
Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 145

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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 145

Seeing that the three women were puzzled, Sun Wukong looked at them and solved their confusion: "Don't worry!" It's just me, spending a few hours here and only 1 hour outside, so you have more time to train. "

"It's really amazing!" The three daughters of Liang Yu, Chu Chu, and Hong Yu quickly exclaimed.

"All right! Without further ado, get ready, training starts right away. Sun Wukong's face was stunned.

The women also collected their minds and listened carefully.

"My training is also very simple, in the first stage, you each separate a certain distance, you only need to avoid the water droplets in my hand, don't be hit, remember, you can only dodge." Sun Wukong smiled after speaking, his hand flashed, and the toy water gun appeared in his hand.

"Jade, you go with me over there." Sun Wukong took the jade to the right.

"Then Chu Chu, you will go there with me." The other doppelganger also took Chu Chu to the left.

Left Hong Yu and Doppelganger No. 2 in place.

After waiting for the women to get ready, Sun Wukong gave the order.

"Then, the training begins..."

Three Monkey Kings flashed everywhere, holding toy water guns and beating girls.

At the beginning, the three girls did not react, and when they came back to their senses, the third daughter was also embarrassed and her face turned red... Finally, I knew that one of the purposes of Gongzi's training in this way was one.

It's all routines!

However, as time went on, and gradually became familiar with the physical reaction and strength, the three women were hit less and less, until they finally dodged perfectly.

The first phase of training is also over.

"Good! Yes, it seems that you have mastered the dodge technique, so, next... Continuing with the second phase, this time with 2 opponents each, I ask you to dodge while attacking the water droplets that cannot be avoided. "

As soon as Sun Wukong finished speaking, he directly conjured up 3 doppelgangers, six against three, and the iron should take advantage of the heat and continue to train.

Two against one, one of which can be dodged, the other cannot be avoided, can only attack water droplets, and at the same time have to defend.

The difficulty increased a lot, and the three women were hit one after another. Redder again.

The second stage of training also lasted for a while, and only stopped after the women's perfect request.

"Hmm! It's not a good idea to achieve this effect so quickly. Sun Wukong looked at the third daughter and nodded with satisfaction.

Liang Yu, Chu Chu, and Hong Yu affirmed, although they were a little tired, but they were very happy.

"Good! Moving on to the last stage, this time, I want you to shoot down all the attacks, but this time it's 4 people! Come on! I'm bullish on you. After Sun Wukong finished speaking, he conjured up six doppelgangers, added together, 12 doppelgangers, 4 respectively, and surrounded several women.

The three daughters of Liangyu, Chu Chu and Hongyu, who were encouraged by Sun Wukong, picked up their spirits and met the challenge.

A new round of training then began, because the difficulty of the four people increased several times, and the pressure of the three women increased greatly, sometimes shooting down two of the attacks, and then being hit by the other attacks, and being attacked one after another.

The three women devoted themselves to training and did not notice the changes in their bodies, and they had to devote themselves to continuous attacks, how dare they be distracted.

The third stage took three times longer than the second stage before they completed their training.

The three women were panting and breathing, looking very tired, the long-term high-intensity, intense training made them very tired, even if they had internal support, they couldn't bear it, but the effort and the reward was worth it.

Sun Wukong used his speed to force their bodies to get used to it, and adapt to this speed, so as to achieve the training of dodge, defense, and attack, and strengthen their combat survivability, and now they can be regarded as true peerless masters.

Because Sun Wukong was training them at a speed that surpassed the top masters in Qin Shi, and now they were used to it.

The world's martial arts, all invincible, only fast and not broken, even if the opponent's attack power is great, the speed can not keep up, and it is for nothing to hit people.

And now, the jade women, whose physical fitness has been strengthened against the sky, have been able to dodge and attack at the same time, which is even more powerful.

"All right! The training is completed for the time being, take a break. Seeing that the goal was achieved, Sun Wukong gave the order to rest.

"Whew! It's finally over, exhausted. Long Yu breathed a sigh of relief.

Chu Chu and Hong Yu also quickly nodded in agreement.

Such high-intensity training is indeed a bit hard for them, but they never complain, they will only work harder to meet Gongzi's requirements.

However, when they noticed something strange, "Ah~! ", shyly turned his back and gave Sun Wukong a beautiful back.

"Huh! Still so shy, if Ben Gongzi wants to take advantage of you, can you stop it? Sun Wukong flashed a smile.

Hearing this, the thin-skinned third daughter of Yuyu became even more shy.

"All right! Don't tease you, the exercise is also sweaty, go, cool go. "

This action Sun Wukong will not sweat at all, just want to see interesting pictures, but also to narrow the emotional distance between each other.

After some preparation, several people broke through the air...


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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 145

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