
Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 158

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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 158

Seeing that the snow girl was obedient, Sun Wukong was secretly happy in his heart: "What kind of cold and firm person are you, when you meet brother, you still have to be honestly obedient?" This method is unique and has no semicolon. "

"All right! It's almost time to play, it's time to go back. After Sun Wukong finished speaking, his fingers touched his eyes in front of him, and he used his ability and powerful spiritual power to directly knock everyone except Yan Chunjun, Yan Dan, and Gao Wanli unconscious.

Then, with a tap, he passed the three women of Yuyu to him.

"Gongzi!!! x3" The three of them looked at Sun Wukong with adoration and admiration, and said hello in unison.

"Hmm! Take her and we'll go back! "

"Yes! Son! Chu Chu and Hong Yu agreed in unison, and then the two of them picked up the snow girl on the ground and directly grabbed a hand one by one.

"Hey! Let me go! The snow girl struggled quickly, but to no avail.

"Snow girl! It's better for you to be quiet, otherwise, let Gongzi be unhappy, and you will be guilty again. Chu Chu looked at the snow girl very obediently and reminded softly.

"..." Listening to Chu Chu's words, the snow girl learned to be obedient, did not resist, looked around, looked at the sleepy people, and looked at Sun Wukong very worriedly: "Hey! What's wrong with them? "

"Hey what, hey! In the future, like Chu Chu and them, you will temporarily call me Gongzi, otherwise you will look good. Sun Wukong glared at the snow girl with an unkind face, and he had the rhythm of starting if he was disobedient.

"Oh! Public... Son! The snow girl was very embarrassed to speak, obviously reluctantly succumbing to Sun Wukong's lewdness. Under Wei.

"Hmm! It's okay, although it's not sincere, for the sake of being so obedient, it doesn't hurt to tell you, I just put them unconscious, half an hour later, when you wake up, you will forget what happened here tonight, as for the three of them! Not the kind of person who talks nonsense, I need them to deal with the trouble behind, so I let them go. "

"What is this ability?" The snow girl was very surprised, but then she was relieved, even such a thing as resurrection can be made, what else is unacceptable?

"Cut! There is no benefit in telling you, so it's too lazy to say, you yourself want to go. "Sun Wukong dared to perform miracles in front of so many people, and he did so with the confidence to do so.

Listening to Sun Wukong's words, the snow girl directly gave him a roll of her eyes, which was really beautiful.

"Hey! Yan Chunjun, and you two, you heard it just now! No one is allowed to tell what happened this evening, otherwise I will come to you for tea, and if you think I don't know, you can try. Sun Wukong's gaze took turns looking at them and raised his eyebrows.

"Don't worry, my lord! The villain has not seen the adult tonight, and the snow girl left voluntarily. Yan Chunjun immediately replied wittily.

"And! The people who are here tonight, I don't want inexplicable accidents in their lives, and they also have lost their memories. They don't know what happened here tonight, so you know how to do it. Sun Wukong looked at Yan Chunjun and raised his eyebrows.

"Yes yes yes! The villain knows. Yan Chunjun nodded quickly.

"Very well, and you've been in peace lately

"Yes, yes, everything is at the disposal of adults." Hearing this, Yan Chunjun quickly nodded and agreed.

"All right! That's it!. "Sun Yin just disappeared here with the four people of Liangyu, leaving behind the complicated faces of Yan Prince Dan, Yan Chunjun, and Gao Wanli...

Above the Feixue Pavilion, standing like this, it was so incredible.

"We... This is... In the air? The snow girl was shocked, and after carefully looking around, she asked Chu Chu beside her.

"Chick! This is not as good as what you see. How? Can't believe it? Sun Wukong turned his head and looked at the snow girl with a smile.

The snow girl was shocked, and she was a little speechless in her heart: "Please! Is it normal for us to stand like this in the air for thousands of meters, but there is nothing under our feet? Very abnormal, okay? But... This guy is a monster, even the resurrection of the dead can do it, with the ability to do it now... Like, not surprising. "

Sun Wukong looked at the snow girl who was lost in thought, smiled slightly, and then looked at Liang Yu and the others: "Now that the people have also grabbed it, our purpose of coming here has also been achieved, go back!" "

"Hmm! Son! The three of them nodded.

"Hey! You really came to Concubine Snow Pavilion to rob me? "

The snow girl looked at Sun Wukong and Yuyu, and she still couldn't believe it.

A legendary figure, with three beautiful people who are as beautiful as flowers, whose appearance and temperament surpass her, came to Yan Country, and they were so blatant, really just to snatch themselves?

This... Incomprehensible.

"Hey what hey. You want to call me Gongzi, call him Sister Liangyu, call her Chu Chu, call her Hongyu, except for Liangyu, you are temporarily the same as Chu Chu and Hongyu, you are a maid, got it? Sun Wukong immediately pretended to look unhappy, and then introduced her to the snow girl.

"Know... Got it! Public... Son! Looking at the somewhat angry Monkey King, the snow girl was a little scared and cried out weakly.

"Hmm! It's still obedient, then answer your question, we came to Yan Country to snatch you, I also said this just now, as for the reason! It's that I want to rob it, so I robbed it, and you know what happened just now, if I don't make a move, you can't escape the hands of Yan Chunjun's old ghost, and it will be fun to catch you in his house when the time comes. "

In the original book, he was caught in the house, and although he finally escaped from Gao Wan, he also left sad memories.

Hearing this, the snow girl thought about it for a while, and then she was very helpless, although she escaped from the wolf's den and fell into the tiger's den

"All right! Without further ado, gone. Sun Wukong divided into three doppelgangers and stood beside him.

“!!!" The snow girl's eyes widened, she was shocked, what did she see? Four identical people, can't tell the real from the fake.

What she experienced today challenged her heart.

The three Monkey Kings took Liang Yu, Chu Chu, and Hong Yu into their arms respectively, and the three women's pretty faces were a little red, it seemed that the contact with Sun Wukong made them still have a loss of shame.

The last one also hugged the somewhat dazzled snow girl into his arms, and the latter came back to his senses and immediately struggled.


A crisp sound attracted the attention of the third daughter of Yuyu.

"You... You bastard, disciple. "The snow girl blushed, even her neck and ears were red, and her eyes were very angry looking at Sun Wukong...

"I'm moving, I'll just continue, or do you want to try falling from here and falling into mashed meat?" Sun Wukong raised his eyebrows and looked at the snow girl, and his heart was dark: "MMP! Sure enough, it is worthy of the body that exercises regularly, full marks! "

The three beautiful women of Liangyu blushed and appeared, especially Chu Chu was even more tempting, they all looked at the snow girl with some sympathy, it is your misfortune to meet Gongzi, and it is also your luck.

"You..." The snow girl was very angry at Sun Wukong's threat, but also helpless, because she couldn't help it.

Can't fight and can't run, then how can you run now? She could only succumb to Sun Wukong's obscene power and chose silence.

Seeing that this snow girl's suit softened and obeyed, Sun Wukong smiled slightly, holding her surrounding light mask and qi emerged, and flew towards Han at a very fast speed...


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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 158

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