
Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 151

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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 151

Glancing at Gao Wanli, Sun Wukong continued to look at the snow girl...

The melody slowly dissipated, and her dancing style began again, and her light dance steps, beautiful posture, and fluttering ribbons combined into a dance of the city.

The dancing is graceful, the skin is like snow, and the autumn water is touching.

Many people in the field, at this moment, were deeply intoxicated, their eyes widened, their faces were dumbfounded, their mouths were open, and they had forgotten to close.

It is enough to see how attractive this snow woman is.

The beautiful music rhythm is like the sound of heaven, and when paired with the dance of the snow woman, it seems to complement each other and cooperate just right.

Dance and music complement each other, and the Wind and Snow Rain Flower Platform has become a stage for the snow woman to show her style, and her peerless posture is at a glance.

At this moment, Sun Wukong remembered a poem that he had read in later generations, which was the most appropriate to describe it.

[Concubine Snow Pavilion Dance Tilting City, four stunning and boundless, white hair wins snow and body pours into the country, and the scourge is red and beautiful. ] 】

A dance... At the end, the snow girl stopped moving, standing in Taichung with a peerless posture, and the rhythm stopped.

The surroundings are quiet.

However, the surrounding viewers were still addicted to the picture just now and were not yet awake.

However... Just when everyone was deeply intoxicated and still fascinated,

An inopportune burst of applause, in this quiet space, seemed so loud, woke everyone up, and suddenly, everyone showed their anger in unison, and their faces turned their heads to look at the place where the sound came from...

"Snap! Syllable! Syllable! ..."

For Sun Wukong, a very interesting voice attracted his attention.

"I wipe! Is it Yan Chunjun's goods, this is coming to do something? I'm not... Ran into the plot, right? Now it's interesting, I'll watch the play for the time being. In this familiar scene that he had seen, Sun Wukong touched his chin with his hand, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Gongzi !!!" The three daughters of Liang Yu looked at Sun Wukong in unison.

"It's okay! Let's take a look at the good show, this is a good show to rob beautiful women, similar to our purpose, but people are more direct. "

"Oh!!! x3" Hearing this, the three women glanced at Sun Wukong in unison, and they looked up curiously, looking lively, women are experts.

"What people? So presumptuous. A young man in a gorgeous and rich robe looked unhappy and scolded softly.

"It won't be to disrupt the situation and disturb everyone Yaxing, right?" The other person's brows were slightly wrinkled, and his heart was very unhappy, and the words he said pulled up a proper hatred for the person who made trouble.

Next second.

"Hmph! That bastard bothered General Ben's Yaxing? To Lao Tzu... Get out. Inside the attic, there was a strong angry rebuke, accompanied by the crisp sound of wine bottles being dropped to the ground.

Everyone looked together...

The angry drinker, his face full of alcohol, obviously a little drunk, looks like a general dressed.

"Groove! As a general, if you don't control your emotions well, you have to finish playing early and late, and you are especially drunk and crazy? This wave of operations... I send you three words... Six, six, six. Sun Wukong looked at the man with sympathy.

Having read the original book, he knows this end.

As soon as the man's words fell, after a while, at the main entrance of the Concubine Pavilion, a palanquin that needed to be lifted by eight people appeared in front of everyone.



Seeing the palanquin, the people around all turned pale, and they swallowed their saliva in unison, looking very afraid.

"Fang Cai, who is scolding?" A guard said coldly, his eyes looking at everyone, and the person who looked at him quickly looked away.

“!!!" The general who was drunk and angry before directly hit the spirit, his face turned pale in an instant, and the wine immediately sobered up for most of the time, and hurriedly came to the palanquin, directly... When he knelt, his head touched the ground, and his tone trembled: "End... The last general feasted, I don't know that Yanchunjun arrived, there was a lot of disrespect, and he also invited the adult, asked the adult not to remember the villain, and asked the adult to forgive the sin. "

"Oh? It's the banquet general! "Inside the gorgeous palanquin, Yan Chunjun has a smile on his face, his tone is flat, but he looks very majestic, but he still looks like that, and the B is not small.

"The end is coming!" This flat tone made Yan Yi lower his head to the ground in fright, swaying all over his body, fearful.

Maybe it's the fear born of knowing what kind of person in front of you is and what will happen to you!

"Groove! Just now like a man... Now, it's hard for you to be a man, gee... If you know this, why bother? Emotional venting, sometimes, also depends on the situation and the occasion. "Monkey King sees a little... Pity the goods.


Yan Chunjun glanced at Yan Yi, who was kneeling on the opposite side, and his tone became calmer: "General Yan Yi!" You... What sin do you want me to forgive you? "

Suddenly, Yan Yi's frightened breathing began to become rapid, but he did not dare to answer.

"Zuo Wei, tell General Yan what crime he committed!" Yan Chunjun said lightly.

"As a clan of scholars, insulting the royal family is a capital offense!" The guard calmly said something that made Yan Yi tremble even more.

"Atonement for sins, adults!" Yan Yi was so frightened that she didn't know what to say, so she could only beg for mercy, but she was not scared to pee.

"This is the momentum of the so-called superior? No wonder when I used to work, my boss sometimes looked directly at me and immediately pretended not to do things. "

And for the actions of the drunken mad general, Sun Wukong was very speechless.

Such a person can also be a general? No wonder the country is destroyed, something can be expressed, if such a person can still be a general, then, the country ... Big problem.

I saw a left guard figure flashed, the sword in his hand, cold light flashed, in an instant, it appeared behind Yan Yi, the sword in his hand was already on Yan Yi's neck, the latter was frightened, the corner of his eyes glanced at the sharp long sword, cold sweat broke out, deeply afraid that the next moment, his head would move!

Yan Yi only felt cold, like falling into an ice cellar, he regretted it very much now, regretted coming to this concubine snow pavilion tonight, regretted that he had shouted angrily just now, now it seems that this Yan Chunjun is not going to let himself go and use himself to open the knife.

"My lord! Spare your life! Yan Yi hurriedly begged for mercy, not daring to move, he felt that his neck had been cut by a sharp sword, and a thick body flowed out, and he knew that it was blood.

When everyone around saw this scene, they suddenly felt cold, looked their heads to the side, and couldn't bear to look directly.

But they knew that this Yanchunjun was powerful in this Yan Kingdom, and he was still the brother of the emperor, and they didn't dare to provoke it, just prayed that they wouldn't trouble them.

Seeing that the atmosphere was under control, Yan Chunjun spoke up:

"Zhao Guo Music Dance, unparalleled in the world, Yan Guo Youth, Handan toddler, not getting the essence and turning to laugh at the Seven Kingdoms, and the Snow Girl's Zhao Dance... Proud and proud, the world can have the honor to see it with their own eyes, and there is no regret in this life! "

At this moment, Yan Chunjun's tone was indifferent, not hurried, and he had the grandeur of a superior person: "And General Yan's rude behavior like this... It really corrupted Yaxing, who is the concubine Xuege today, plus openly insulting the royal family, the crime deserves death, come to people! Drag out the gate... Chopped. "

The guards on both sides who got the name hurriedly stepped forward and escorted Yan Yi away, and the caught Yan Yi hurriedly begged for mercy in various ways, even the eighty old mother had a two-year-old doll to put it out, which made the surrounding spectators a little unbearable, but the fart did not dare to put it.

No way, strength does not allow.


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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 151

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