
Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 156

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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 156

After a second of silence, Prince Yan looked at Sun Wukong Dan and asked, "Your Excellency! You do this, what's the difference with those robber bandits? "

Look at your human appearance, how can you play something that is not what people should do?

For Prince Yan's question, Sun Wukong smiled and nodded: "Hmm! You're right! I'm a robber! As I said at the beginning, I'm not a good person, and I don't want to be a good person. "

Unable to change Sun Wukong's decision, Prince Yan Dan changed direction and said, "Your Excellency! Aren't you afraid that you have violated the laws of the Yan Kingdom and attracted the Yan Kingdom army to surround and hunt down? "

When Yan Chunjun, who was kneeling on the ground, heard this, he wanted to speak out and tell Yan Dan: "Don't be stupid!" It's good if people don't deal with you, you still want to go to people to trouble, are you tired of living? "

However, thinking that Sun Wukong does not like to be interrupted, let's kneel honestly! I can only pray that I don't annoy this person, otherwise Yan Guo will be finished, and then all of them will have to be played.

This kind of threat, Sun Wukong was not angry, looked at Yan Chunjun, who was kneeling on the ground and was a brother to the Emperor of the Yan Kingdom, and asked aloud. "It's a bit of a hassle! Although I am not afraid of trouble, but this trouble is very annoying, Yan Chunjun, you say, what should I do? "

"My lord! If you chase down the adult without opening your eyes, I, Yanchunjun, and the royal brother will cut off the man's head. Yan Chunjun's tone was firm, and he said the words that made Sun Wukong very satisfied.

He was very confident that between destroying the country and destroying the people, he believed that his royal brother would definitely choose to destroy the people.

Even if it is his own son, Yan Dan will be destroyed.

Thinking of this, Yan Chunjun looked at Yan Dan with unhappy eyes, warning him.

He also knows that Yan Dan has never seen Sun Wukong, does not know who he is, does not know his horror, and wants to use the law to suppress such a strong person, but people can destroy you with a wave of their hand, and the law is useful to him?

Seeing this scene, Yan Dan was silent...

He is not stupid, according to Yan Chunjun's attitude, knowing the horror of the person in front of him, in BB it is dying, what is the difference between this and looking for death?

Cleverly got the Yan Prince Dan, Sun Wukong looked at the snow girl, showed a smile, and announced the ownership very domineeringly: "Na! Snow Girl! You see, no one is stopping you now, so, you, you're my man now. "

Seeing this, the snow girl looked at Sun Wukong calmly, and shook her head without saying a word.

"I lean! What do you mean shaking your head? Talk about it! Sun Wukong raised an eyebrow at the snow girl.

The snow girl looked at Sun Wukong, still silent, and then shook her head again.

"I wipe! For women who are disobedient and uncooperative, I have never liked it very much, because that will make me feel unhappy, and I want to do something if I am not happy, anyway, you are not my person, or else? I'll hang you in front of the Concubine Pavilion, I think, then you'll be more famous, of course, in a way that people like. "

Sun Wukong looked at the snow girl, smiled toothyly, and said something very terrifying to break her coldness.

Anyway, for Sun Wukong, not being convinced means not giving you the opportunity to conquer, which is not a good signal, since this is the case, play some routines.

“!!" Listening to Sun Wukong's words, the snow girl who understood was extremely cold, her pretty face turned white, if it was really like that, it would be better to die a hundred.

Many people around showed wolf excitement

The three women in the attic were so frightened that their faces turned white, and some dared not look at their sons.

Because they know how horrible and terrifying such a thing is for women.

Of course, Sun Wukong knows the consequences, but for a cold, determined beauty like the snow girl, you have to deal a heavy hand.

This can make it faster to raid people! Whether it is a bad routine or a good routine, what can get people's hearts is a useful routine.

Even if he didn't agree, Sun Wukong wouldn't really do that, just scare her, and he didn't take the wrong medicine.

However, the snow girl does not know!

This routine is very familiar, if Crimson Smoke and Dasimei are here, they will know Sun Wukong's thoughts.

Unfortunately, the snow girl didn't know, so she was so frightened that her face turned white, and she looked at Sun Wukong with some disbelief: "You... You devil! "

"Thanks for the compliment!" Sun Wukong also smiled happily, and his heart was dark: "MMP Every man has a dark side in his heart, this sentence is really true, my special feeling... Cool about that? Cut, care about him, cool and cool, what to do with suppression, how to like how to come. "


The snow girl had nothing to say, she scolded him, but people listened to it as good words, what else could she do?

"My patience is limited, and if I shake my head disobediently, I have to do it." Sun Wukong felt almost the same, his face suddenly became very calm, looked at the snow girl, and walked into her a step.

The dual threat of language and body language crushed the snow girl's high coldness and inner defenses.

"My lord! The snow girl is just a weak little woman, why are adults so embarrassed by me? The snow girl's face was very ugly, and her tone was a little aggrieved, which made many people around deeply sympathetic, and some people looked at Sun Wukong's eyes unkindly.

Sun Wukong directly ignored those eyes, and looked at the snow girl very calmly: "Cut!" Who called you disobedient? Let you say, but you play deep and cold with me, this is not your own self-seeking? "

"Blame me?" The snow girl was very speechless and helpless in her heart: "It seems that it is impossible not to say it." "

"My lord! I once vowed not to marry for the rest of my life, so... I'm not going to be anyone's person. After the snow girl finished speaking, her eyes looked at Sun Wukong firmly, showing her determination.

Sure enough, he is a strong-willed person, and he is indeed not marrying in the original work.

"That's a bit tricky! It seems that you live in the vows of the past and cannot get rid of them. Sun Wukong touched his chin with his hand, thinking a little, and then said after two seconds: "In that case, then, you will take this oath and die." "

As soon as Sun Wukong's words fell, the figure flashed directly, came to the snow girl, and in her shocked gaze, directly pinched her snow-white neck with his right hand and raised it directly.

Look at this, it is to urge the rhythm of flowers.

“!!!!" Everyone present was shocked.

Gao gradually wanted to move, and someone was faster than him.

"Your Excellency! Please show mercy to your subordinates..." Yan Dan jumped directly and walked towards Sun Wukong at an extremely fast speed.

"MMP take a good look, if there is nothing left, jump out and find abuse, then it will be you." Sun Wukong was very unhappy, and his eyes froze at Prince Yan Dan, making him "poof" directly spit out blood, and flew out upside down faster than the original, "Boom! "slammed into the wall, and then, fell to the ground, seriously injured...

"Your Highness!!!" The two attendants were shocked and quickly ran over to help Yan Dan up.

Yan Dan's breath was a little weak, he looked at Sun Wukong in shock and fear, he thought he was a first-class master, but he didn't expect the other party to let him kneel with a look, this strength gap... How to play?

"How! High fade away! Would you like to try it too? Sun Wukong's face was a little unhappy as he looked at Gao Wanli, who was ready to act.

Gao Wanli's clenched hand directly into his palm, and a trace of blood flowed, but he still tilted his head to the side to indicate silence.

Above the attic...

"Sister Yu! Son! Son! It's scary now! Chu Chu looked at everything below, her delicate body trembled a little, such a scene made her such a well-behaved and obedient good girl, very afraid.

"Chu Chu! We have to believe in Gongzi! Gongzi must have his reason for doing this. Although her face was a little pale, she still comforted her softly.

"Hmm!" Chu Chu and Hong Yuren nodded, feeling a lot relieved.

“!!" The snow girl clutched Sun Wukong's right hand, and looked at him with an evil smile with a red face, and her eyes were very unbelievable.


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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 156

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