
Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 59

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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 59


Concubine Yan really couldn't bear it, looked at Sun Wukong, and said her questions very shyly and expectantly: "Hey! Son! What exactly is your name? "

Listening to the beautiful voice of the crimson smoke, Sun Wukong took his consciousness back from the skills and abilities in his brain, and said jokingly: "Well... When you are ready to be my wife, I will tell you, do you want to be now? "

"Hmph! Don't say pull down! Crimson Yan was a little embarrassed and did not accept Sun Wukong's proposal, as for what she thought in her heart, she knew.

"If you don't want to know, then rest well, talk nonsense, and correct the law on the spot." Sun Wukong was very viciously threatened.

“!!" Crimson Yan and Da Si Ming suddenly became a little afraid, and immediately put away all kinds of thoughts and became well-behaved, it seems that they also know the meaning of Sun Wukong's words.

That's it...

Here Sun Wukong sinks his consciousness into his mind to distract himself.

The two women's minds were complicated, in Sun Wukong's arms, feeling his breath and warmth, the incomparably safe chest, as time passed, let them slowly adapt, before entering a state of rest...

One night without a word.


Early the next morning.

Sun Wukong regained consciousness, felt the condition of his body, his body trembled, and suddenly the pressure increased, and his heart exploded.

"Lie ~ groove!"

“?" Crimson Yan felt strange, woke up with a puzzled face, and when he found something, his pretty face suddenly turned red, and he quickly sat up and got up...

"..."Dasimei was also woken up by his actions, and when he saw something, his pretty face suddenly turned red...

Seeing this, Sun Wukong sat up and looked at the crimson smoke and the big sime with a smile: "Crimson smoke!" Daishimei! It's a testament to your charm, and at the same time, it's also proof that I make my heart move, how about it? Are you happy? High upset? "

“!!" Crimson Smoke and Dasimei suddenly had an intoxicating blush on their faces, and their eyes did not dare to look at Sun Wukong.

This kind of words made the mood of the two women can be described as... It's complicated.

"Yo huh! Unexpectedly, is this the benefit of the times? Seeing this, Sun Wukong was secretly happy in his heart.

After that, the finger tapped, the divine light shone, and immediately dressed the two women in the original clothes, although the clothes were the same, but the materials were already different.

After being created by Sun Wukong's ability, the energy of this world would have been difficult to destroy.

Before watching anime, Sun Wukong was curious. The protagonist's clothes are rarely broken, and now, I understand, the material or something, it is not at the same level at all, and if the costumes are broken in the anime, it must be... Don't give it to see.

"All right! Up. "

Sun Wukong's hands moved, making the space sound crisp...

“!!" Being treated like this, Crimson Yan and Dasimei glared at Sun Wukong very embarrassed, and after that, they quickly put away their emotions and did so...

Then, Sun Wukong flashed and appeared on the ground, a little on the body, a flash of light, brand new clothes.

The state is good, the qi consumed yesterday is also full, and the full state is revived.

After a while, the three of them were ready to finish, walked out of the room, and in the shocked and curious look of Crimson and Dasimei, Sun Wukong turned the house into a capsule, and with a thought, he put it into his ring.

"What is your ability here?" Crimson Yan was curious and looked at Sun Wukong and asked.

"Secret! Guess for yourself! Sun Wukong snorted and showed his mysteriousness.

"Stingy!" Crimson Yan was a little annoyed.

"Want to know my secret? Yes! Give your own heart and all yours to me, and I'll tell you, Crimson! Would you like to? Sun Wukong put his head in front of Crimson Smoke and revealed an evil smile.

"..." Crimson Yan was suddenly shy, with a trace of intention in his eyes, and he wanted to agree, but he still endured it.

"How! Daishimei! When are you going to hand yourself over? Sun Wukong looked at the big master on the side and said very domineering words.

Dasimei's pretty face appeared touchingly red, and without saying a word, he gave Sun Wukong a good-looking wink for him to experience for himself.

Sun Wukong didn't care either, but he was happy about their current reaction.

As long as there is no opposition and rejection, it means that there is a chance, which is good news.

It's just that their own value doesn't make the other person make up their minds, or the other party isn't ready.

Sun Wukong looked at the beautiful scenery not far away.

Because it is seven or eight o'clock in the morning, there is still some fog in the mountains, and the sunlight shines, adding a different beauty to the mountains, forests, and scenes.

After appreciating for a while, Sun Wukong looked at them and said softly: "Today we won't play slowly, speed up, and get to the Yin Yang House as soon as possible." "

"You... Are you confident? Crimson asked with some concern.

"I don't know! If... I said if, if I was lucky enough to be alive at that time, I would rob you, snatch you to be the lady of the village, love it for the rest of my life, when the time comes... Hum! Sun Wukong looked at Crimson Yan and Dasimei and revealed a meaningful smile.

"Good! If you're still alive by then, I... I'll let you grab it. Crimson Yan figured out something, his eyes looked firmly at Sun Wukong's eyes, and his tone was firm.

It seems that after these few days of getting along, she is willing to hand over her and her all!

Alas... After all, it was in ancient times!

With Sun Wukong in the past few days, Crimson Yan believes that except for the last step of the husband and wife, it is basically the same, since this is the case... Why not give each other a chance?

Moved by Sun Wukong, love and hate, and feel that since you can't kill Sun Wukong, there is no other better choice, so give each other a chance.


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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 59

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