
Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 146

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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 146

After waiting for a while, the jade hand on the shoulder slowly massaged up...

The weak and boneless jade hand massaged on the shoulder, which made Sun Wukong like it very much.

"Is Gongzi's strength okay?" Chu Chu was the first to enter the role, although her pretty face was still very red, but she had come back to her senses and played her skills, which is worthy of being cultivated from childhood to serve people.

"Hmm! Not bad! It's even better when you use a little force! Sun Wukong nodded in satisfaction.

Chu Chu was overjoyed, and immediately added a point.

Seeing this, Liang Yu and Hong Yu who were not far away also put away their shame and served with their hearts, and when they were praised by Sun Wukong one after another, the girls were very happy....

"Very good! You guys did a great job, and now, it's my turn. After Sun Wukong enjoyed it secretly for a while, he turned around and looked at Liang Yu, Chu Chu, and Hong Yu with an inexplicable smile on his face.

"Gongzi!! No! Let's just do it ourselves. The women quickly waved their hands to refuse, and replied with a shy face.

"How can this work, just now you helped me, now it's up to me to help you."

"Don't do it!" This kind of request made the three daughters of Liang Yu, Chu Chu, and Hong Yu shake their heads one after another, expressing their refusal, how could they agree to such a shameful thing? They must know that this bad boy must be playing with some bad idea.

"Hmph! If you don't let it this time, then... Next. Sun Wukong did not adhere to it, and there seemed to be a fox's tail behind him, swaying.

This degree is still within the control range, so he is not worried.

In his opinion, like the later life, the perfect strategy sister has three stages, the sister's favorability towards you - the comfort of the sister with you - the intimacy of the sister with you, limb ~ physical contact, etc., as long as it is satisfied, then, you can do what you want.

It is not enough to have a good feeling, but also to brush other 'degrees', at that time, it is the so-called physical and mental oneness.

This is also related to his cultivation to increase super cells, in order not to waste resources, otherwise, he would have done them a long time ago.

"Gongzi!!! This..."

Sun Wukong's words made the three daughters of Liang Yu, Chu Chu, and Hong Yu suddenly speechless, looked at each other, their faces were still shy and answered, and then reached some kind of agreement with each other, gently, it was agreed.

"Then... Yigongzi!! The three women of the jade had a pretty face and said softly, if it weren't for Sun Wukong's strong hearing, he couldn't hear clearly.

After getting what he wanted, Sun Wukong was very satisfied and praised: "Hmm! Very good, worthy of being the woman I like, really obedient! "

Hearing Sun Wukong's approval, the third daughter of Liang Yu was happy, and then a little nervous and expectant.

Seeing this, Sun Wukong took a deep breath and calmed down his mood and state:

"All right! You are all very well-behaved and obedient, I am very happy, I leave so that you can't let go, I will give you the space, I will put your clothes there, and when it comes out, I have a reward for my son.

"Hmm! Son! x3" The third daughter quickly agreed, and she breathed a sigh of relief in her heart.

"Also, what you have, just dry it with internal force." After Sun Wukong finished speaking, his body floated on a stone by the lake, full of qi energy, evaporating the water on his body, and in his body, the original new dress appeared on his body cleanly.

After that, he changed the women's clothes into new ones and put them on the stones before walking out...

Sun Wukong went to prepare food, after cultivating for so long, they were hungry, they should eat well.

After Sun Wukong left, the women smiled at each other, and talked about the little secret and quickly cleaned it, because they didn't want to keep Gongzi waiting...

Sun Wukong walked not far from the lake, found a comfortable place, waved his hand, carpets and various foods reappeared, and got busy in several doppelgangers...

He hadn't thought to peek at them.

Cut! The morning and evening are all their own, if you want to see it, you can also look at it fairly, just forget about peeking or something.

Soon, the aroma of various foods wafted in the air, making people have a great appetite, this time Sun Wukong also made a lot of delicious, various desserts, delicious porridge, side dishes, barbecue and so on.

Since learning the shadow avatar, it's simply not too easy to use, do these can be completely handed over to the avatar, the body to do while enjoying the sun, anyway, he and the system have requested, all the consciousness of the avatar is their own mental power control, avoiding a trouble.

After a while, the three people of Liang Yu, Chu Chu and Hong Yu soon appeared in his line of sight, the beauty who just came out of the bath always had a different kind of charm, which made Sun Wukong appreciate it very much, and looked at them with appreciative eyes without reservation, expressing their likes and concerns, so that the beauties answered shyly.

However, for Gongzi, Liang Yu, Chu Chu, and Hong Yu were very happy to show him their charm, causing Sun Wukong to raise his eyebrows one after another, and his eyes flashed with an inexplicable light.

Seeing this, Liang Yu and the others were even more happy.

Women are pleased! It is always a thing that makes them very happy to show their beautiful charm to the people they like and get the likes and care of the other party.

It seems that their little secret just now played a lot of role.


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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 146

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