
Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 147

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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 147

The third daughter came to Sun Wukong and exclaimed sweetly: "Gongzi!!! x3"

"Hmm! Not bad! Not bad! It's even more beautiful! Sun Wukong looked at Liang Yu, Chu Chu, and Hong Yu, nodded repeatedly, it seemed that he had received the blessing of internal strength and exercises, and his temperament and other aspects became more attractive.

"Really? x3" The third daughter listened to Sun Wukong's words, and she was a little unsure.

"Of course! Although you were also beautiful before, but now, you have learned some things and become masters, and you will exude some special aura and temperament... It has a different kind of charm, of course, it is more beautiful and attractive! "

"Everything is the credit of Gongzi." Hearing this, the women looked at Sun Wukong very happily and moved, and did not hide the affection in their eyes.

Feeling all the things conveyed by his gaze, Sun Wukong smiled inexplicably: "Hehe! Of course, since you belong to me, I must be kind to you. "

"Gongzi !!!" This kind of love words that seem to be confessed and sweet made the beautiful faces of Liang Yu, Chu Chu, and Hong Yu blush, and they looked at Sun Wukong happily.

"All right! After practicing for so long, it's time to eat well! After eating, I still have something to hand over to you, let's get moving! "

The three daughters who got the name were also very happy to destroy the food in front of them with Sun Wukong...

Another meal of eating and drinking, in the satisfied looks of the 4 people to wipe out the light of the food, of course, most of it entered Sun Wukong's stomach.

After eating, the three daughters of Liang Yu sat around Sun Wukong, tasting the delicious drink he took out and enjoying the warm time.

Sun Wukong showed a gentle smile, looked at Liang Yu, Chu Chu, and Hongyu, his eyes flowed on them, and compared them, in addition to Liang Yu's dress deeply rooted in people's hearts and perfectly reflected her temperament and character, Chu Chu and Hongyu's dress was relatively weak.

Thinking of this, Sun Wukong looked at Chu Chu and Hong Yu and spoke: "Chu Chu, Hong Yu, now you are already a master!" And it's still my person, this kind of dress is not suitable for you, so, I prepared a new set for the two of you, and also prepared a set of the same blue and purple color as my blue and purple for the jade, the dress of the jade itself is more in line with her personality temperament, I also like it, so I don't want to change, I will pay attention to changing the two of you. "

"Hmm! Thank you Gongzi! Everything listens to Gongzi. "The two women are very well-behaved and happy.

Sun Wukong looked at Chu Chu, his right hand stretched out, the divine light flashed, and after the bright light disappeared...

Light pink group dress, the corner of the skirt is embroidered with a light blue butterfly spreading its wings, covered with a layer of white light tulle, the breeze is gentle, there is a feeling of going with the wind, the silky inky black hair is tied in a beautiful knot, and the rest of the long hair is casually scattered around the waist, and the figure is slender. Brute waist wins weak. It is even more moving, which makes Sun Wukong like it very much.

When it was Hongyu's turn, Sun Wukong's hand flashed, a light green long skirt, embroidered with light blue peonies on the cuffs, silver threads outlined a few auspicious clouds, a row of blue sea water clouds at the hem, a wide piece of light yellow brocade wrapped around the chest, the body gently turned the long skirt will spread, the hands are like the wind blowing willows as graceful, inky black hair, simply bun a flying fairy bun, a few full and round pearl hairpins at will dot the hair, so that the cloud-like hair, more soft and shiny, so that Sun Wukong is very satisfied to see.

Mature, noble, and beautiful, he hoped that Hong Yu would develop like this in the future, so that it would be more interesting.

Then he conjured up a set of the same outfit as him for Liang Yu, but the color was indeed blue-purple, standing next to Sun Wukong, with Sun Wukong's super blue state dress, it felt that the two were... Couple in general.

"Come and see if you like it." After Sun Wukong finished speaking, he made a huge mirror, the four stood up, and the three women looked at the beautiful picture of their new self and Sun Wukong standing in the mirror, and they were very satisfied.

"Thank you Gongzi! X3"

"I like it!"

"Chu Chu also likes it!"

"Hong Yu also likes it!"

"Just like it." Sun Wukong looked at the happy people, and was also very happy: "Okay, all sit down, I still have something for you." "

The four of them sat down again, and the three women looked at Sun Wukong with soft eyes, waiting for him to speak.

"I also taught you some combat techniques just now, and now I'm handing you some attack methods, watch." After Sun Wukong finished speaking, his mind moved, and a divine sword avatar suddenly appeared in front of Sun Wukong, and then controlled the speed to go to a high mountain not far away, piercing the mountain back and forth, leaving many small holes in the mountain...

