
Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 148

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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 148

"Gongzi! This..." The three of them were stunned, such a small thing, so perverted?

"Don't look at it small, it's very powerful, and its weight will cause so much movement just now, so you know." After Sun Wukong finished speaking, his hand shook towards the deep pit, and the hairpin returned to his hand.

The three of them looked at the hairpin in their hands, and Mu Na nodded.

"That... Son! Can we fly on it now? Chu Chu looked at Sun Wukong expectantly.

"With your current strength and its relationship, it is definitely possible, how do you want to try it? Then fly to your heart's content! "

"Yay! That's great! "After listening to Sun Wukong's words, the three girls were happy.

Soon controlled the hairpin to become a few meters in size, stood up, and directly began an alternative flying journey of the hairpin.

Liang Yu, Chu Chu, and Hong Yu were having fun, and Sun Wukong looked at them flying in the air and showed a warm smile.

It wasn't until they got tired of playing that they returned to the Monkey King.

"It's almost fun! Then go back. Sun Wukong looked at them and smiled faintly.

"Hmm! Son. "The third daughter is very happy.

Sun Wukong's footsteps tapped the ground, the space changed, and returned to the original valley, the sun was still hanging high, and it was seen that it was about five o'clock in the afternoon, and the piano was still alone in place, looking a little pitiful.

Ryu Yu stepped forward and took the qin into his arms. I touched it very pityingly.

"That's right! Get jade! There is a way to cultivate the method of piano sound attacks, I think... It's perfect for you. The divine light in Sun Wukong's hand shone, and it directly fell into the eyebrows of the jade.

After checking it, Liang Yu was very happy: "Young Master Xie!!" "

"That's a good feeling! Play a few songs to listen! Sun Wukong sat down cross-legged, with some expectation.

Liang Yurou smiled softly, knelt down, held the strings with her slender hands, and the beautiful sound of the piano sounded again,

The shocking picture appeared again, a hundred beasts gathered, the sound of the piano was shocking, and every time I heard it, I had a different feeling, it was really moving, and Sun Wukong was intoxicated by the sound of the piano again.

At the end of a few songs, it was very quiet here, and I had not yet recovered from the sound of the piano.


Only then did Sun Wukong come to his senses and sigh in his heart: "Sure enough, the charm of music is really indescribable and touching!" , especially the sound of the piano played by the jade, the experience is inextricable. "

"When I was an otaku, the divine comedy on the Internet, listening to it for hours, proved the charm of music, if there is a beautiful woman with a full figure, dancing in the divine comedy, it is annoying while watching, all kinds of long legs, bright and blind ah there is wood?"

"That's right! Aren't there a few girls dancing in Qin Shimingyue who look good, I heard that the city is overwhelmed! There are Flame Lingji in Tianxing, and there are snow women in Yan Country, but they are all beautiful!

Not long ago, I saw Yan Dan, Yan Chunjun, in the Hidden Dragon Hall, then. Now the concubine snow pavilion of the Yan Kingdom should be famous all over the world, then the snow girl who is the top dancer must be there, now I just have time, go and see, if you see it, directly grab it back, get jade to play the piano, the snow girl dances, that scene... Gee... Meimeida... It was a great treat. "

Thinking of this, Sun Wukong's heart and body were hot.

Why rob? Sun Wukong didn't know, anyway, he thought so, so he did it.

Could it be that he snatched an obedient and well-behaved Chu Chu from Bai Yifei, so he planned to come again?

Who knows!

"Nong Yu, Chu Chu, Hong Yu, go! Ben Gongzi took you to Yan Country to play, I heard that Yan Country's concubine Xuege has a dancer named Xuenu, dancing is very good-looking, we go and snatch her back, when the time comes, get jade to play the piano, let her dance, it's just perfect! Sun Wukong looked at the third daughter of the jade and showed a smile. The tone is very interested.

How bold is it for Gongzi to be so bold that he actually took them to rob other women in front of his own women?

In this regard, the three daughters of Liangyu directly gave Sun Wukong a wink, which became an alternative landscape, but they were not angry in the slightest, because Gongzi's meaning they all supported unconditionally, because everything they had was given by him, so they trusted unconditionally.

Especially Liang Yu, as long as it is said by Gongzi, she will believe it unconditionally.

Moreover, Gongzi is so upright and unabashedly stating his purpose, without the slightest pretentiousness, isn't this trust in them?

In the next second, Liang Yu looked at Sun Wukong and smiled softly: "Gongzi! Liang Yu also heard other sisters say that the concubine Xuege of the Yan Kingdom is indeed very famous, and its fame is brought by this snow girl, and I heard that her dance is overwhelming. "

There was some interest in Yu's words, obviously to the snow girl.

Hearing this, Sun Wukong smiled at Liang Yu: "Hehe! Although she is famous, I still think my jade is the best. "

"Gongzi !!!" Liang Yu immediately blushed and replied shyly.

"Of course! My Chu Chu and Hong Yu are too, and in my heart you will always be the best. Sun Wukong looked at the beautiful girl who was a little envious, and did not hesitate to say sweet love words.

"Gongzi !!!"

Suddenly, Chu Chu and Hong Yu also blushed and answered shyly.

Sun Wukong was very happy, looking at the three beauties in front of him.

Occasionally teasing and teasing girls, watching their shy appearance, it's really a pleasure.

Sure enough, the love between men and women is really exciting, because it is emotional.

"Then such a pleasant decision, let's go! Brother take you to Yan Country to play. Also go to meet this snow girl. "

Sun Wukong conjured up 2 doppelgangers, hugged one by one, hugged them into his arms, and broke through the air in the direction of Yan Country...


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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 148

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