
Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 153

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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 153

Hearing this, the snow girl was not in a hurry, and replied with a calm face: "Why did the adult say this?" The snow lady has just received the wine from the adults, and thanks the adults, everyone, and heaven for their support to our dancers in the world. "


Yan Chunjun was so angry that he had nothing to say, just now he pressed her with the Yan royal family, and now it was her turn to use the world and heaven to press him, it was really unhappy.

"The dance of the snow lady has been interrupted just now, this is the end of tonight's performance, please come back!" The beautiful and elegant voice of the snow girl sounded again, and she slowly turned around and was about to leave.

Seeing her like this, a guard immediately shouted angrily: "Presumptuous, dare to turn your back to the royal family!" "

"And slow!" Yan Chunjun stopped the snow girl again.

The snow girl did not turn around, and her tone was very calm: "What else is going on my lord?" "

"Every city has its own legends, not to mention, this is the capital city, the famous [Lingbo Feiyan] of the snow girl... It is the biggest legend in this capital, and I hope that the snow girl can be the king..."

Hearing this, the snow girl immediately interrupted him: "Thanks to the love of adults, it's just that adults want to see this [Lingbo Feiyan], but there is still a difficulty"

"What's the difficulty?"

"The snow girl once made a vow that she would never dance this dance in front of people in this life, and if she broke her oath, she would see blood!"

"Will you see blood? Hehe... Interesting! Yan Chunjun didn't care at all, showing a smile, and his fingers tapped in the void very regularly: "Never dance this dance in front of people?" This is not difficult, in the palace, elegant and quiet, rare people, since the snow girl cannot disclose Lingbo Feiyan, then in my mansion should be the most suitable, snow girl, can you appreciate the light? "

Well, Yan Chunjun was soft and unsuccessful, and he planned to think hard and press step by step.

Hearing this, the snow girl stood quietly on the stage, not knowing how to speak for the time being!

"Come, please ask the snow girl to go back to the house!" Seeing this, Yan Chunjun waved his big hand and made a very tough decision.

The two guards immediately flashed out of the line, jumped one by one, came to the snow girl, and saluted:

"Snow girl! Please enjoy the light! "

"Please! Snow girl. "

"My lord! The snow girl still has things to deal with, so she can only visit the adults another day. Xuenu thought about it, and planned to use delaying tactics to go to Prince Yan after taking Yan Chunjun and let him think of a way, after all, now Concubine Xuege is covered by Prince Yan Dan.

When Yan Chunjun heard this, he was unmoved.

"Snow girl, let's go with us adults, so as not to lose your life." The number one master beside Yan Chunjun, the Peerless Shadow, jumped onto the Flying Snow Jade Flower Platform, snorted coldly, and looked at the snow girl with unkind eyes.

Watching the play here, Sun Wukong felt that it was time to make a move, otherwise, it would not be fun to let Gao gradually leave the guy pretending to be B, although it was not successful, but it took away the first feeling of the snow girl, it was not worth the loss.

After all, sometimes, the first person to stand up is often impressive, although Gao gradually left and failed in the end, but what is the reason for letting the girl you want to rob bear these unnecessary experiences?

Although the final shot may be effective, but... That's the case of heroes saving beauty, and he came to rob people.

"All right! The play is almost the same, it's time for me to shoot, you guys wait here, I'll go and snatch people. After Sun Wukong finished saying to the third daughter of Liangyu, his figure disappeared here.

"..." The three daughters of Liang Yu, Chu Chu, and Hong Yu gave a beautiful look in unison, and every time they heard Gongzi say that he said that robbing people was so open, they thought so.

When Sun Wukong's figure appeared, he was already in front of the snow girl, only a finger away from her, the two looked at each other, and the hot breath exhaled by Sun Wukong sprayed on the snow girl's face, full of masculine breath, and also rushed away, making the snow girl's pretty face appear touching red, and then shocked, quickly took a few steps back, opened the distance and looked at Sun Wukong.

All right! Sun Wukong did this on purpose, something that can make an impression, why not do it?

"What kind of person !!!?"

The three people on the stage were shocked, pulled out their weapons, and looked at the people who suddenly appeared in front of them, especially the Peerless Shadow, as a master, they didn't know anything about being brought to their eyes, this is very terrifying, okay!

Others were also drawn to attention.

Gao gradually left the body that was about to strike, and also stopped.

"Who am I? You don't have to know! I came here for the same purpose as you did, to snatch her. Sun Wukong looked at the snow girl and said lightly.

“!" Hearing this, the hearts of the spectators around were tight, originally thought that someone came out and the hero saved the beauty, but unexpectedly, another robber rogue came and robbed the beauty.

"Be bold! Dare to turn your back on the royal family! The other guards hadn't moved, but the guards beside Yanchunjun acted first, pointing at Sun Wukong and questioning.

The dogleg's duty is done very well, so that Sun Wukong wants to give him a thumbs up.


“MMP! Except for people who don't like to interrupt me, I hate people who tell me the most, I need to point when I am young, but I don't need you to point fingers, especially if it's a dog like you.

So... Please get out of my sight, okay? Sun Wukong said, turned to look at the guard, his eyes froze, the invisible momentum was released, the person was hit head-on by a heavy object, "poof" mouth spit blood, flew out upside down, and quickly disappeared in front of Sun Wukong's eyes, it was considered wasted...


The rest of the guards were shocked, and quickly pulled out their weapons and made a battle posture.

"Quick... Fast... Stop it... Lay down your arms!!! Seeing this, Yan Chunjun was quickly shocked and shouted, and after that, he walked out of the palanquin, his body swayed, trembling, looking at Sun Wukong, directly... Straight up...

Give kneel!

“????" Everyone around, you look at me, I look at you, and I am confused by the situation in front of you... Ignorance,

Didn't you want to give it back just now, why are you kneeling now? It's not scientific.

“?" Sun Wukong was also a little confused, and he was a little puzzled in his heart: "I didn't do anything with this product!" Why did this goods suddenly fall to its knees? Could it be that my Wang Ba Qi has increased recently? "

Thinking of this, Sun Wukong looked at Yanchunjun, who was kneeling on the ground and trembling: "Yanchunjun! You... This is? "

"Great... My lord! Forgive the villain did not find you here just now, offended the adult, please spare the adult's life, please spare the adult's life! Yan Chunjun kowtowed while saying, terrified.


The spectators around were immediately stunned, even the royal family gave the kneeling figure, who is this?

Thinking of this, Qi Qi looked at Sun Wukong, with a puzzled face, indicating that he had never seen and heard of the existence.

"You! Know me? Sun Wukong said that today is the first time to talk with this product, the last time in the Hidden Dragon Hall, it was still separated by light yarn, this guy didn't see it at all, actually knew him? It's not scientific.

"Yes! My lord! In the palace of the Yan Kingdom, I was fortunate to meet the adults. Yan Chunjun replied respectfully, puzzled to recall the first time he saw Sun Wukong in the Yan Kingdom Palace,

Although he was blonde and blond at that time, he was simply a person from his unique appearance, voice, hairstyle, tone, and way of shooting.

Remembering his strength to raise his hand to make so much destruction and the terrifying strength of visiting the Seven Kingdoms.

Yan Chunjun's soul is all risky, if the other party wants to kill him, the emperor of Yan Kingdom, that is, his royal brother does not dare to let go, he knows this, so he panicked.



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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 153

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