
Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 152

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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 152

Above the attic!

"Gongzi! Shall we..."

The kind-hearted Liang Yu and the others were very unbearable, and looked at Sun Wukong, intending to beg him to help and save the person.

"Jade! I know that you are kind-hearted, but kindness also depends on who you use it, judging from the situation just now, this product is a bully, thinking that you can do whatever you want with a little power, and as a general, then he treats his subordinates not to mention, maybe robbing famous women of all kinds of bad things... He did not do less, and he was also a timid and fearful general, and his existence would make more people fall into death, so, he... Not worth my saving. Sun Wukong looked at Liang Yu and explained with a smile.

"Oh!" Listening to Sun Wukong's words, Liang Yu and the others understood and didn't say anything.

Seeing this, Sun Wukong's face turned stunned and taught: "This is the chaotic world, no matter where it is, strength is fundamental, if it is you who are performing below today, and you do not have the strength to determine your right to survive, then you only have 2 choices, give in or choose death." "

"Beauty is not your fault, but being too beautiful is often a fault in itself, because it can make people who are more powerful and powerful than you desire, want to get, this is human nature, is instinct, so it is said that this kind of thing happens to Gone with the Wind, and if you want to have a say in this troubled world, strength is fundamental, you... Got it? "

After listening to Sun Wukong's words, the third daughter of Yu pondered, and after a few seconds, she said: "Hmm! Son! Got it. "

"Gongzi! That snow girl, she..." Lang Yu came back to her senses and quickly asked, she was worthy of being a kind girl! Now I am genuinely worried about others, and I have forgotten the purpose of their coming here.

It seems that excellent people tend to get a lot of likes, and this is the case.

For example, get jade! Isn't the empty mountain bird language liked by many people?

"Don't worry! If we hadn't been here today, she would have gone the other way, but we're here to rob her today, so... You know. Sun Wukong touched her jade head and raised an eyebrow at her.

Liang Yu immediately replied shyly, but he was relieved.

Sun Wukong and the others only talked for a short while, and the tragic banquet was dragged to the gate of Concubine Pavilion.

Seeing this situation, the snow girl arched: "Lord, the concubine snow pavilion is just a place for recreation, regardless of the dynasty and politics, only talk about elegance, this is not the officialdom of the royal palace of the adult, let alone the execution ground for murder, I am afraid that there is something wrong with the adult's move." "

She is also the majority of the master of Concubine Snow Pavilion, no matter what, she doesn't like to see blood here.

You cut people at the gate, who will dare to come then, here for entertainment?

"Daring, do you know who you're talking to?" Before Yan Chunjun could speak, a guard beside him hurriedly drank softly, and his tone was very unkind.

In this regard, Xuenuxiu's eyebrows furrowed slightly, she knew very well what kind of goods and what kind of existence this Yan Chunjun was in the Yan Kingdom, annoyed him, I am afraid that there would be no good results.

However, she also has her own principles, Concubine Xuege can have the current achievements, but she has worked hard to establish, if she lets this place see blood, I am afraid that she will not be able to survive well in the future.

But... If you annoy this Yan Chunjun, there will be no good results, his face is calm, but his heart is embarrassed.

Seeing that she attracted the attention of the snow girl, Yan Chunjun spoke up: "I heard that the snow girl is kind, and when I saw it today, it was really true, but this banquet, openly insulting the royal family and conniving at it, wouldn't it be that more people would dare to do this in the future?" Then what is the face of my Yan royal family? "

Yan Chunjun's tone was a little angry, and the words he said made the people around him unable to find fault, and this routine and official tone were also thieves6.

First praised the snow girl, and then said things with the face of the entire Yan royal family, leaving the snow girl speechless.

If you say it again, you don't take the Yan royal family seriously, then the next game is over.

"..."The snow girl is not stupid either, so... She was silent.

The spectators around were more careful than just now.

Nima! This product came out with the big hat of the Yan royal family, unless you don't want the Nine Clans, otherwise, you go up and ask for mercy to try? Exterminating the Nine Races is no joke, they have the right... It's just that hanging.

Seeing that the snow girl was silent and a little embarrassed, Yan Chunjun seized the opportunity, waved his hand, and a maid came out beside him, quickly holding the wine jug and pouring out two glasses of fine wine.

Lian Bu moved gently, came to him, handed him a cup, Yan Chunjun picked up the wine bottle, took a sip of Meizhi, his face was full of intoxication, and looked at the snow girl:

"This wine is called Guanghanguang, it is taken from the rare fruit wine of the Western Regions, even if it is a palace wine, it does not have such a soul-destroying taste, if the snow girl appreciates her face and drinks this cup of Guanghanguang, I will release General Yanyi, come to someone, and give wine to the snow girl."

“!" Yan Chunjun's words made the snow girl's body shocked, her face was very ugly, she was most worried and scared, but it happened...

Seeing this, a young man in the attic on the second floor sighed and whispered: "Although the wine is good wine, it can't be drunk."

A young man was puzzled: "What is the name of this wine?" "

"In the Yan Kingdom, it is already an open secret, if Yan Chunjun gives wine to a woman, it means... I want her whole person."

"This... That snow girl she... Hey..."

The two women's voices in this quiet space, although very quiet, were still heard by them.

In my heart, I sighed for the snow girl, but I was not worried, because there was a son.

Thinking of this, the women looked at Sun Wukong, and the affection in their eyes did not hide.

Feeling the gaze of his eyes, Sun Wukong directly returned a flying kiss from them, making several women answer shyly.

Feed! Feed! You're talking about love here, is it really good?

Yan Chunjun looked at the snow girl with a smile, waiting for her decision, he liked this feeling of playing with others in the palm of his hand, which made him feel super cool.

After hesitating for a while, the snow girl still took the wine bottle filled with Guanghan light, but did not drink it, but poured the wine down and poured it into the flower pond in front of her.

"Thank you for your kindness, being able to climb this flying snow jade flower platform is the luck of our dancers, to be favored by such a guest as an adult, but also the glory of Concubine Snow Pavilion, the snow girl with this peerless wine, thank you, thank you for the heavens' care for Concubine Snow Pavilion, the snow girl is the dancer of the world... Thank you, my lord."

In a clever way, the snow girl rejected Yan Chunjun's good intentions.

When Sun Wukong saw this, he couldn't help but praise the snow girl's cleverness and wit, even if she is a beauty, she is still a smart beauty, and it is strange that she is not excellent.

This scene made Yan Chunjun in the palanquin clench his fists at the moment, obviously angry, this is the first time someone dares to refuse his kindness! This is a slap in the face, and suddenly, he looked at the snow girl's face a little badly:

"That... Snow girl! This is... Refuse the king? "


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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 152

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