
Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 157

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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 157

"He... Is that the kind of person? "As the force of the hand on Sun Wukong's neck increased, the snow girl began to turn pale, breathing difficult, her eyes were confused, tears flashed in her eyes, her eyes looked upwards, and she fell into memories...

It was in the days of the Concubine Snow Pavilion...

It was also Sun Wukong who visited the Three Kingdoms, and everyone in the whole world knew the day of his legend.

And as a place where people gather like Concubine Xuege, the news is transmitted frequently, and whenever I hear many people talking about him like this with the maids, there are always many Sichun's maids talking about marrying him, because he is strong and can make them live better in this troubled world.

The snow girl was also bombarded with advertisements and hints about what they talked about, especially after visiting the 4567 countries one after another, knowing his terrifying strength, and hearing the maids talk more frequently about their desire to marry him or be his maid.

After countless free advertising bombardments and hints, the snow girl couldn't help but think like this in her heart: "If you become his person, you may really be able to survive and live better in this troubled world." "

Don't underestimate the bombardment of advertisements and hints, because they involuntarily influence our thoughts and decisions.

Listen to it once and think it's nothing, two or three times? Maybe a little impression! But what about hearing it countless times? It will be terrifying, your brain will involuntarily remember it, then react in your mind, and finally affect your thinking.

So why advertising is expensive, but there are still reasons why people are crazy to use it.

(Post-80s, post-90s, those who have watched TV must know an advertisement, "This year's festival does not accept gifts, only receive gifts??? Also, Dajidali, tonight?? So, do you know the power of hinting at routines and advertising? )

And these handmaidens think this because they have existed since prehistoric times, when the most capable leader of the group, who could lead the people to life, had the power to unite with all the women in the tribe.

And so women are also willing! Why? Because he can make them live and live better.

Genes still exist today, the simplest and most direct is the emperor, except for some more assertive women, 80% of women, want to become the emperor's women.

Because they will enjoy more, better resources and survival resources, and women compete with each other for better living resources, there is a harem fight, which is nature and instinct.

In the 21st century, the gene is still there, otherwise there would be no news of a national name husband, taking turns to change girlfriends, even in the case of higher education, knowing that the other party is a flower-hearted carrot, those women are still willing to pounce on him.

So, that's interesting.....

And when those eighty percent of the people say their wishes countless times, it is funny, and those twenty percent of the women are bombarded with advertisements and hints.

That effect... Gee...

Sun Wukong's original unintentional move, never thought that he would get such an effect, even if he got it, he would not care, not all the women he liked, he only liked what he liked.

So when the snow girl knew the identity of Sun Wukong, she was a little happy and smiled.

And now, this person who she once fantasized about becoming his person, but she wants to kill herself, really wants to kill herself.

So, she was sad, helpless, disappointed, desperate.

"I don't know, why you cry, maybe with sadness or other emotions, I don't want to know, beauty is not your fault, but having beauty itself is a mistake, and you don't have the ability to protect, that is, the mistake is compounded, originally I planned to accept you, let me bear and accept your mistake, but, unfortunately, now you live for the oath, and such you, not what I want, if there is a next life, I hope, you live for yourself, then, I will continue to bear and accept your mistakes."

Sun Wukong looked at the snow girl's tearful eyes, and said very calmly.

Listening to Sun Wukong's words, the snow girl looked at Sun Wukong deeply, and looked at him...

The snow girl really wants to tell Sun Wukong that if there is a next life, she will live by herself, and she will also be for...

"Go well!!! Sun Wukong said directly in the frightened eyes of everyone, "click", and broke the snow girl's neck...

"No!!!" Gao Wanli shouted in pain, his crush goddess was like this... He's dead?

“!!!" Everyone present who saw this scene suddenly... Stunned.

The air became very quiet, eerily quiet.

Next second.

Sun Wukong touched his head a little embarrassed: "Ah! Accidentally overexerted force, as if out of gas. "


Seeing this, everyone said in unison, such a peerless beauty, you can get your hands on it, and directly strangle each other alive? How perverted is this?

"Eh! Gao fades away, do you still want your goddess? Sun Wukong looked at Gao and gradually left.

Gao gradually left his face gloomy, silent, his eyes were very calm looking at Sun Wukong, there was a rhythm of about to open the plug-in foreplay!

"Could it be... This goods are also like Saiyans? The most important of the three points? Don't kill someone close to you in front of a Saiyan? Otherwise, kneel? Sun Wukong thought very playfully.

Above the attic....

The three of them covered their mouths with their hands, looking at everything in front of them in disbelief, didn't they mean to snatch each other? Why was it killed? Such a son! It's terrible! So strange.




The three of Liang Yu, Hong Yu, and Chu Chu looked at each other, with a look of disbelief.

Suddenly, Hong Yu's mind flashed.

"I see!!!"

"Sister Hongyu! Know what? Chu Chu looked at Hong Yu puzzled.

Liang Yu also thought of something, and showed a smile: "Chu Chu! Just read it and find out. However, Gongzi is also too good at playing, which is also too scary, really. "

"Now, the snow girl can't forget Gongzi, right?" Hong Yu also showed a smile.

"Must!" Liang Yu and Chu Chu nodded, with this experience, it is strange to forget.

Seeing Gao gradually leaving the silence, Sun Wukong sneered: "Cut!" Now give it to you, you don't want it, it's not fun, I'm almost playing too, it's time to end. "

After Sun Wukong finished speaking, he directly put the delicate body of the snow girl on the stage, the divine light in his hand flickered, and a thick life force emerged...

Soon, the snow girl's originally pale face returned to rosy, her body returned to its peak state, her heart beat and her breathing began to become regular, and then, in the shocked eyes of everyone, the snow girl opened her beautiful eyes, looked blankly in front of her, suddenly thought of something, sat up and looked at her hands, then looked around, and finally fixed her gaze on Sun Wukong...


"What... What the? "

"Hey, hey, hey!"

"This, this, this..."

"My... Sky! "


Countless people who witnessed the miracle did not know what to say, and were shocked.

"Yo! Welcome back, chick! Sun Wukong looked at the confused snow girl and showed a smile, she was so amiable.

"Me! I'm not... Dead? The snow girl looked at Sun Wukong, a little dumbfounded.

"yes! It's dead once! Or I strangled you with my own hands. "Sun Wukong said terrifying words very casually.

"You... You devil. The snow girl suddenly burst out and slapped her hands on Sun Wukong.

Sun Wukong let her slap herself, not hurting at all, letting her vent her emotions.

But this girl, it seems to be addicted, dozens of times, still non-stop?

"Hey! Chick! That's pretty much it, if you don't obey, it's strangling you once, then resurrecting, then strangling, resurrecting, until you obey. "

"You... You... You..."

When the snow girl heard this, she stopped her movements directly, and looked at Sun Wukong in horror, but she still obediently did not move.

Can you not listen? What kind of method is this, so terrifying?


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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 157

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