
Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 60

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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 60

“!" Feeling the Crimson Smoke's unwavering gaze, that firmness and emotion, conveyed to the depths of her heart through her eyes, Sun Wukong's heart trembled.

"Haha! Good! Crimson smoke! With your words, I will try to live. Sun Wukong looked serious once, showed a gentle smile, and looked at the crimson smoke gently.

"Hmm!" Crimson blushed and nodded.

"Daishimei! I won't forget you then, and you have to be ready. "Sun Wukong also did not intend to let go of the Great Commander.

"Gongzi! When the time comes, you will still be alive to say. Daishimei showed a charming smile and brushed his hair on his forehead.


"Huh! I'm happy with your performance now, I want you to go to heaven, I have two ways, which one do you choose. Sun Wukong was very satisfied with their performance at the moment and looked at them gently.

Crimson Yan and Dasimei came with interest, and asked with interest:

"Which two?"

"First, I will hold you and take you into the sky;

Second, I will spoil you like a loving husband would to his wife. "

Sun Wukong smiled and said his routine choice.

After listening to his words, Crimson Yanqiao's face blushed even more, covered her mouth with her slender hands, and smiled into a crescent moon with her eyes, revealing a charming smile, adding a different charm to her.

Daishimei's pretty face appeared touching and intoxicating, and with that charming smile, it was simply not too attractive.

"Alright! It seems that you chose the second one, that... Walk up. "

Seeing them like this, Sun Wukong hugged them into his arms, put his arms around each other's waist, took them off, and began a journey that excited and stimulated them.

This time, Sun Wukong plans to let them experience it well and take them to enjoy the joy of flying.

The feelings of the two daughters for Sun Wukong have accelerated and stabilized a lot, and at the same time, they are a lot relieved.

Because, they felt that Lord Donghuang did not have such ability, which also showed that his strength might not be as strong as him.

Fly all the way, sightseeing, relax and enjoy a bit, and head to the headquarters of the Yin Yang family in Lishan.


Because of the flight, it would have been a few days away, but it only took a few hours to arrive.

This is the result of playing slowly.

At about twelve o'clock in the afternoon, Sun Wukong came to the place specified by the system, and in the depths of Lishan Mountain, a majestic, precipitous, cliff and lofty mountain, very tall and high-grade mountain.

Although he could only see the cliff in front of him, it was Sun Wukong who sensed that there was a lot of aura not far ahead, and he was almost deceived by what his eyes saw.

"Gee! Your Yin-Yang family is really divine, and you believe what your eyes see. Sun Wukong looked at Dasimei and Crimson Smoke, and said with great emotion.

"Compared to you! I think Yin is mysterious. Concubine Yan spoke her thoughts with feelings.

Dasimei nodded in agreement.

"Let me see if anyone welcomes me." After Sun Wukong finished speaking, he let go of his spiritual power and sensed it nearby.

At the 100 meters of the spiritual power released to the surrounding range, there were many breaths, seven of which were the most obvious, gathered together, and the combat effectiveness of the strongest aura was as much as 3 times higher than that of Crimson Smoke.

"That guy is Donghuang Taiyi! The combat effectiveness is three times higher than that of Crimson Smoke, and in addition to unknown means, no wonder Crimson Smoke was caught in the original work, this strength cannot be compared! Sun Wukong sighed in his heart.

And, Sun Wukong, their figures were also discovered by Donghuang Taiyi and others, using unknown special means to float the scene in the hall, and everyone was watching.

Donghuang Taiyi, Chu Nangong, Luna God, Shunjun, Empress, Nuying, and Yunzhong Jun were all looking at him, with different thoughts.

Monkey King outside suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of gaze, and there was a feeling of being looked at.

"Yo huh! The means are indeed very mysterious. Now that you've been discovered, let's pay a visit. "

Sun Wukong smiled lightly, said very casually, held the two daughters, one teleported, and appeared in front of Donghuang Taiyi and others.

"Yo! Everyone from the Yin-Yang family. Hello guys! Sun Wukong greeted very casually, and then his eyes began to look.

The first thing to see is, of course, Donghuang Taiyi, and then to the moon god, Empress, Nuying, and then to Chu Nangong, Shunjun, and Zai Yunzhongjun.

When he looked at the three girls, Sun Wukong's eyes lit up separately.

After seeing Donghuang Taiyi was curious, seeing Chu Nangong was smiling.

Shunjun swept away, and so did Yunzhong Jun.

When Sun Wukong was looking at them, they were also looking at him.

"Your Excellency! Come to my Yin-Yang house, what's the matter? Donghuang Taiyi's tone was very majestic, imposing, and he spoke in a very manly male voice.

Hearing this, Sun Wukong let go of the crimson smoke and the Great Commandery, took a few steps forward, and said very casually:

"I know you don't like to listen to nonsense, I don't fight haha, I'll just say the purpose of coming here, there are three purposes for coming here,"

"First, your Yin-Yang Family Young Master wanted to kill me, and I killed me, so for unnecessary trouble, I came."

"Second, because I am very curious about your Yin-Yang family, I came."

"Third, I know that your Yin-Yang family has always pursued the law of the jungle, and whoever has the strongest strength can sit in a position where power seems to be very large, although I am not interested in rights, but... For some purposes, I need your strength, I want to take your Yin Yang family, and then fully help King Qin, so I came. "

“!!!" Everyone above the hall was shocked, and they were a little surprised by Sun Wukong's purpose.

How much self-confidence is needed to do this?

"Your Excellency! If you have that strength. Maybe you can achieve what you want. Donghuang Taiyi said his words very casually and sensibly.

For the very mysterious Donghuang Taiyi, as long as Sun Wukong's strength can conquer everyone, it can indeed complete your idea.

Although he can choose death.

"Beautiful! Good awareness, talking to smart people is comfortable, this is what I want to do and will do, do you come one by one, or go together? Sun Wukong behaved very calmly, and at the same time secretly praised the cleverness of Donghuang Taiyi, originally he thought that he would be brainlessly sprayed and would be pulled up with hatred, but now, when he looks at it, it is obvious that everyone has excellent cultivation, which is very comfortable.

"Your Excellency! All you said, including the two behind you? "Donghuang Taiyi is also very casual, and does not intend to do it, is it to obtain more information, or is it some other purpose?


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Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty

Crossing the Super God of Dragon Ball Begins in Qin Dynasty - Chapter 60

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