into his arms.

The third girl immediately blushed and replied.

"Let's go!!!"

As soon as Sun Wukong's words fell, he disappeared here with them, and when he appeared, he was already in the air at an altitude of thousands of meters.

"Gongzi!! We are... In the air? "Liang Yu is calm because he has experienced everything, Chu Chu and Hong Yu are shocked when they look around, looking at Sun Wukong, they are shocked.

"Hmm! Not bad! I will take you to fly and let you experience the joy of flying. Sun Wukong looked at Chu Chu and Hong Yu and smiled faintly.

"Gongzi is so good!!!" Hong Yu and Chu Chu looked at Sun Wukong, their eyes full of adoration and adoration.

"That's a must, come, handle your hands like this, interlock your five fingers and hold them tightly, get the jade too, and grab Chu Chu's other hand." Sun Wukong said, the right hand held Chu Chu's left hand, five fingers intersected tightly, the left hand also intersected five fingers and held Hongyu's right hand, Liang Yu and Chu Chu's right hand intersected and held tightly, the shadow doppelganger held the other slender hand of Liang Yu, Hongyu's left hand was not held, how can this work, seeing this, Sun Wukong is conjuring up a shadow doppelganger and holding her left hand.

In this way, the 3 Monkey Kings 1 in the middle, 2 on both sides, directly grabbed the three women's hands and protected them in the middle.

Transparent light masks appear around everyone, protecting everyone.

“OK! Take off!!! "The six people formed a line, broke through the air, their bodies parallel to the ground, and when they opened their hands, they felt like their own wings, soaring in the heavens and the earth.

Sun Wukong took them into the sky and felt the vastness of the sky. Fly into the clouds, feel the beauty, fly into the mountains, feel the majesty of nature, fly into the jungle, feel the vast vitality, fly into the lake, the sea to feel the magnificence of nature, fly into the sea, feel the different sea world,

Flying through all kinds of things that have not been seen, everything that has not been seen, makes them very relaxed, comfortable, feel nature, heart... Got sublimated.

The three women looked at Sun Wukong, who was holding their slender hands, and they were very moved, everything was because of him that they had such a beautiful experience.

The touching emotions are conveyed through the five fingers connected to the heart, the clenched hands, and they can feel each other.

Sun Wukong looked at them and smiled gently.

Then he continued to soar with them indulgently until the sun was high and did not stop.

Six figures stayed high in the air, and Sun Wukong held one in his arms.

"All right! Almost played, go! Let's go get food."

Sun Wukong said, found a beautiful place, broke through the sky....

Soon, everyone landed in a valley...

Here, the birds are singing and flowers, the beauty is abnormal, there are all kinds of small animals playing in the distance, the air is full of good smell of flowers, looking at everything beautiful in front of you, it is pleasant.

It seems that this is a pristine landscape, which has not yet been developed, and human footprints have not yet been discovered here.

"Sure enough, what is natural is the most beautiful." Sun Wukong sighed in his heart, and then, with a wave of his hand, carpets and various lunch things appeared, placing them all around.

"Gongzi!! This is? The three of them were a little puzzled.

"Huh! Today let you taste different things and experience different tastes" Sun Wukong looked at them and smiled slightly, and after that, the two doppelgangers began to get busy.

This avatar is really easy to use, not to mention the ability to have the body, but also to share knowledge, everything, it is simply too powerful.

"Gongzi! This..." Seeing this, the three daughters of Liang Yu, Hong Yu, and Chu Chu looked at each other, and they seemed very surprised.

"Doesn't Gongzi know... Is a gentleman far away from cooking? Let's do it anyway! Liang Yu raised his own doubts very suspiciously, and planned to help after speaking.

Hearing this, Sun Wukong looked at the jade women, showed a smile, and patiently stated his opinion:

"All right! All sitting. Not long ago, you made it for me to eat, today I will change it, moreover, the rule is said by others, I didn't say, Ben Gongzi has always liked to do it himself, rich in food and clothing, and in the future, when there is a chance, I let you behave well. "


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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 142

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