Then, the energy sword shadow stopped in the air, the sword body waved, the terrifying white sword qi emerged, directly cutting off the mountain, and the terrifying sound of "boom" sounded, and after calming down, the smooth as a flat half-cut mountainside at the incision was revealed...


"Well... That's awesome!!! The third woman was stunned.

Sun Wukong then demonstrated the flight of the imperial sword, conjuring dozens of various moves of Excalibur attacks, which made the three women of Yuyu marvel one after another.

"How! Do you want to learn? Monkey King looked at them and smiled.

"Think x3" The three women immediately nodded quickly, like chickens pecking rice, reflecting their desire.

"Hey, hey! Here's what I'll teach you. Sun Wukong showed his right face, intending to continue brushing intimacy.

As soon as Sun Wukong's words fell, the three women immediately took action, making her pretty face a little red, and she looked good...

This scene made Sun Wukong's heart dark: "It seems that they are almost used to doing this to themselves, which is a good thing, representing intimacy, enough. You can do what you want. "

"Hmm! Very good! Let's take a look at this side too. "Getting the benefits, Sun Wukong smiled and showed the other face, and the women were a little more red than just now, but they were still very obedient to action...

"Good! I'm glad I'll teach you now. "After getting the benefits, Sun Wukong was very happy, his fingers shone brightly, and he tapped on the eyebrows of the three women, and used the method to transmit to the brains of all the women...

“!!!" Everything in his mind was like seeing with his own eyes, which made the more they looked at it, the more shocked they were, shocked by the power of the imperial sword art.

However, when they found something, they looked at each other and had some small regrets....

"Gongzi! We don't have a sword..."

"What sword is a murder weapon. I taught you to defend yourself, and I didn't let you kill people on purpose, I can get you some other things, later..."

After Sun Wukong finished speaking, his consciousness sank into the system and the system communicated, and directly let the system use the hardest substance in the Dragon Ball universe to create three pairs of hairpins with sword spirits and can change shapes at will for the third girl, and Sun Wukong will not be stingy with his own woman.

After consuming almost sixty percent of Sun Wukong's qi, six dark delicate hairpins floated in front of his eyes...

"Naw! There are 3 pairs of hairpins, each of you choose your favorite. "

"Yes! Son! Soon, the three daughters all chose what they liked.

Sun Wukong's right hand was a little, and 2 drops of blood were drawn from their bodies, directly dripping on their favorite hairpins, and soon, the three women of Liangyu felt everything about the hairpins and got in touch with the hairpins...

There is a system, and the unity of human hairpins is that simple.

"You guys try! Use your mind to control the hairpin to attack the opposite mountain. Sun Wukong pointed to the straight mountain not far away.

The three daughters of Liang Yu, Chu Chu, and Hong Yu hurriedly nodded, and controlled the hairpins to attack the mountain peak according to the method in their heads...

The shimmer flashed, the speed of the hairpins was very fast, within a hundred meters in the blink of an eye, soon the mountain peak was pierced by six hairpins, and then, the women followed Sun Wukong's instructions and went towards new and various goals...

Sun Wukong found many other targets to make them gradually familiar with how to use them, and the three women of Jade had fun.

However, after more than a dozen rounds of attack, they felt a little tired, which was mental.

"Now you know! Although this thing is powerful, it is not all infinitely used, the stronger your spiritual power and strength, the longer and more powerful you can use it, so, after going back, practice the exercises I gave you well and improve your soul power, spiritual power and strength, got it? "

The three daughters of Liang Yu, Chu Chu, and Hong Yu looked at each other, and spoke out at the same time: "Hmm! Son! We know x3. "

"And! When encountering enemies, it is best to attack and defend, and when not in use, put the hairpin into your body, let it feel your breath, so that you can become stronger at the same time, but also pay attention not to take it out and put it indiscriminately, if not properly controlled it is very dangerous. Sun Wukong instructed very seriously.

"Gongzi! What dangers can there be? "Langyu is a little curious.

"Look! Let you see. After Sun Wukong finished speaking, he held a hairpin of jade, directly cut off her temporary connection with jade, and threw it into the distance.

"Boom" A loud sound sounded, the earth was shaken, in the shocked eyes of Liang Yu and others, a large pit with a width of 100 meters and a depth appeared where the hairpin fell, and the original mountain disappeared, it was so thrilling. Stirring.


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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 147

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