
Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 150

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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 150

Sun Wukong pulled his hand and directly hugged Chu Chu into his arms, and raised his right hand lightly, giving disobedient education.

After the education, in the midst of several beautiful women's blushing, Sun Wukong's face was serious, and his eyes took turns to look at the three daughters of Liangyu, Chu Chu, and Hongyu: "Na! I'm talking about it here, you remember it well, don't call me a good person in front of me in the future, otherwise... I want you to look good. "

"Know... Got it! Son! Seeing this, the third girl nodded very obediently.

Seeing that they all agreed, Sun Wukong showed a smile and nodded.

But... The jade who did not understand was still the Monkey King who was very puzzled.

As his woman, Liang Yu is still a little puzzled in his heart, is it right to say that he is a good person!? Why did Gongzi resist? Seeing that others also say that they like people, the other party is still very happy, and there is nothing wrong with it! Can't figure it out, really can't figure it out.

"Jade! I know you may be puzzled, so I'll talk about it! , in my hometown, if a man is said by a beauty that he is a good person, on the surface it is a good thing, there is nothing wrong, but secretly it is a bad word, a bad word that hurts self-esteem, so... Unless you want to know what it's like to be beaten, you can give it a try. "

After Sun Wukong finished speaking, he raised his eyebrows at them, his eyes looked at their beautiful places, and he thought to himself: "MMP knows that the feel is absolutely full at a glance, and I will definitely try it when I have the opportunity in the future." "

"..."The third daughter of Liangyu was stared at by Sun Wukong's gaze, her face turned red, and she did not dare to look at him, secretly paying attention in her heart...

It's all so big, if it's in that shameful place where you were beaten, it's really ... No face to see.

"All right! That's it for the joke! Come here once, let's enjoy and appreciate what this famous concubine snow pavilion is like. After that, Sun Wukong's eyes began to look...

The interior of the Feixue Pavilion is extremely ornately decorated, high-end atmosphere is of high grade, especially a stage surrounded by water in the center, which is actually carved from a whole piece of jasper, and you can see that it is worth a lot.

"This is the Flying Snow Jade Flower Platform!" Sun Wukong muttered secretly in his heart, and then introduced the three daughters of Yuyu:

"You see, the one in the center is called the Flying Snow Jade Flower Platform, it is regarded as the treasure of the town gate of the Concubine Snow Pavilion, the price is not cheap, Yan and Zhao, both sides of the Yishui, there is only one person who can climb this Flying Snow Jade Flower Platform, she is the dancer of the Concubine Snow Pavilion - the snow girl, that is, the person we will abduct later."

The third daughter listened carefully, but when she heard Sun Wukong's last words, she directly gave him a wink at the same time, that tacit understanding, no one.

Around the Flying Snow Jade Flower Platform, in the two-story pavilion, there are low tables, and the guests who come to watch are all seated on the ground, their eyes looking at the center hotly.

They are all waiting for someone.

Just looking forward to it, the surrounding rhythm changed, and a cool cold breath rose from the rise, surrounding the flying snow jade flower platform, which looked very beautiful.

Sun Wukong's face was stunned, he knew that the right lord was coming.

A silhouette, wrapped in red silk, like a fairy world, descended on the flying snow jade flower platform.

Red silk fluttering, beautiful silhouettes, emerged, revealing a pair of moving eyes.

White hair like snow, fluttering in the wind, light blue ribbons flying in the wind, adding a strange beauty...

At the same time, around the Flying Snow Jade Flower Platform, flower buds surfaced, slowly blooming, under the light of the light, reflecting the Dao fluorescence, beautiful, among which several golden lotuses bloomed, revealing a brilliant sparkle in the middle, eye-catching.

A beautiful woman who walked out like a picture scroll stood on the Flying Snow Imperial Flower Platform...

She, holding Yuxiao, elegant and standing, her face is peaceful, cold and indifferent, she, graceful, soft and tight clothing shows her perfect body vividly, graceful posture is decorated with a variety of colors, exquisite shapes and delicate ornaments, adding a bit of strange beauty to her.

This is a perfect and attractive woman, her every move can touch people's hearts, and her appearance is shocking to the audience.


Here, the silence is audible! One by one, they looked dumbfounded.

Apparently, be fascinated by the charm and beauty of the snow girl!

The next second...

She, gently moved the jade lips, the jade flute was placed between the lips, exhaled like a lan, with her blowing, the melodious flute sound slowly spread, as if it could wash people's hearts.

As she plays, the sky is covered with snow, telling people a different kind of story.

In the Concubine Snow Pavilion, some men who pretended to drink suddenly stopped their figures, listened carefully, and the wine glass broke off and shattered on the ground, still unaware... Apparently amazed.

Even Sun Wukong, Liang Yu and others were a little lost in thought.

Although Sun Wukong had seen and heard it before crossing, he was even more shocked by witnessing it at the scene.

Again, looking at the beautiful scenery on the spot and looking at the photos of the beautiful scenery, the feeling is different.

However, for a better and more moving effect, you must set off something else, and the live music, background, etc. also work perfectly.

The sight and sound can be enjoyed at the same time, and the effect is even better.

Sun Wukong's gaze looked towards the place where the rhythm was emitted, through the curtain, there, there was a luthier in a white robe, sitting on the ground, slender fingers, constantly moving lightly on the strings, making a pleasant sound.

"Gao gradually leaves, the original book will play the music of Yang Chun, it is really extraordinary, but... Not as good as mine. Sun Wukong thought secretly in his heart.


(PS: The timeline is arranged here, old irons, calm down.) )_

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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 150

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