
Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 143

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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 143

"Gongzi !!!" When the three daughters of Liang Yu, Hongyu, and Chu Chu heard this, they looked at Sun Wukong, very moved and happy.

In this ancient time, since their son-in-law personally went down to the kitchen and cooked food for them, he asked you if you were moved? Anyway, the three daughters are extremely moved...

After a while, the alluring aroma spread, making several people open their appetites, secretly swallowing their saliva, and then the "cooing" that made the stomachs of the three jade girls very indisputable sounded, making their pretty faces red.

"Huh! I'm hungry! Come and come, try the wild food, this is a fresh taste. With a wave of his hand, Sun Wukong came to the three women with a variety of roasted delicacies, exuding an alluring color and aroma, which made the eyes of the women straighten.

"Don't even look, eat quickly." After Sun Wukong finished speaking, he picked up the grilled fish and ate it, and the three girls were named, and they also picked up the food they had never seen in front of them and ate it.

"Wow!!! It's delicious. Chu Chugang's eyes lit up after taking a small bite, and he exclaimed, and Yu and Hong Yu nodded in agreement.

"If it's delicious, eat more." Seeing that the three girls liked it so much, Sun Wukong looked at them and showed a soft smile, this is something in the Dragon Ball world, it contains a lot of energy, and the taste is definitely delicious.

Soon, several people ate and drank, and the food around them quickly disappeared.

Liang Yu, Chu Chu, and Hong Yu ate until their stomachs bulged slightly, and they didn't stop until they couldn't eat it, leaving Sun Wukong still eating a lot... It also let the third daughter understand his horror for the first time.

The Saiyans themselves are foodies, and today they have consumed some gas, so Sun Wukong let go of his stomach to eat until he ate all the food around him.

Eat and drink, Sun Wukong is very satisfied, he has not been so cool for some days, sometimes eat fairy beans, do not have to eat for a few days, but the appetite is fading out of the bird, today can finally satisfy the five internal organs temple.

"Gongzi !!!" Seeing this, the third daughter of Liang Yu looked at Sun Wukong with some embarrassment.

The Monkey King knew what they meant. Isn't it just that he was shy to make such a little thing before, but now he sees his appetite, as if he has been hungry for a long time and has not eaten enough.

Sun Wukong looked at them and comforted: "Get jade!" You don't have to pay attention to it, I eat to see the situation and mood, if I am in a good mood, I will eat more, I am in a good mood today, and I have consumed a lot, so eat something to replenish energy, get used to it. "

"Hmm!" After listening to Gongzi's explanation, the third girl felt better.

"All right! Eat and drink, rest and relax for a rare time. Sun Wukong said, walked to a grassy place, lay down with his hands on the pillow, several women sat beside him, looking at everything beautiful in front of them together, the three girls occasionally sent their eyes to him, showing a warm smile.

Sun Wukong closed his eyes, put his hands on the pillow, stood beside him, enjoying the afternoon sun, and the picture was very warm.

"Gongzi! Now, I really want to play a few songs for the male bullet, and the piano comes. Thinking of something, Liang Yu's face was a little regretful.

"Great idea! Qin, it's not a trivial matter. Sun Wukong snapped his fingers, and a very simple piano and the things needed to play the piano suddenly appeared in the jade, which was taken out of the system.

"This... This is "In this regard, Yu Yu is not strange, already about to get used to it, stretched out his hand, stroked the guqin that exuded a different aura in front of him, looked at it in surprise, and gently stroked the body of the piano: "Gongzi!" What kind of piano is it? "

"It's like... It is made of plane wood from the residence of the divine beast Phoenix. Sun Wukong communicated with the system for a while before explaining to Liang Yu, to be honest, Sun Wukong was shocked by the system in his heart.

He only asked the system to make a high-grade one, and the system directly gave the whole tall, divine beast Phoenix, which is the existence of the king of birds.

You know, in the world of immortal cultivation and fantasy, the divine beast Phoenix, that is the existence of a big guy, really high-grade, the system will give this kind of goods as soon as it is shot, it is simple.

After being shocked, Sun Wukong smiled at Liang Yu: "See if you like it, like it and give it to you!" "

"Love! Son! This is a peerless piano! Thank you Gongzi! Yu stroked the piano, the movement was careful, like a beloved.

A good swordsman treats his sword and Kotohime treats his own piano, and the feelings are similar.

Sun Wukong looked at Liang Yu and showed a smile, his tone was very appreciative and encouraging: "Just like it!" Come! First play a few songs to listen, and then play a "Empty Mountain Bird Language", I didn't let you play it before, because at that time, you would bring some of your sad emotions into it when you played, which was not what I wanted, and now, I want to get jade You must make me very satisfied. "

"Yes! Son! Makeyu will work hard! "Gongyu used to want to play her most proud song to Gongzi, but Gongzi stopped her, and now, she can finally share her favorite and best things with people she likes, and she is very happy.

Liang Yu put away his emotions, sat down quietly, his hands involuntarily supported the strings, and the beautiful and pleasant piano sound was slowly played, touching, echoing the valley and the hearts of several people, making people linger.

Even the small animals around them stopped moving, and some of them dared to sit on the ground not far away, looking at them, looking very cute.

Soon, various beautiful piano sounds were played back and forth several times, and after that, they stopped for a while.

It also means that Liangyu is going to play the song "Empty Mountain Bird Language".

In this regard, Sun Wukong looked at Liang Yu with a smile and nodded, his eyes were very satisfied.

Receiving Gongzi's nod and appreciation, Liang Yu showed a touching smile, and put his hands on the strings again.

Then, the moving sound of the piano emerges repeatedly, melodious and melodious around the ears, flowing in the heart, healing the soul, the beautiful sound of the piano is like a complaint, like soaring freely in the sky, the breeze blows, like in a dream in the clouds, the sound of the piano is beautiful and beautiful, as if the person listening to the piano personally experienced, felt... Experience...

Birds of all kinds flew from afar, and all kinds of animals on land also gathered here, sitting on the grass around them, densely packed,

All kinds of birds, like the hundred birds towards the phoenix, and like the colorful rotating tornado, hovered and flew above the sky of everyone,

At this moment, this scene is even more shocking than the original.

At the same time, happy, happy, moving, happy, all kinds of positive emotions are also integrated into the sound of the piano, so that the people who listen to the piano are like in a beautiful paradise, so touching and shocking the soul.


Feilu reminds you: three things to read - favorites, recommendations

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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 143

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