
Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 149

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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 149

As the sun set, six figures broke through the sky towards the capital of the Yan Kingdom, Jixingcheng, of course, with Sun Wukong's means, no one would find them.

Standing above Thistle City, Sun Wukong looked down with some small feelings, this is the second time he has come here, the first time is just a casual look, now take a good look.

Find a place outside the uninhabited city gate to descend, put away the doppelganger, and then four figures walked towards the gate of Thistle City...

Looking at the huge city wall that was tens of meters high in front of him, and the lively scene of people coming and going at the city gate, after a little sigh, he entered the city with the crowd.

Along the way, Sun Wukong, Nong Yu, Chu Chu and Hong Yu became the focus of everyone, whether it was temperament, appearance, combination and matching, etc., all of them made their eyes shine and involuntarily cast their eyes on them.

Sun Wukong was originally a little worried about causing unnecessary trouble! But fortunately, there are no things, otherwise, Sun Wukong will definitely teach the people who do things how to behave.

Sun Wukong's worries are completely superfluous, and their dress looks like they are either rich or expensive, with a background, and a very powerful look. Except for which one does not have long eyes, otherwise, who will be full and uncomfortable?

I have to say that the current Yan Kingdom is much more prosperous than the last time he came, on both sides of the street of the bluestone road, all kinds of restaurants and entertainment venues are lined up, very prosperous, under the eaves are hung red lanterns that have been lit, exuding a festive and peaceful atmosphere.

On the street, the flow of people is endless, and it is very lively.

"This is the ancient nightlife?" Sun Wukong sighed in his heart.

The last time he came was during the day, and now it's evening, and the scene is definitely different.

Along the way, the three women of jade looked at this and that, and they seemed very happy and interested.

No way, they rarely have the opportunity to come out like this, after all, some women can't go out on the street casually, and now they have a son

Accompaniment, they are very happy, can be unrestrained, do what they like, encounter what they fancy, Sun Wukong directly packed and bought without saying a word, a local tyrant style.

The four of them are having fun! A noise was heard not far ahead, which attracted their attention...

New places, new liveliness, always attract people's curiosity.

Sun Wukong expressed some interest and walked towards the more lively street...

Night has come, the sky is completely dark, the night night starry sky, the stars twinkle.

Here, the lights are bright,! Countless people, back and forth on the road, flow endlessly! It's even more lively!

In front of a beautiful pavilion, there are rows of luxury and luxury cars! The crowd of onlookers, pointing, fishing boats, some people, looking at those expensive cars, marveled.

What's more, but looking at the gorgeous and noble Concubine Snow Pavilion, revealing a strong color of yearning! But more than that, it is disappointment and regret! There, it's almost a paradise that people yearn for!


There, only those who are powerful, powerful, rich can enter! These ordinary people can only watch from the outside, secretly envious!

"Who is this here today! Unexpectedly, so many characters with heads and faces came. A young brother stood on the side of the street, exhaling suspiciously, his eyes swept over the gorgeous carriage parked not far away, envious.

The old man with white hair next to him turned pale, and quickly pulled this small house aside, and explained softly: "Tonight is the day of the concubine snow pavilion performance, and the snow girl will come out to dance, many powerful and rich adults are here for this, you speak quietly, don't be heard, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble." "

When the little brother heard this, he quickly nodded and got up carefully.

Sun Wukong, who was not far away, heard this, showed a smile, and looked at the jade women: "It seems that we are lucky, and we will be able to see the legendary dance of the city and the country later." "

Lang Yu and the others also had some small expectations, and raised their eyes to a luxurious Concubine Snow Pavilion not far away...

The lights are shining, the light gauze is ethereal, and the beautiful and beautiful music is fluttering from it, which makes people feel pleasant and curious.

And the dignitaries who arrived here, rich and wealthy businessmen, all kinds of big local tycoons, and big bureaucrats were all invited into it by the attendants.

"Gongzi! How do we get in? Liang Yu looked at Sun Wukong with some curiosity, she knew that Gongzi must have a way.

"You can enter as much as you want, depending on the mood, but for the sake of unnecessary trouble, we still keep a low profile and go in." After Sun Wukong finished speaking, he sensed it, found the target, waved his hand, and the four disappeared without alerting anyone.... When they appeared, they were already in an attic, and in front of them there was a fat man dressed as a nobleman with his back to them.

Without saying a word, Sun Wukong directly let him sleep in a corner, and a large amount of gold flashed in his hand, and threw it directly on him: "Fatty!" That's what I paid for using this room. "

"Hee-hee boy is so interesting." Chu Chuxian covered his mouth with his hand and let out a chuckle, and couldn't help but think of the situation when he met him.

Liang Yu and Hong Yu also nodded in agreement.

Gongzi, you robbed it, and paid the other party, there is no one, but... So interesting.

"All right! I never thought I was a good person, I always looked at my mood, don't laugh, come and sit. Sun Wukong beckoned to the women, conjured a sofa, and sat down.

The women nodded very obediently, walked to his side and sat down one after another.

"Gongzi! Chu Chu felt that Gongzi was a good person, the best good person in the world. Chu Chu looked at Sun Wukong very seriously, and said with firm eyes.

Sun Wukong suddenly had a black line, although he knew that this was Chu Chu's sincere words, but it still sounded strange and a little unhappy

“MMP! Does this count... Good guy card? Is it a tragedy? Good people don't want to do what they do, too tired, good people inadvertently do a bad thing, will be alienated, think that he has become bad, and bad people inadvertently do a good thing, but are liked, because they think he has become better, this is a tragedy, in such a chaotic world, good people often do not live long, there is a saying that, good people that what, bad people that what. "

Sun Wukong is upset, so, Chu Chu is going to be tragic, and he prefers direct education to verbal education.


Feilu reminds you: three things to read - favorites, recommendations

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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 149

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