
Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 155

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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 155

Sun Wukong looked at Gao who was very unwilling to leave, and his tone was calm: "How?" Unwilling? To be honest, anyone will be unwilling to change it, but it doesn't work. It's all about strength, but... I see you listen well, so be it! I'll play with you, I'll not attack you, if you can stand for 3 seconds, count you winning. I don't say a word, immediately get out, relatively, if you lose, you have to get out. "

Hearing this, Gao gradually left the silence.

"You have no choice, choose to continue to stop me, and then become a waste, live in pain, wait for it to endure, die, the bonds and trusts left by relatives and friends, all disappear because of your death, or choose to play this bet with me and fight?"

Sun Wukong watched Gao Wanli with great interest, although he also knew that the villain died of talking too much, but this situation would not happen here.

You're kidding! Lao Tzu can burst the existence of the world in seconds, where is this high gradient that can burst open?

Is the gap in the realm so easy to make up? Moreover, Sun Wukong's doing this is also to stimulate him and make him stronger, maybe it will be of great use later.

The people around them pondered, Gao gradually left in thought, and the snow girl and the jade and others also pondered.

This is a multiple-choice question, when the strength is not strong, only one can be chosen between love and family affection and friendship.


"Good! I'll bet with you, what tricks will be made. Gao Wanli's face was firm, obviously figured it out.

If you don't agree, Sun Wukong will take away the snow girl, he himself definitely can't promise, if you do it, you will become a waste, if you agree, maybe there is still a chance, although I don't know what the consequences are, but, at this time, only fight.

"Smart choices and decisiveness are also one of the abilities of people who do great things." Sun Wukong looked at Gao Wanli and smiled slightly.

Hearing this, it is very complicated in Gao Wan, why are you coming to snatch my goddess, and now you are like a mentor, this is very disturbing, right?

"Ready? I made a move. Sun Wukong put away his smile and reminded.

Gao gradually left the muscles of his whole body on high alert, and then nodded.

Sun Wukong's eyes froze, and invisible waves of qi emanated...

"Boom~!" In the eyes of everyone, Gao Wanli was directly laid down, kneeling on the stage with a distorted face, looking very painful.

However, there is no on the table, and this control is really terrifying.

Sun Wukong directly added about ten times the gravity to him with his mental power aura field as in the novel, which is the all-round kind. The muscles, bones, internal organs, etc. of the whole body are all bearing, although there is the blessing of internal force, but it is useless.

If you yourself have a hundred pounds, ten times is a thousand pounds, some people may be able to carry such heavy things with internal force, but what about your internal organs? Fortunately, Gao gradually left this guy to have internal strength to protect the body, otherwise he would have played every second.


Sun Wukong directly began the counting technique, allowing Gao to gradually leave the body and mind to concentrate highly.


Gao Wanli was very unwilling, using his will and internal force, in bearing, erupting, let his knees slowly raise, Sun Wukong looked at it, almost a few centimeters! No decisive result is achieved.


As soon as the words fell, Gao gradually felt that the physical pressure was light, stood up, gasped, and looked at Sun Wukong with some complicated eyes, just now, he felt that his physical fitness had increased a lot, and his internal strength and will had improved.

"It's kind of unleashing a certain potential! He is worthy of being an important person, and he can improve when he is abused. Sun Wukong felt it for a moment and thought secretly in his heart.

In the next second, Sun Wukong showed a smile and looked at Gao Wanli: "This bet, it seems that I won!" Do you want to continue to block? "

Hearing this, Gao Wanli's face was very unwilling and regretful, and then looked deeply at Sun Wukong, and then glanced at the snow girl, and sighed in his heart: "It is destined to have a fate." "

Arching his hand at Sun Wukong, Gao gradually turned around silently, ready to leave, leaving this sad place.

Sun Wukong understands very well, as a beautiful and excellent person like the snow girl, it is understandable that he has a secret lover, and a girl with a full score of figure, temperament and ability, as a single man, can he not be moved?

He is very moved, that's why he came to rob people, but, feelings are selfish, you won't rob people, and let Gao Wanli hit your woman's attention behind her back? That is stupid, so it is necessary to break the hope of the love enemy with an absolute advantage, so that he does not dare to think of right and wrong.

That's what Monkey King did.

Suddenly, in this quiet space, there was a sound of footsteps, which attracted everyone's attention, and after taking a few steps away, he also stopped and looked back.

Soon, Prince Yan Dan's appearance appeared in front of everyone with two attendants, and what happened here was eye-catching by Concubine Xuege, sending out news, and he quickly arrived when he got the news.

Looking at the figure not far away, the snow girl's eyes first lit up, and then darkened.

The person in front of her, she was very sure that it was the one who visited the blonde of the Seven Kingdoms, even if Prince Yan Dan came, it would be useless.

“!" Prince Yan Dan, who walked in, looked around, and was shocked when he saw Yan Chunjun kneeling on the ground, and then locked his eyes on Sun Wukong, who was flying snow jade flower platform, found his extraordinary temperament, looked stunned, and quickly saluted:

"Your Excellency! In Xia Nai Yan Kingdom, this concubine snow pavilion is a place of entertainment in Yan Country, and if there is something offended, he hopes to forgive the sin. "

Prince Yan Dan arched his hand at Sun Wukong, and the etiquette and tone were in place.

Sun Wukong nodded, which was regarded as a greeting.

But to be honest, he doesn't like Prince Yan Dan in his heart, although he is a capable person and has a unique charm, he still hates it subconsciously.

The reason may be the common disease of most Qin fans, a woman who pays 100% to him like Crimson Yan, for him, a woman who can be an enemy of the whole world, it is because he does not believe in her, he will abandon her and make the beauty sad, maybe it is the environment and experience of growing up that will make Yan Dan choose this way.

However, loli is justice and beauty is justice, plus in anime, it is hinted more by the subconscious of anime, maybe it will be so annoying!

But! None of that matters, hate is hate.

"Your Excellency, this is?" Prince Yan Dan looked at Sun Wukong with some puzzlement.

"Oh! It's nothing, I came here to snatch the snow girl, and someone blocked it, so I had a fight. Sun Wukong's tone was tepid, obviously not cold to Prince Yan Dan.

"Your Excellency! You do this, too much. Prince Yan Dan's tone was very calm.

"For you, maybe! But for me, I don't think, if you like her, you will grab, if you don't rob, how to prove that you like her, whether you grab or not is a matter of attitude, and whether you succeed or not is a matter of strength. "

"This..." Prince Yan Dan and everyone were immediately speechless, this sound fine, but they thought it was wrong.

Nonsense, this in itself is wrong.

This is robber logic, you like money, and then you go to rob the bank? You like beauty, and then you go to rob beauty? Whether the other person likes it or not, whether they want it or not?

It's just that Sun Wukong wants to do this, so he has to carry out the robbery to the end.


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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 155

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